(no subject)

May 21, 2010 22:02

Title: Before Dawn
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: It had to happen sooner or later.
Notes: This is a combination of katsuko’s ‘Seekers are younglings in adult shells’ bunny along with my own ‘the government steals Seeker sparklings’ bunny. They bred and the resulting spawn produced this nifty little Rings-verse AU.
Timeline: More of this AU here.


(In which some things turn on and other things turn off.)

There to this cycle remain certain places on Cybertron that, for the given value of the word, are still intact. Select locations the War had brushed by, given a bit of a shake down, and then left well enough alone for the duration of the hostilities. Some things even the Decepticons, half-mad from desperation and energon depletion as they had been in the beginning, would not destroy without a damn good reason. The Crypts, the Hall of Heroes, such cultural and theological centers were quietly let be. No on commented on it. The Autobots did not want to jinx it, and the Decepticons did not want to have to own up to doing it on purpose. The places in question had no real tactical value (and as megalomaniacal as he was, not even Megatron could really be at ease with blasting the pit out of Primus’ places of worship for no good reason) and so they could abide undisturbed by the currents of War.

After the Council purge, government buildings were promptly ransacked and summarily abandoned, being that they were big shiny targets that the Decepticon’s could not be emotionally manipulated into leaving alone. They proceeded to gather dust and many sat curiously untouched by the War, barring the occasional bored Decepticon patrol and stray missile during firefights. Many of these dark, disused complexes had been stripped to the bare walls, nothing useful left behind by either faction long before the planet wide shut down. Still, some locations were secret and remained untouched, either by accident or design. These hidden structures sat hidden in the dark, barren corners of the near dead planet, waiting to be discovered, maintaining systems on the bare minimum of energy stored internally and unconnected to the planetary grid.

One such place, running on a comparatively large store of independent energy, was remarkably close to Decepticon core territory. Near enough that when Shockwave used the latest energon shipment from Earth to reactivate some of the perimeter defences and security systems, the surge of energy tripped a long dormant sensor node. The secret compound began to draw off the main grid once more. Not much, and not nearly enough to show up on Shockwave’s expenditure checks, but just enough for certain systems to come online again out of deep power-save mode.

In the impenetrable shadows of the long-hidden government high-security prison the numbers ran down. A small pinprick of light flashed once, twice, and changed colour. A signal was sent out, keying in the correct code. Locks were released with the rusty sound of neglected metal scraping neglected metal. A small hacking device shut down completely, its mission completed at last. A door slid open in the dark, moved forcibly by sharp talons when the gears jammed.

The shadows under Cybertron were filled with wings.

(Word Count: 468)


For being such a short piece, I fully expect to be mobbed by speculation. Or accurate projections based on foreshadowing. Whatever. *shrugs* This'll prolly be the shortest bit I write for this AU, but it's rather significantly important to the plot, in the long run. I'm sure you'll all be able to figure out why. (If you can't, perhaps I need to re-examine the difference between 'subtle' and 'inscrutable'. Yes, self, there is a difference.)

I got my hair done today. Unfortunatly purple was a no-gp because it turns grey after a few washes. So I looked at the book and found something called "red-violet" which turned out to be a very nice fushia, which on dark blonde hair is purple enough to pass. XD So yay! I have purple streaks in my hair. They're very fetching. XP

Torus' feet are healing, slowly but surely. His right foot is less swollen than his left, but the scabs came off his left ankle already and are just starting to peel on his right... and that's probably more that you all wanted to know about my horses medical condition, eh? XD

I... am behind on my schoolwork. Yay procrastination! Or... bad. Er. Hm. Idea! Since I'm horrible about deadlines when it comes to teachers, but love the feedback you guys give me, who wants to read the original stuff that I'm writing for class? It means that I get more motivation to complete my work, and my darling F-list gets to see what's taking time away from my fic writing. XP

Here there be dragons! Please send boy-type energies to the purple egg... and the Neotropical one too. XP

series: before dawn, transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, dragons

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