Time Enough Masterpost

Jun 04, 2011 12:45

Title: Time Enough
A Worlds Finest/Batman Beyond Fanfiction
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Rating: PG (so far? I’ll let you know when this changes.)
Warnings: Time Travel, TWT, canon cherry-picking, slash, violence, mentions of character death, alternate realities, something like crack, language
Pairings: Match/Terry McGuiness (aka Shadow aka Batman), Clark Kent (aka Superman aka Kal-El)/Bruce Wayne (aka Batman)

Summary: Batman hates time travel. Terry especially hates it when time traveling psychotics destroy his timeline. Yeah, okay, so Old Man Wayne managed to stop the bastard. Whatever. That still means that Terry is stuck in a past that isn’t his own, in a reality just familiar enough to be painful. And all he has left from his old world is a busted TARDIS, a bratty little brother with PTSD, and a dog big enough to make apartment hunting difficult. He isn’t even Batman anymore, he’s just… the Shadow of the Bat. (Plus, the less said about his newly acquired stalkers the better.)

in which things start with a bang.
In which Superman is made aware of some changes in his clone's relationship status.

series: time enough, timeline, fanfiction, dc fic

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