Not only did I kill my brainwashed ex-boyfriend, but I also found out that he's gay.

Aug 25, 2009 13:04

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos: Rebellion
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Justice is just revenge with a new paintjob.
Timeline: More fic located here.

Now Prowl is motivated! Yay? )

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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Comments 21

espionata August 25 2009, 17:49:45 UTC
Aww poor Prowl lost his Tor but at least Jazz is with him to help make it better.

Aww Sailor Moon was a favorite when I was younger and I just recently watched it again. But I couldn't stand Chibi Usa she was such a brat in R and I forced myself to watch that season just see how it was originally was supposed to be. I loved S though because it has my favorite character in it Hotaru who isn't seen much. I ended up skipping SS because Chibi Usa was a main character again and I didn't like that season even as a kid. Sailor Stars looks to be good though.

Erm sorry about the rant but Sailor Moon is one of my favorite shows despite Chibi Usa who needed a spanking >>


sanjuno August 25 2009, 19:31:43 UTC

Aw, I don't mind the rant. And personally I didn't mind Chibi-Usa much. Maybe because she really did act like a mini-Usagi, only she ended up with Mamoru's meanstreak. I like all of the seasons personally, because honestly I watch it for the sparkles. XP

As for spankings... if you watch the original Japanese episodes, Usagi does spank Chibi-Usa a few times. ^_^


katsuko August 25 2009, 17:50:31 UTC
Poor Prowl ;_; Just when things were starting to look up for the little family, too....

At least now he's motivated! Although I still predict an "I'm a what? *fizzle crash* moment when he finds out his true origins XD

*snuggles the dragons* And I'm gonna send you a quick sneak-peak from the Ice-Cold scene I'm currently working :3

P.S. The new lineage feature for the dragons rocks!


sanjuno August 25 2009, 19:21:57 UTC
I know... *hangs head* But the needs of the plot outweight the needs of the one.

True that! Oddly enough, even though it's one of the scenes that I'm looking forward to the most, the Big Reveal is being annoying, much like the smut scene did before. DX

Oh-hoho? *gleeful wiggle* Yay! ^_^

Doesn't it though? XP


catraven August 25 2009, 18:26:48 UTC
*THERE* you are! I was wondering. :)

Poor Prowl. Good thing Jazz is there.

I wouldn't know anything from Sailor Moon. I was so deprived as a child (and TF's didn't come along until my late 20's. :D Yes, I'm old).

Good luck with the house/farm! I hope it all works out for you and your family.

*pets and play with dragons*


sanjuno August 25 2009, 19:18:13 UTC
*sheepish grin* Sorry? ^^;

Thanks for everything you said! ^_^ (and poor you, being deprived. *pats in sympathy*)


(The comment has been removed)

sanjuno August 25 2009, 19:15:22 UTC
There is indeed much "yay" going around today. ^_^


moonbeamsfanfic August 25 2009, 20:30:43 UTC
Yay, more Rings!verse! Doubly-yay to 50 more pages worth already to go! Whoohoo!

Awwww! ::giggles:: I know, I know... it's sad that Prowl lost his daddy Tor, but he kissed Jazz's hand! OMG, that is adorable! And so sweetly romantic! (Especially for a mech who's supposed to be emotionally stunted. I know a lot of men who could learn from him. *eg*)

Ah, Sailor Moon... Nobody can argue that it wasn't just about the corniest show in existence, but ah how we love you. I've been a fan for *does quick math* Jesus, has it really been fifteen years?! Okay now I feel old :/ Anyway! Yes, Sailor Moon... I'm a classic fan since the thriving days of ASMR and I still think Usa/Mamoru are timeless, that Uranus/Neptune are tragically beautiful mates, and that Kunzite/Zoisite are the only anime characters I can stand to read in an NC17 fic. Thankfully, I'm a slasher at heart so it's no hardship. ;P


sanjuno August 25 2009, 22:06:51 UTC
Yay is good!

It's symbolic. A kiss on the palm to seal a promise or a wish. A kiss on the back of the hand to show respect. A kiss on the ringfinger to swear loyalty or fealty. A kiss on the forhead for friends. A kiss on the cheek is a greeting. A kiss on the lips for love and marriage. (I learned all this from Sailor Moon S episode 94~ XP) But yes. Prowl might not have been told he was Seekerkin, but that didn't stop Interceptor from teaching him a Seeker's most cherished skill. That is, the ability to charm the plating off anyone who comes along. XP

We love it because it's corny. XD And Primus, I know how you feel. ^^; I watched the English premier on YTV when I was a kid, and it's what got me into fanfiction. (And slash. Boy was I surprised to find out that Zoicite was a guy. But dammit! It makes sense!) And I agree with you on everything except that I read a lot of anime NC17 fic. Eheh.


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