Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression A Transformers G1 Fanfic Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko Summary: Faberge is in his happy place right now, please do not disturb. Timeline: More fic here!
You think moths fly like broken? Ever seen a crane fly? At least the crane flies over here don't fly, they stumble through the air. EEW!
I don't know if I should feel happy for Mirage that Faberge loved him and was proud of him or sad because Faberge saw him also mainly as a way of revenge. Poor Mirage.
I could probably give you a mountain dragon. Only blue, though. Two problems, though: a) I've never traded before and I've got no idea how it works. b) our different time zones.
*laughs* The comment was my sisters. As for Cranes - no never seen one. I don't suppose Herons count? Well... Faberge loved Mirage even though he was insane, was happy his creation did not take after an amoral rapist, and Faberge never got violent even thought Mirage was the result of rape. So be happy for him - Mirage could have had it much worse.
No, not that kind of crane. Idiot-me didn't know how to translate the word "Schanke" into English and trusted a translation service. Unfortunately apparently Schanke is also used for a bird somewhere on this wide world. What I meant is some kind of great, long-legged, not-blood-sucking wanna-be moscito that don't know how to fly but do it anyway. They are creepy.
Kind of a fat, giant biting fly about the size of your thumb? If it's what I THINK your talking about, in the part of America where I live at least, those are called horse flies, I THINK mostly because they bite horses more than anything else? I could be mistaken on that bit, though.
Beautiful work once again; your Transformers work makes me happy inside.
As to the Mountain egg request, I'm fairly confident I could grab one for you and/or breed one (the male finally grew up today, so I have one from each gender in the 'normal' purple-red-blue colors).
Never done a transfer before, but I've heard 3 different ways it can be done.
I suspect that if Faberge's wing-mates had survived, he WOULD have been able to have his wish fulfilled. Likely though, by that time, he considered death a mercy. Poor Mirage.
Yeah... I'm thinking that Faberge had at least met one of his potentials before being stolen - or maybe they met in the breeding mill lab - something like that. Yeah.
Comments 30
I don't know if I should feel happy for Mirage that Faberge loved him and was proud of him or sad because Faberge saw him also mainly as a way of revenge.
Poor Mirage.
I could probably give you a mountain dragon. Only blue, though.
Two problems, though: a) I've never traded before and I've got no idea how it works. b) our different time zones.
Idiot-me didn't know how to translate the word "Schanke" into English and trusted a translation service. Unfortunately apparently Schanke is also used for a bird somewhere on this wide world.
What I meant is some kind of great, long-legged, not-blood-sucking wanna-be moscito that don't know how to fly but do it anyway. They are creepy.
That is true, Mirage was luckier than some. ^^"
As to the Mountain egg request, I'm fairly confident I could grab one for you and/or breed one (the male finally grew up today, so I have one from each gender in the 'normal' purple-red-blue colors).
Never done a transfer before, but I've heard 3 different ways it can be done.
Also, on when Mirage inevitable turned against his for harming his flock. - do you mean "inevitably"? :D
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