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May 29, 2010 00:35

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Oppression
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: The only thing worse than thinking you're the last is having that fear confirmed.
Timeline: More fic here.


(In which Skids makes a discovery.)

As a theoretician, Skids enjoyed a rather calm lifestyle. As one of the few mini Seekers in Vos and a Flightless to boot, he had never needed to worry about having to go play toy soldier for the Senate. As an un-bonded mech whose only sibling had been deactivated alongside her trinemates while trying to prevent the capture of her sparkling, he had no flock to demand his attention. In what was half wistful ritual, half an attempt to spend a few breems not thinking ‘what if’, Skids set aside time very cycle to read the general announcements. Courtships, bondings, trine formations, deaths, formattings, upgrades, graduations - tiny bits of information that others may take for granted but reminded Skids that there was a life outside of his lab. He may choose to abstain from participating in it, but life was there.

His favourite notices were the affirmation ceremonies, when newly sparked hatchlings were formally connected to the windbond or when stolen kin returned home and were welcomed back with due ceremony. Skids always saved those notices for last, putting off reading them in combined resigned disappointment and lingering hope. Reading the list of affirmations always brought him joy and pain in equal measure.

His self-allotted break time nearly over, Skids read the latest update on the Affirmation Ceremonies scheduled for the next megacycle.

Skids hit his top speed two strides out the door, leaving a broken datapad and a dented keypad behind him.


The mini Foehn rounded the last corner, ramped off the bridge, transformed midair, rebounded off a nearby pillar and was through the temple entrance before any of the priests could react. Ignoring the bemused looks following his headlong rush, Skids followed a faint, thin trail of connection that he was half convinced was only his imagination.

Skids burst into the antechamber, and there she was. As tall as his sister had been, with her formatter’s gold optics, all-over red that matched his, matched his sister’s, but none of the blue from his formatter that was so predominant on him. The blue had skipped his sister too. Her creation looked just like he had expected her to.

Surprised gold optics locked on his, gold marked sensor panels rising in a defensive, startled reaction to his abrupt, high-speed entrance. Flightless, like he was, and her panels had his patterns, even though they were done in his sister’s colours.

“Bullseye.” Skids managed to say at last, too overwhelmed to vocalize anything more. He stumbled forward, reaching for her, not truly believing that this could be real, fearful that it would fade, just another recharge phantom. Her claws caught his, real, solid, not a figment of his imagination as two sets of identically marked back panels swept up and out, rebounding and strengthening the signals that that sang with the joy of reunion.

Here you are here! I am here! Love you mine! Missed you wingkin!

Shared grief, paired joy, a long dormant flock bond lighting up, strong and sure and true, like a circuit snapping back into alignment.

“Bullseye, you survived.” Skids choked on a laugh, looking up at the red Gregale with suspiciously bright optics. “I don’t know what you’ve have to suffer through, sparklet, but you survived. That’s all that counts. You survived and returned and there are not enough words in any language to express how much joy that fact brings me. I’ve missed you terribly, sparklet. Loosing you, loosing my sister… it nearly broke me. I haven’t been living since you’ve been gone. I feel like I’ve just woken up out of stasis, I feel so much.”

“… Skids? I remember you, I think.” Bullseye stared down at the blue mini flightless with the familiar face and the even more familiar sensor panels. “You’re Trix’s brother! I had forgotten - I’m so sorry, I should’ve tried to send word, but I was so sure that I had no wingkin left…”

“It’s all right. I know what happens to the sparklings taken. I’m one of those assigned to study the after effects of the forced bond breakages. What that sort of thing does to a mech, let alone a Seeker is horrible. I don’t blame you for feeling alone, and scared of finding out exactly how alone you’ve been left.” Skids vented a soft sigh and stepped back a little, re-established flock bond relaxing into something a bit more sedate. “So where have you been hiding yourself then? It can’t have been in Vos, I’d have read about it even if I wasn’t informed.”

“I’ve been living in Tyger Pax with my sparkmate and our winglet.” Bullseye admitted readily. “It’s not Vos, but it’s nice enough to call home. My mate is somewhat unsure of her welcome here.”

“Oh?” Skids panels shifted in a quick scan. “She’s an Outsider then? Looks like you take after my Tor in more than just looks. He and his trine mated an Outsider too. It’s where I get the blue optics from.”

“Cliffjumper comes by the colour honestly then.” Bullseye said with a soft chuckle.

“Is that his name?” Skids asked, nodding to the recharging sparkling mostly hidden under Bullseye’s left panel.

“Aye.” Bullseye cast a fond look over her shoulder. “Being formally connected to the windbond wore him right out.”

“That’s understandable.” Skids said, leaning over to take a closer look at the tiny red Flightless. “What of your mate?”

“Hiding until her travel permit expires and she can ask to leave without loosing face.” Bullseye snorted softly. “She’s a mite prideful, my Meanstreak.”

“Tell me more.” Skids said, taking Bullseye’s hands in his own, optics shining. “Tell me everything.”

Cardinal stepped back with a pleased smile, glad that there had been no need for him to interfere. It was always a spark-warming occasion when flock found each other again. The smile lingered until long after the priest had made the notation in the flock census records. It would be quite the surprise for Skids to see his own name in the announcements when he checked on the next update.

(Word Count: 1010)


So other than this fellow showcased above, there is only one more Seeker agent among the Autobot's to do a back story for. (And one more lost Seeker. But he's complicated, and I shall get into that at a later date. I want him to be a surprising surprise.) Some of you will be a bit surprised to find that I'm writing in mostly-chronological order for a bit. You've all heard already that I made a list of scenes what need writing, and I've taken to working my way down the list when I have nothing better to do. I've churned out quite a few scenes as a result.

In other writing news, I have been attacked by a rabid oneshot bunny that isn't taking no for an answer. Just for curiosities sake, how many of you want to read some sticky WaveScream tentacle porn?

In real life news, I am still looking for a second part-time job (or just one full-time job so that I can stop working for my mother.) Handed out some resumes today and have a good feeling about several of the places I went to. I'm actually hoping that I get hired at the curios shop called "Green Earth" (I want the employee discount to buy swords and dragon shaped pariphenalia. XD)

On the fishy frontier, I have bought two new betta's. One is an ice blue longfin dragonscale with dark blue edges, who I have named Overcast. The other is a black half-moon doubletail with blue and green rays on his fins in addition to some speckles on his body, who I named Airwave. Slipstream is quite pleased with me and the new guys are bubblenesting like crazy. which is awesome. I hope to do some breeding this summer if Slipstream cooperates and ovulates. I also vacumed my mother's fish tank tonight. It was gross and there is alge stuck to the inside of the tank. I can't get it off and may need to purchase a heavy-duty scrubber thing to get it off.

We're showing the house again tomorrow morning. Primus, I wish the house would just sell already.

Here there be dragons! Check it out! For once I stayed on top of things and managed to snag the new releases. I kinda want to grab a second Dawn/Dusk egg and the third version of the Lush Green egg for sure. But look! I managed to breed an Orange Scale egg on the first try! I'm special. XD I am also exceedingly amused that Sideways gendered female.

fish tales, transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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