I really should be sleeping right now...

Jun 05, 2011 02:27

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Lookit! It's the birth of an itty bitty copcar. XD (And really this explains so much about him...)
Timeline: Rest of the ficsation is here.


(In which there is Rejection.)

“It’s not mine.” The pale Skyborn turned away from the sparkling held in Interceptor’s hands. “Take it away.”

“Spectre...” Interceptor looked uncharacteristically helpless, unable to do anything to change the situation a hand.

“No. I can’t feel it! It’s not mine!” Spectre glared briefly at Interceptor and his burden, just for a moment, before looking quickly away, wings vibrating like he had seen a ghost. “I told you before! Leave me alone!”

“I understand. Please accept my apologies for disturbing you.” Inclining his head politely, Interceptor turned on his heel and left the recovery room Spectre had been placed in before the Skyborn’s trinemates made up their minds to evict him themselves.

The last few cycles had been crazy. Once it became apparent that the newspark had begun separation a quarter of a vorn too early, even for a Flightless spark, the Skyborn had been rushed to the medical facility. Still, the trauma of the situation had been enough to shatter the creation bond between Spectre and their offspring. They had all counted themselves lucky when the newspark had proved both stubborn and strong enough to survive the initial format of its protoform. Then it became irrefutably apparent that there was no bond between Spectre and the sparkling. The medics had tried to prepare Interceptor to expect the worst. The sparkling was not likely to survive long if the bond between it and the carrier had already broken. Interceptor had demanded to hold his creation and refused to be denied until the sparkling was finally placed in his arms. It was immediately obvious that the bond between Interceptor and his creation had held strong and true.

“I don’t understand it.” The medic said to Interceptor, following the new parent down the hall and shaking his head. “In Rejection cases this extreme it’s all or nothing. Either both parents manage to hold on or both lose the bond to the sparkling. It’s the most telling sign for if the sparkling is going to make it or not. I have never seen one creator disconnect completely while the other creator is bound completely. It’s almost as if this was done on purpose.”

Interceptor nodded along solemnly at the medic’s explanation, refraining from commenting on the matter.

“Thank you for all you have done to help.” Interceptor said softly as they drew nearer to the exit. “I will remember it.”

“My pleasure, Guardian!” The medic said cheerfully, and departed after one last considering look at the most recent medical miracle to enter the world. “Don’t forget to finish the paperwork!”

“I will not.” Interceptor assured the mech, having already completed the tasks that assured him full legal custody of his creation.

Left alone for the first time since the beginning of this cycles-long debacle, Interceptor’s expression grew weary and darkly contemplative. It had only been when the medic spoke of deliberate sundering of the bond that Interceptor recalled the disappointed frown Spectre had worn when the newspark’s tests had identified it as Flightless. Spectre’s sin was his pride, as it was for most every Seeker, but the pale Seeker was worst than most, and he had so wanted his creation to fly. Oh, Interceptor knew that there was no form of malice involved, but Spectre’s disappointment in the result of their ‘mutual mistake’ may very well have encouraged the premature separation of the newspark and was most likely responsible for the creation bond being utterly dissolved only on Spectre’s part.

“Interceptor!” Bulwark shouted, leaping up from his seat in the waiting room, jarring the other Flightless from his melancholy thoughts and bringing Interceptor’s attention back to the here-and-now. “Is that it? Lemme see! Lemme see!”

As always, his partner’s exuberance made Interceptor smile despite himself. In spite of his name, Bulwark was slight and slender, not a mini-build, but obviously on the smaller side of average. Instead, like it was with most Seekers, it was Bulwark’s personality that gave meaning to his name. A bulwark of compassion, Interceptor’s patrol partner was perhaps one of the best things to have ever happened to the exceedingly serious Guardian.

“Thank you for staying, Bulwark. You did not have to.” Interceptor smiled gently at his bouncing partner, feeling most of the chill leave his spark. “Would you like to meet him?”

“Of course I stayed!” Bulwark looked affronted that Interceptor would suggest he do otherwise for all of two clicks before bounding over to peer down at the sparkling Interceptor was ever so carefully cradling in his cupped hands. “Oh wow! I never expected him to be so small! I mean, they tell us about it, but seeing it’s a whole other thing. What’s his name?”

“I know what you mean.” Interceptor looked down at his sparkling with amazed pride glowing brightly in his optics, lightly touching the bond to his creation and relishing the feeling of :tired/warm/safe: that greeted him, a trusting warmth that overlay the still so new consciousness that spoke of :hunting in silence: at its core. “His designation is Prowl.”

“Prowl.” Bulwark said the name slowly, like he was testing it for suitability before use. “It fits him, I think.”

“So glad you approve.” Interceptor responded dryly, and smiled helplessly as his partner laughed and dragged him out of the medical center towards home.

(Word Count: 882)


Told you I'd be posting again soon. And yes, I realise that this is technically tomorrow. Get over it lovies!~♥ I'm sure y'all aren't of a mind to quibble over the semantics of the situation.

And here there be dragons! I got some of the little bitty ones on my fist clicks! Yay me. ^_^

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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