"My BOWL!"

May 27, 2009 15:46

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Fortune favours the brave. Or fools. It's kind of hard to differentiate.
Timeline: Other parts go here!


(In which Jetfire meets Sunstorm.)

Jetfire, disguised under a layer of paint in the colours of his Decepticon alter ego Skyshadow, relaxed his wings in relief when his hacked codes opened the doors to Shockwave’s lab. It was one of many small, out-of-the-way, easily overlooked facilities the Decepticon officer tended to use for experiments with large impact zones. Rumour had it that this little experiment involved Seekers and Vector Sigma - and was not to be mentioned around the new Air Commander on pain of deactivation. Even if Prime had not sent Jetfire in to investigate, the coded message from his younglinghood friend turned Winglord would have brought him here anyway.

‘Hopeless romantic that I am.’ Jetfire thought wryly, spotting movement out of the edge of his optic, ‘I just can’t say no to him. Never could.’

Runabout grinned at Jetfire, wiggling his fingers to express the greeting that his disguised face could not. Like Jetfire, Runabout and Runamuck had opted to hide their faces with masks and visors to prevent anyone from recognizing the distinctive angles of a Vosian face mould and making the connection between themselves and those of more obvious Seeker origin. It was just one more layer of protection for their comrades, one more layer of deception that was required to help them survive to continue their missions.

~Enemy numbers?~ Jetfire questioned, tilting his wings in inquiry.

~All clear.~ Runabout shifted impatiently, waving Jetfire on, ~Come see! It’s freaky.~

‘I can’t say nay to his damned offspring either.’ Jetfire’s wings dipped in resignation, but he followed the excited Battlecharger down the short hall into the lab proper. Runamuck looked up at their approach, but Jetfire was distracted by the contents of the lab, ‘Winds of Mercy, Shockwave you sick Pit-spawn, I’ll see you rust for this!’

All around him were Seeker drones, painted in a mockery of life. Many were twisted, melted wrecks. More appeared to have exploded. Very few were intact, and those were crumpled on the ground like discarded toys. The worst part was how each and every one wore Starscream’s face.

~Clones!~ Jetfire hissed, stalking over to a computer consol, ~Damned glitch fragging cloned him!~

~Is that why they all have Matter’s face?~ Runamuck asked, the uneasy warble betraying just how disturbed he was.

~Yes.~ Jetfire flicked his wings shortly, anger burning in his spark as he hacked into the mainframe, ‘The twins are too young to have to see this. Pitspawn, they’re too young to be involved in this rusting war in the first place. This place… it’s like a montage of how Starscream could die at any time, especially now that he’s taken over as Decepticon Air Commander. If it disturbs me to see my friend perverted like this, I can hardly imagine how it must feel to see ones parent destroyed in a hundred different ways. Bad enough they lost their spark-Genitors to Megatron’s blasted riots. If those ugly-aft battle-shells didn’t make them next thing to indestructible I’d boot them back to Vos so fast they’d break orbit, permission from Starscream or no. And - oh sweet Primus.’

~Jetfire?~ Runabout looked at the elder Seeker, ~Are you okay? You stopped typing and your wings have gone all funny.~

~Runabout. Runamuck.~ Jetfire slipped a datacube into the consol and hit download, ~I need the two of you to stay here and make sure that the download completes while I go check on something. Can you do that for me?~

~Did you find something?~ Runamuck asked, going tense, ~You found something, didn’t you!~

~Yes I did.~ Jetfire loosened his wings, they had been tense for so long it was getting painful, ~But it’s something I can handle on my own, so please. Watch the download and guard my back.~

~Fine.~ Runabout was sulky, but agreed anyway, ~But call us if you need back up!~

~I promise.~ Jetfire said and turned to head deeper into the lab.

~If you die I’m telling Matter that it was your fault!~ Runamuck called after him.

‘Thanks for the vote of confidence, scraplet.’ Jetfire groused silently to himself as he moved carefully among the macabre collection of broken drones, ‘Clones. Failed experiments. Fah! Shockwave doesn’t have the right to call himself a scientist, the blasted savage!’

Forcefully calming himself, Jetfire felt his wings tense, drawing back as he spotted what he had been looking for. The containment chamber looked like any other. A bit more security intensive than normal perhaps, but that was not so unusual for one of Shockwave’s labs. Even the light blinking to advertise its activated status was nothing out of the ordinary.


What made this unit special was what was inside of it.

It was Shockwave’s first - and only - success in duplicating and dictating the creation of a Sigma power. Just as Megatron had demanded, Shockwave had created a thermonuclear Seeker with radiation powers, but the tyrant could no more control those powers than he could leash a thunderstorm. An electrum coating kept the resulting Seeker’s powers under control, but when Megatron deemed him too much of a liability to be actually used in combat…

Jetfire grit his denta in an effort to control his raging emotions. ‘Although he may be an experiment, a clone, the methods Shockwave used gave him a spark of his own. That makes him a living mech, a Seeker! How dare they just - just lock him away like a faulty gun no one has the time to fix!’

Growling, Jetfire punched in the release code for the chamber before he could stop himself. As the locked cycled through the opening sequence, all Jetfire could think was, ‘I hope I don’t end up regretting this.’

Dim light spilled into the now open chamber, and the restrained Seeker’s armour glowed even under the dingy illumination of the lab. Once again acting before he could think better of it, Jetfire began to release the restraining clamps holding the other Seeker down.

‘They’ve even got his poor wings pinned down.’ Jetfire thought sympathetically, pulling said clamps loose with a vengeance, ‘Primus, how long has he been stuck in this rusted box for? Rings of Home… now that I think about it, I don’t think he’s ever even seen the sky.’

Just as Jetfire pulled off the last clamp, the golden Seeker’s optics flickered online, the prisms an odd shade of orange. Dim at first, they soon brightened with mad desperation.

~Peace.~ Jetfire trilled, projecting calm and *friend/ally/kin* as hard as he could. If this mech was as Seeker on the inside as he looked on the outside then… ~I’m Jetfire, and I’ve come to help you. Please, stay calm.~

~Jet… fire?~ The gold Seeker’s wings trembled as he stared at the other jet, drawing Jetfire’s attention to the dented scuffs along the sensitive inner edge where too-tight restraints had dug into the epidermal plating. Jetfire smiled comfortingly and reached out slowly, crooning a soothing note. It relaxed something in the gold Seeker, something that made the clone reach back, returning Jetfire’s gesture, to slide his hand into Jetfire’s larger one and try a smile of his own, ~ I… thank thee for thy rescue, Windkin. My designation is Sunstorm.~

~Sunstorm.~ Jetfire felt his spark flare in its chamber. This then was what the trinebonded Seekers all talked about when they said that they knew their trinemates without being told. Judging by the awe in Sunstorm’s strangely coloured optics, the hope barely keeping screaming madness at bay, the gold Seeker felt something as well.

~I know thee.~ Sunstorm whispered mostly to himself, standing with Jetfire’s help. He kept his hold on the other Seeker’s hand even after finding his balance, staring at Jetfire with a rapt expression, ~I know not how, but I know thee for true. Just as I know that thy colours art as false as a traitor’s smile.~

~Yeah.~ Jetfire was smiling like an idiot, and knew it, but he could not stop. Sunstorm was speaking High Cant, which was usually reserved for religious or formal ceremonies, but Jetfire thought it suited Sunstorm, ~I didn’t think I’d ever find you. I thought I’d be trineless forever when Starscream chose someone else. I didn’t understand why he didn’t want me back. Now I know, I mistook him for you. Primus, you’re beautiful, and if I wasn’t going to kill Shockwave for hurting you I’d thank him for helping me find you.~

~Shockwave!~ Sunstorm’s wings pulled back in panic and his optics flared, a keening not of rage building in his vocalizer.

~Sunstorm, calm down! Look at me!~ Jetfire grabbed the gold Seeker’s helm, heedless of the burns to his derma plating, forcing Sunstorm to look into his optics, ~Listen! I just found you, so please don’t do anything stupid! Calm down, please!~

~I… I must…~ Sunstorm keened again, staring in horror as the paint on Jetfire’s forearms began to blacken and peel, bubbling away from the metal, ~Let go! Get away from me! I’ll kill you!~

~No you won’t.~ Jetfire hushed Sunstorm’s panicked struggles, stubbornly pulling the gold Seeker closer while babbling in an attempt to restore emotional equilibrium, ~I read Shockwave’s notes on you. Exposing you to Vector Sigma’s energy stabilized your power even as it gave you a spark, but it meant that Megatron didn’t get his super powered drone army either. You’ve got the full Codex too, no glitches aside from a small quirk in your interaction protocols - I checked that over when I got to the file on your programming. You may find it a bit difficult to connect with someone who isn’t family, and you’ll probably compensate by picking up a hobby, but you’re not the only Seeker with that particular problem. - And Vector Sigma scrambled your codes enough that you aren’t really a clone of Starscream anymore. Not exactly anyway. You’re more like a twin brother.~

~Brother?~ Sunstorm whistled, settling in against Jetfire’s chest as the flames dispersed, ~Starscream, he’s my brother. Bondkin. I can feel it. Feel him.~

~Yeah?~ Jetfire sighed happily, ~That’ll make things easier once we get you to Vos. Starscream’s more likely to take his anger out on Megatron if you have a bond to him.~

~To Vos? Home.~ Sunstorm sighed gently, leaning against Jetfire as he was led towards the exit from the lab, ~Dos’t thou not have oaths that thee must honour? To abandon thy vows on a whim…~

~My oaths to our people - to Vos and the Winglords - take precedence.~ Jetfire said firmly, stubborn from pedes to wingtips, then he grinned, all light-sparked humour and jaunty wings, ~Besides, I wouldn’t be able to stay away form you, Sunstorm. It’s better for all concerned if I just go home with you.~

~I see.~ An understanding look and Sunstorm managed a smile that utterly charmed Jetfire, ~Truly, Primus hath smiled upon me, that in my first moment of freedom I should find thee, beloved.~

~No arguments here.~ Jetfire grinned, his joy nearly tangible, ~I’ll have to pay a visit to the temple when we get home.~

~Holy slag!~ Runamuck yelped, staring at Jetfire’s companion when the two rounded the turn into the control room, ~You mean one of them was still alive?~

~Is he dangerous?~ Runabout asked, peering at Sunstorm with slightly more curiosity than his brother, ~Shockwave can come up with some really nasty surprises.~

~Easy you two, he’s harmless.~ The twins looked at Jetfire, then cast very significant looks at his badly burned hands. Jetfire laughed sheepishly, ~Right. Not harmless exactly, but what Seeker is? He won’t hurt us, anyway.~

~How can you be so sure?~ Runabout asked, keeping wary optics on Sunstorm.

~Because he’s mine.~ The possessive growl of Jetfire’s engine made both twins take a step back. As Flightless, they would never experience the instant bonding of one Skyborn finding his trinemate, but they were Seekers. Now that they were paying attention, the Battlechargers could see the way Jetfire and Sunstorm’s energies twined together, could hear the way their songs blended into harmony, and they grinned. For other Cybertronian’s, Jetfire’s explanation may not have been enough, but for Seeker’s, it was all that was needed. Jetfire looked at them warily when they giggled, ~What are those looks for, scraplets?~

~Just thinking that our Caretakers are going to be really happy with our report.~ Runamuck snickered, ~Maybe now they won’t growl so much every time your name comes up.~

~One can always hope.~ Jetfire said dryly, pulling a quiet Sunstorm towards the doors, ~But I’m not the kind to expect more than one miracle a vorn. Now let’s go, the charges are set and I don’t want to be anywhere near here when they go off.~

Now, Jetfire had read Sunstorm’s records. He even had a very useful cube containing all the data on Shockwave’s experiments for the project that had resulted in the gold Seeker and more - which he made sure to grab on the way out. - Still, Shockwave’s notes had described Sunstorm as a raving, religious psychotic, and as far as Jetfire had seen, the gold Seeker was nothing like that. Sure, the way he spoke was indicative that something of the Vector Sigma data had ended up in his head - and Jetfire was not even going to try and guess what Shockwave was thinking with that one. - But Sunstorm seemed remarkably well adjusted for a Seeker who had spent much of his life to date stuck in a box.

The Battlechargers snuck off to report to Starscream once they left the lab, leaving Jetfire to trigger the countdown for the explosives. Once done, Jetfire led Sunstorm away with the intent to escort the gold Seeker to Vos.

That is just about when everything went to the Pit.

Now granted, running into a Decepticon patrol was not the worst thing that could have happened. However, the Decepticon patrol was in the middle of a skirmish with a team of Autobots. More specifically, the Autobots assigned as Jetfire’s extraction team. One of the Decepticon tanks had taken a pot shot at Jetfire - or ‘Skyshadow’ - in order to ‘encourage’ him to hurry up and shoot the Autobots.

Sunstorm had… taken offence to that.

With a sigh, Jetfire ducked another piece of flaming shrapnel. Crouched beside him Bumblebee - the Ops mech in charge of his extraction - watched the carnage taking place with pale blue optics.

“What the slag is he?” Bumblebee asked in horror, “And how the frag are we going to stop him?”

“Ah, I think I have a plan.” Jetfire said absently, a truly devious idea taking form in his processor.

“… Am I going to like this plan?” Bumblebee asked with a sharp look at the Autobot jet.

“Probably not.” Jetfire admitted, not looking at Bumblebee, glad that the Autobot’s were so bad at reading Seeker body language, “According to Shockwave’s notes if I can get him into space and puncture his armour, he’ll end up self destructing.”

“I don’t like that plan.” Bumblebee growled, glaring at Jetfire, “That plan sounds like a suicide run.”

“Too bad I outrank you then.” Jetfire said, standing up, “It was a honour to serve with you, Bumblebee. Now, get the others out of here!”

“Jetfire!” Bumblebee scrambled to his pedes, but the jet was faster than the scout and was already halfway to where a ranting Sunstorm was melting down the last member of the doomed Decepticon patrol.

“Heathens! You who wear the accursed face of the Unmaker! Perish in the light of Primus!” Sunstorm howled, fire raging around him, tongues of flame climbing his armour like friendly pets.

“Sunstorm! Enough of this!” Jetfire roared, heedless of the blaze as he grabbed Sunstorm around the waist and rocketed up into the sky.

~Jetfire!~ Sunstorm squawked in surprise as the ground rapidly fell away, the sudden contact jolting him from his furor, ~What are you doing?~

~Tendering my resignation to the Autobots.~ Jetfire said cheerfully as they passed into the upper stratosphere, ~Now hold on for a second, okay?~

Sunstorm stared in wide-opticked surprise was Jetfire pulled out a large, ugly mass of metal about the size of his arm. Dropping it, Jetfire accelerated, getting just out of shrapnel range when the bomb exploded.

~What was that?~ Sunstorm demanded as they floated above Cybertron, letting the planet’s rotation bring them above Vos.

~It was a leftover from rigging Shockwave’s lab.~ Jetfire explained, beginning a drifting descent, ~But it worked just as well to make the Autobot and Decepticon forces think we’re both scrap.~

~Ah.~ Sunstorm was quiet until they began to approach the walls of Vos, ~You do not regret leaving your comrades?~

~You’re more important than some stupid war.~ Jetfire said firmly, then grinned, ~Besides, Optimus has plenty of mechs better suited to being Second in Command than me. Sentinel’s old SIC, Prowl, will probably step up now that I’m gone.~

~Second in…~ Sunstorm stared at Jetfire like he was the crazy one.

~Come on!~ Jetfire said, cheerfully oblivious, ~Let’s get you to the medics so they can deal with any of the nasty little surprises Shockwave may have left you to deal with.~

~Hey you!~ A black Flightless with white banding stomped over to where they stood on the wall, ~You Commander Jetfire and refugee Sunstorm?~

~That we are.~ Jetfire returned pleasantly, ~My message to the Winglord got through then?~

~Yeah.~ Another black mech, a Skyborn Contrastes, scanned them both and stepped back, ~You’re both clean as far as implanted trackers go. You see anyone following you?~

~I staged a suicide.~ Jetfire shrugged his wings, ~And we were the only flight capable mechs there. My scanners didn’t pick up anyone following either.~

~Good. Patrols will keep on alert for a few megacycles, just in case.~ The Skyborn grunted, then hissed when the Flightless smacked him.

~You’re being rude again.~ The black Flightless growled, then turned to the paler mechs watching in amusement, ~I’m Barricade, and this charming lump is my bond partner, Blackout.~

~Well you know our names already, but I’m Jetfire.~ The former Autobot tilted his head curiously. Blackout’s signature showed that he was untrined. It was unusual for a Skyborn to take a mate before finding their trine, ~It’s nice to meet you. This is Sunstorm, my Claimant.~

Sunstorm made a small, formal bow at his introduction, staring at the other two Seekers intently, ~Thy affections and claim are returned, beloved. And I thank thee, Guardians, for seeing us safely to roost.~

~It was no trouble.~ Blackout was looking back at the other two Skyborn with a searching look. Barricade just looked amused.

Jetfire tilted his head to the side and trilled an invitation, echoed by Sunstorm. Blackout’s optics flared, but he added his own note to the song after a moment’s startled hesitation. Barricade had no such reservations, and let loose a fluting arpeggio that made the Skyborn look at him appreciatively.

~So…~ Optics bright with joy, Jetfire looked at the other three Seekers, ~When do the two of you get off shift?~

~Right now.~ Barricade answered with a smirk, pinging replacement guards in a shameless misuse of his authority, ~Let’s go. We’ll escort you both to the medical centre.~

~My thanks.~ Sunstorm said rather softly for a mech prone to religious rants, ~Then mayhap thou both wouldst assist me in making my dearest Jetfire presentable once again?~

Jetfire looked down. His disguise was a charred wreck, and his own colours were showing through the flaking mess in patches. He chuckled and looked up, ~I’d appreciate the help. I don’t think I can deal with this by myself.~

Barricade and Blackout exchanged a considering look.

~Well since it’s pretty damn obvious where this is going…~ Barricade said with a no-nonsense twitch of this back panels, ~I’ll get the Claims entered into the database while you’re getting checked over in medical. Then you both can come over to our place and we can get you cleaned up.~

~Sounds like a plan.~ Jetfire grinned and they took off, heading deeper into the city. The gleeful though could not be contained, ‘Best. Mission. Ever.’

Sometimes it seemed, Primus really did grant your prayers.

(Word Count: 3339)


Once again, click my dragons please and thanks to you!

So... What do you all think of this part? I'm finding it a bit difficult to balance the fact that Sunstorm is a bible-thumping fruit-loop with the way the trinebond helps him be almost normal when there are only other Seekers around. As it stands, Sunstorm has the personality of the Crusades crossed with the Spanish Inquisition, while Jetfire is all Buddah-Zen. There are some amusing scenes in my head right now which I'm looking forward to sharing.

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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