Disney movies are the reason I don't have a boyfriend.

May 08, 2010 20:11

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: War
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Sometimes destiny is nothing more than being in the right place at the right time.
Timeline: More fic here!


(In which the war begins.)

It was a storm of laser fire, lancing like lightning through the clouds of dust kicked up by the explosions. Walls crumbled with thunderous crashes that echoed over the screams of the wounded and dying. It was chaos and destruction incarnate. It was the first open battle Cybertron had seen in an age. It was war. It was also distinctly one sided. The Peacekeepers and the Elite Guard were completely unprepared to face an army such as the Decepticons had mustered.

Starscream crouched atop a half demolished wall, looking out over the battlefield with an impassive expression. It was safe enough to break character here where there was no one to see.

Movement, picked up by battle-ready sensors and sharp red optics had Starscream fading back into concealment. A band of Elite Guard soldiers darted into the alley below Starscream’s perch. Two of them - the leader and his Second - Starscream recognized easily, and a smirk bared sharp denta as he did.

::I’ve located Sentinel Prime.:: Starscream transmitted over the trinebond to his mates. Thundercracker and Skywarp were close by, overseeing the battle from positions a few blocks to either side of their trine leader.

::Do you need us?:: Thundercracker asked calmly, already moving towards Starscream’s position.

::Prowl is with him.:: Starscream’s processor was running through strategies as he plotted a way to take the Praxian out of the equation without hurting him too badly.

::Interceptor’s creation? The one with the glitch?:: Skywarp asked, feelings of disquiet flickering over the bond. ::That’s bad. Reports from the wings have Megatron hunting Prime’s group. We need to get him out of there soon if we want to keep him alive.::

::I know that - wait.:: Starscream watched in relief as Prowl nodded sharply to his leader and the group of enemy soldiers split. Half following Prowl as he headed out towards the Peacekeeper command bunkers, and the rest stayed with the Prime as he stood looking out over the battle from the mouth of the alley. A purr of satisfaction coloured Starscream’s mental voice. ::Sentinel has sent Prowl off to coordinate the evacuation. The failure of a Prime is all alone with his grunts. Skywarp, contact Megatron with these coordinates, remember to play the loyal fan. Thundercracker, take over commanding the wings.::

::Megatron’s on his way.:: Skywarp sent as Thundercracker’s presence faded slightly, his attention turned elsewhere. ::You mind having some backup until Megatron shows up?::

::You’re too kind, love.:: Starscream smirked, leaping from his hiding place and laughing aloud at the terrified looks on the faces of the Elite Guard as the two Seekers descended on them like Furies.

The rush of battle fuelled his actions in a way the simulator had never been able to mimic. Starscream could feel Thundercracker and Skywarp riding the same tailwind of excitement and battle lust. It was almost pitiful, how easily the Elite Guard fell in a fair fight.

This is what pinioned us? This is what caged us? Terrorized us? Stole from us? This? They are weak. Weak! No more. No more nightmares. No more ghosts. No more regrets. We are Seekers! We are strong! We will be free!

The feeling of retribution paid in full echoed and reverberated through the windbond, driving the Seekers into a wrathful frenzy until there were no more enemies left to destroy.

Intakes and vents running hot, fans whirring, Starscream dropped the last Guardsmech to the ground, smiling as Skywarp looked at him with burning optics and a hungry chuckle, kicking the greying shell of another Guard out of the way. The Elite Guard squad was decimated down to the last mech. Sentinel Prime was slumped against a wall, surrounded by the remains of his followers. The look on his face when he recovered from the grazing shot of Starscream’s nullray was priceless.

“This… what have you done? Traitors!” Sentinel Prime lurches to his pedes. “I knew you slagging Seekers couldn’t be trusted! We should have gotten rid of you defective drones vorns ago!”

“Ah, my dear Sentinel Prime. Charming as always I see.” Starscream ignored the damage report flashing across his vision. The wounds were minor enough not to impede him in flight or a fight and that was all that mattered. The Seeker smirked, venom lacing trough him words despite the false pleasantness of his tone. “Really, one would think that stealing our sparklings and experimenting on our kin would be more than enough reason to take action, and still you call us traitors? You act as if we held any loyalty to you in the first place.”

“You - you savages should never have been given the ability to spark! Who knows what a helpless sparkling left in your care would have to suffer. They were better off in the care of mechs with real emotional programming!” Sentinel Prime snarled, fighting the sluggishness in his limbs left behind by the strike of Starscream’s weapon.

“A mech whose emotional range goes only from angry to arrogant has no right to lecture me about complex attachment programming.” Starscream’s optics blazed in rage but the Seeker just flicked his wings, glancing to the side as he grinned unpleasantly. “But as enjoyable as this conversation has been, it has come to an end.”

A massive dark form stalked up behind the two Seekers, who both stepped gracefully to the side.

“Greetings, mighty Megatron.” Starscream murmured with wicked, gleeful intent. “We’ve been entertaining your guest while we awaited your arrival.”

“So I see, Commander Starscream.” The look Megatron gave the pair of Seekers and the scattered remains of their enemies was both calculating and approving. Megatron turned to Sentinel Prime with all the crowd pleasing drama of the champion gladiator he still essentially was. “Now Prime, prepare yourself for death!”

With a roar of challenge, Megatron leapt.

And after a swift, savage battle…

The Prime fell.

Megatron stood triumphant over the shell of his enemy, splatters of energon, coolant and mech fluid drying on his frame. Smiling, sycophantic, Starscream approached, wearing an expression of admiration, his manner beguiling.

“An impressive display, Lord Megatron.” Starscream slid closer in an elegant motion, bowing his head with a smirk. “I am wondering if you would object to me acquiring a small… souvenir to commemorate the day.”

After scrutinizing Starscream for a long moment, Megatron stepped aside, indicating Sentinel Prime’s fallen, offline form with a sweep of his arm, optics gleaming with cautious curiosity. “Go ahead.”

“Lord Megatron is most gracious.” Starscream murmured, low and private as he offered the gladiator a slight, taunting smile and then dug his claws deep into the fallen Prime’s chest plates. Sentinel was dying, but not yet dead, and the pain of Starscream’s hands ripping through his systems was enough to pull him out of stasis lock. A tortured scream of horrendous pain rang out, rebounding off the walls and drowning out the sounds of the nearby battle. Megatron’s expression was admiring as Starscream tore through still active systems with ruthless intent. Starscream made a small noise of satisfaction and wrenched his arms out, fluid spilling over his forearms, wrists, and hands to rain down on the dusty street. Sentinel Prime fell silent and grey as Starscream stepped back. Faint blue light flicked within gold metal as Starscream turned to show Megatron the dripping spark chamber.

“May I keep it?” Starscream asked demurely, shy smile undercut by the vicious gleam of satisfaction in his optics.

Megatron laughed, startled and impressed by the display of savage cruelty.

“Of course you may, my dear Air Commander. It is a fitting memento of our first victory. The first of many!” Megatron turned to where the thick of battle still raged. “Now come, let us finish this!”

Megatron charged towards the front lines as Starscream and Skywarp launched themselves up into the sky.

~ “So what was that about?”~ Skywarp asked as they touched down on a rooftop. ~ “I didn’t think sadism was your thing.”~

~ “It’s not.”~ Starscream replied as Thundercracker joined them. ~ “But Megatron doesn’t know that and I wanted to take care of something before the thought occurred to anyone else.”~

~ “The Decepticons have won.”~ Thundercracker announced, looking askance at the grisly trophy in Starscream’s hands. ~ “Megatron’s going to start screaming for us soon. What’s going on?”~

~ “If you would give me a moment.”~ Starscream requested, tossing away dead, grey metal until gold and blue gleamed in his hold.

~ “Hey, isn’t that…”~ Thundercracker stared, optics wide in shock and startled revelation.

~ “The Matrix of Leadership.”~ Skywarp groaned. ~ “I had forgotten all about it! So that’s why you did that creepy souvenir thing with Megatron.”~

~ “Exactly.”~ Starscream said in satisfaction, turning the holy relic around in his hands. ~ “That aft-head Sentinel didn’t deserve to keep it, and I wasn’t about to let the Senate pick another just like him to become Prime.”~

~ “But what are we going to do with it?”~ Thundercracker asked with a frown. ~ “It’s useless without a Chosen One, and even if one of us is Prime material… you know as well as I do why that would be a bad idea.”~

~ “I know.”~ Starscream sighed, shrugging his wings. ~ “I suppose we could always give it to Cardinal for safe keeping.”~

“Ah, there you are.” The voice came out of nowhere, and startled the Seekers into the air on reflex. “No! Please wait!”

“Who are you?” Starscream demanded of the old mech who had snuck up on them, glaring suspiciously. A very old mech, Starscream realized after a moment of study, in fact. “You can’t transform!”

“Really?” Skywarp asked curiously, peering at the mech on the ground. “He’s that old?”

“Yes, I am. Forgive me for interrupting, but I was hoping that I might speak with you.” The old mech looked hopeful as the Seeker trine returned to the ground. “I am Alpha Trion. The Matrix called me here, to take it to the true Chosen One.”

“You expect us to just take your word for it?” Thundercracker asked sceptically.

Alpha Trion looked panicked.

“Yes he does.” Starscream wore an unreadable expression, looking down at the Matrix. Starscream looked up, smirking. “Here. Catch.”

Alpha Trion squawked and scrambled to catch the Matrix as Starscream tossed it in his general direction.

“It may want to go with you, old mech, but if the next Prime is as much a failure as the last one was, we’ll be back to take the Matrix again!” With that warning ringing in his audios, Alpha Trion scurried away as fast as he could. The Seekers did not spare the attention to watch him go as they launched themselves into the air to soar away over the battlefield.

(Word Count: 1787)


Mwa. Ha. Ha. Mine is an evil laugh. ♥ Now this, this right here? This is what I call foreshadowing. I can't wait to see what your reactions are to this piece. That being said, does Starscream come off as creepy-manipulative enough? This is kinda a pivitol moment where Megatron realizes that he's let his doom in through the front door. (Anyone who can name the source of the quote I just made get bonus points and love.)

Double update is compliments of ever generous coriopsis and her darling egg-making dragons. ♥

I decided to go Cybertronian goth today and am feeling very... pink. My nails are pink. My shirt is two shades of pink. My pants have pink stripes. Yes. Very pink. Like Arcee. Spotlight Arcee.

Started planning for the drive down to Florida the other day. Total driving time = 23 hours. It's a good thing I'm taking my sister with me. We can take turns driving. Plan is to leave on the 19th, and arrive on the 20th for check in. I also have one of those tickets for Disney that never expire. I still have two days on it. Guess where I'm going on the 21st? XD

Buggering Hell. It's snowing. WTF Canada? WTF?

Here there be dragons! I only need a Nebula, a Red Breasted Wyvern and a Silver. I am bribing you all with extra fic! *makes gimmie motions*

convention or bust, transformers fanfic, fanfiction, warning: character death, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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