Carpe Internets!

Jun 10, 2011 20:09

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: So long, farewell, I hate to say goodgye. Goodbye...
Timeline: Less ouchie parts are here.


(In which Interceptor says goodbye.)

“Do ya really have to go?” Bulwark asked sadly, red optics gleaming with unspoken regrets.

“I am sorry.” Was all Interceptor could say in response, spark aching with the pain of being too late, too late, of you waited too long. “Prowl needs me to be there as he matures. You know what the chances are of a severely glitched sparkling surviving to adulthood without a dedicated caretaker. I - if I were to abandon him now...”

“I’d never speak to ya again.” Bulwark shook his head, summoning up a shaky smile. “I’ll miss ya, partner, but ya need to do what’s right by little Prowl. I’ll - we’ll be okay. Getting transferred to Praxus ain’t that bad. Better than going to Iacon at any rate. At least - at least ya got to stay long enough to meet Cade.”

“I called in a few favours in order to delay Prowl’s transfer to the Praxus facility.” Interceptor admitted softly, reaching out to gently stroke tiny backpanels. The black sparkling chirred gently under his genitor’s touch, settling deeper into recharge. Shuttering his optics, Interceptor fought to control his emotions. When he felt steady again, Interceptor sent a soft wave of :love/regret/love: down the creation bond and spoke softly, sadly. “Farewell, Barricade. Be good for your formatter.”

“Interceptor-!” Bulwark’s voice cracked under the strain of his riotous emotions, and Interceptor’s backpanels were painfully rigid with the same turmoil.

“Shshsh, I know. I know. Please do not... do not say anything further. I know, Bulwark. Please.” Unable to hold himself back any longer, Interceptor stepped forward, meeting Bulwark halfway as the green and black flightless flung himself into his black and white partner’s arms. “Take care of yourself. Take care of Barricade. I will be in touch, I promise you this.”

“I know. I know. I will.” Bulwark clung tightly to his partner’s frame, not wanting to let go but knowing that he would eventually have to. “I’m gonna miss ya, partner.”

As I will you.” Interceptor shuttered his optics again, hands pressed just below Bulwark’s backpanels, tipping his head forward until they were pressed helm to helm, traditional chevrons resting each against the others. They stood silent and still as they soaked in the feeling of holding and being held by their best friend, this last moment in their partner’s embrace. Eventually though, even moments that should last forever come to an end. Interceptor was forced by duty to be the first to pull back. “I... I have to go. If you need anything... anything at all, my genitor has returned from his pilgrimage. He will not begrudge you aide, nor even company, should that be all you need.”

“Okay.” Bulwark let go reluctantly as Interceptor stepped back. “See ya later, Interceptor. Ya were - ya were the best damn partner I could’ve had. Say goodbye to Prowl for me, would ya?”

“I will. I shall always cherish our time together.” Interceptor paused at the threshold, looking back at his now-former partner and their sparkling. The sparkling Bulwark had asked Interceptor for. The sparkling they had made together with joy. The pain of the separation was clear in his optics. “Farewell Bulwark, Barricade. I will always care... very strongly for both of you.”

Unable to stand it any longer, Interceptor turned and left - fled. Bulwark lunged at the door before it could close and shouted at Interceptor’s retreating back. “This ain’t forever, ya hear me! Ya bring Prowl home, Interceptor! Ya’ll come home!”

The words echoed, pained and desperate and ringing in the silence that fell heavy in their wake. There were no more words after that. Nothing else to cover the sound of two sparks breaking.

(Word Count: 611)


Man. I kill myself sometimes. I cried, people. I cried writing this piece. I was in Time Hortons waiting on my baby sister. It was embarassing.

But enough of that.

My goal is to get everything I've written while I was AWOL posted. I can only hope that it does not consitute as spamming the f-list. Don't be afraid to tell me to slow down.

In other news, I am massively allergic to bug and spider bites. Not like, hives and anaphylactic shock massive. More giant red itchy bumps the size of my knuckle that can develop into small localized rashes if I scratch 'em too much. Now add that to living on a farm and a Spring in which it has rained at least four days out of every week. The mosquitoes are masive, numerous, and think I'm an all you can eat buffet.

It's less than comfortable.

Here there be dragons! Intermittent net connections make it hard to get my dragons named again. Rwar, life. Rawr I say.

transformers fanfic, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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