"Like an elf to a flame" "Don't you mean moth?" "No I don't like moths they fly like they're broken"

Sep 16, 2010 18:35

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Faberge is in his happy place right now, please do not disturb.
Timeline: More fic here!


(In which Faberge is cracked.)

Faberge looked at the hatchling curled up in his lap. Mirage was the only thing that reminded him of joy in his unmaker-cursed life. Yet even that meagre happiness was wrought with sorrow and countless aching regrets.

His sparklet was so young, so very innocent. Mirage carried none of the corrosion, none of the rusting sins of his accursed genitor. Even the mechlet’s colours were all Faberge, cool blue and gleaming white and sharp burning gold optics.

It soothed Faberge to see nothing of his rapist in his offspring. Even in defeat he had won, the creation he had suffered so to bring into being was nothing of that mech's. Mirage was Faberge’s, in every way there was to be. It was painfully endearing to see Mirage attempt to emulate Faberge in action and demeanour, seeing his Formatter’s aloofness as poise rather than spark-deep suffering. Every time Mirage snuck into see him, Faberge knew that he had won the war against the mech who had so callously clipped his wings. The bond between Faberge and Mirage was staticky, strained by Faberge’s constant agony and steadily growing madness, but it was strong despite all that, and assured the imprisoned Seeker of his ultimate victory.

Mirage was Seeker born, through and through. Ignorant of his heritage, yes, unable to hear the skysong, perhaps, maybe even blocked from the windbond. Yes, all that and more, but still undoubtedly Seekerkin. Faberge smiled dreamily to himself and wondered if he would be able to remain sane long enough to enjoy the look on the arrogant dirtcrawler’s face when Mirage inevitably turned against him for harming his flock. There was no bond between Mirage and his genitor to stop the young Seeker when that time came. The Tower’s mech who had imprisoned him distained such a bond as a weakness, such delicious irony it would be when Faberge’s tormentor realized his hubris.

Faberge smiled, dark and gloating, a knife-blade in the shadows as he pet his slumbering hatchling’s helm and back, wondering idly what Mirage would have looked like with wings.

(Word Count: 345)


... And now we know where Mirage gets it from! Yey? >.>

Anyway, some time ago someone asked for some Mirage and Faberge quality time, and I was inspired! And wrote some Faberge PoV. Yeah, he's not in a good place. Rather poetic little drama queen though, innit he? XP

Good things are happening to me! I got two cheques from the government yesterday AND I got hired! I start work on Monday! Yay! I'll have money soon~♥

Here there be dragons! So I have failed to catch a Mountain Ridgeback egg FIVE TIMES today. The usual bribe stands. I'll write something for the series/character/scene of your choice if you can provide me with the dragon egg in question.

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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