Not only did I kill my brainwashed ex-boyfriend, but I also found out that he's gay.

Aug 25, 2009 13:04

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Rebellion
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Justice is just revenge with a new paintjob.
Timeline: More fic located here.


(In which Prowl mourns.)

Prowl felt numb. This… this could not be true. Interceptor was a senior officer! Interceptor worked as an investigator, not riot control! It was unthinkable that he could have - that Interceptor was - Prowl had just had a conversation with Interceptor about crystal gardening (something they both enjoyed for its meditative qualities) just last megacycle. There had been no mention of work at all, and Interceptor had been smiling when Prowl left his Genitor’s home. That stifling distance shrunk to near nothing. Prowl’s plan to make his Genitor happy was working, so there was no way…

“Prowler? You okay?” Dark hands pulled the official notice from Prowl’s slack grip, a worried face and blue visor filling Prowl’s vision, “Are ya crashing? Do I need t’get ya a medic?”

“No medic. Jazz.” Prowl’s vocalizer fritzed, static garbling his next words and forcing Prowl to reboot the unit before he could speak again, “Interceptor was caught in a riot.”

“Slag. How bad is it?” Jazz asked sympathetically, worried for the stern, kind Praxian Enforcer who had taken him in.

“He is - Interceptor was deactivated in the line of duty.” Prowl looked at Jazz, gripping his hands, feeling helpless and lost and wishing briefly that he was still running the suppression program, “He is dead Jazz, and I never - I never…”

“Slag. No way.” Jazz hauled Prowl closer - hoping that the intersection of their emission fields would help centre and ground Prowl as it always had before - offering comfort to his friend even as Jazz scrambled with the pad he had pulled off of the other mech, skimming past the overdone condolences until he found the incident report, “Blast. Oh Prowler, I’m sorry mech. I’m gonna miss him too. Interceptor was one a the best.”

“It has to stop.” Prowl said faintly, helm resting on Jazz’s shoulder, “These senseless riots - the violence - I need to stop them. It is all that I can do for Genitor now.”

“Hey, I gotcher back, Prowler.” Jazz said fiercely, “We’ll take ‘em down together, me ‘nd you. We’ll get justice fer yer Tor.”

“Thank you, Jazz.” Prowl raised his head, lifting one of Jazz’s hands to his mouth and brushing a faint kiss across the palm, “For being here, for understanding - thank you. I do not care to think about where I would be or what I would do without you.”

“It’s been my pleasure, Prowler.” Jazz said softly, cupping Prowl’s face in his hands as an unholy gleam lit his visor, “Together forever, you ‘nd me. Those Decepticon rebel punks won’t know what hit ‘em.”

(Word Count: 428)


Hey everyone, sorry about being MIA for so long. The good news is I've got 50 pages of fic written up, so keeping my darling readers in updates won't be a problem. XP That being said, I need to do some running around and respond to my backlog... >.> Ah well, c'est la vie. ^_^

So as long as we sell our current home my family can get the farm we've got our eye on. Which is win, but also means that I've been running around with paint, spackle and cleaning supplies getting things ready to list the house.

Kittens are all named now! Orange kitty is Michelangelo, like the painter (or the ninja turtle. XP)

There's less than two weeks until school starts. I'm kinda excited, because at least it will get me out of the house. Plus, since I've switched programs (again, yes I know. I get bored to easily, baby sister says that I'm too smart for school.) But this time I'm doing recreation and leisure management, which is only a year and a half program, will keep me physically active, in addition to placing me in a job at the end of the program, and more importantly, will leave me with enough time to work on my own projects (such as finishing my novel and getting it published. XP)

Baby sister and I have also been watching Sailor Moon these last few weeks. Dear Primus but it's fun. XP The speeches make us break into hysterics every time, and I've fallen in love with the Shintennou (especially Zoicite) all over again. Although now that I've read the backstories for all of the "Silver Millenium" people, seeing them die makes me cry. ;_; But baby sister made me crack up when she made a comment about "Not only are they brainwashed and dead, but they're also gay. I feel sorry for Mercury and Vanus. Especially Murcury. Her ex-boyfriend is more of a woman than she is." What's funny is counting the "brainwashed Mamoru/Chibi-Usa" episodes and realizing that what seemed like forever when I was 9, is really only a handful of episodes in reality. Damn the week-long wait for the new episode. It skewed my time sense. XP Right now we're on the S season, and the Proffessor makes us crack up each time we see him. Ah, Sailor Moon. It was the very first fandom I ever wrote fanfic for or drew fanart of. Without it, I wouldn't be where I am today. Dai suki~♥

Dragons! So who else is completely in love with the new "lineage" feature? XD

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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