"I am SHE-RA!"

May 25, 2009 23:41

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Sunstorm doesn't like like Outsiders. Not at all.
Timeline: The other parts are listed here.


(In which Sunstorm is a disapproving in-law.)

“I just don’t understand it!” Sunstorm snarled as he stalked a furious circuit of the Primus Temple antechamber, “Light in the Dark, what does my brother see in that - that boring groundpounder drone? His alt isn’t even mobile.”

“Instead of asking your god, why don’t you try asking me?” Starscream stepped out from behind one of the thirteen great pillars that ringed the cathedral hall, “That is, of course, if you’re actually looking for an answer instead of just ranting ineffectually to yourself.”

Sunstorm stared at the one he called brother, golden wings vibrating in barely checked indignation. Then he hissed, optics narrowed down to thin slits, “Why?”

“Why not?” Starscream flicked his fingers, dismissing Sunstorm’s concerns, “I don’t see how whom I choose to adorn my berth is any concern of yours.”

“He’s a groundpounder! An outsider!” Sunstorm’s claws flexed as he shouted, “He doesn’t even have wings! If your want his offspring so badly kill him and take them! It is no more than what has been done to us in the past and no less than he deserves!”

“Enough.” Starscream snarled, hand to his brother’s throat as he slammed Sunstorm into a pillar, “I am Winglord of Vos, Tyrant of the Firmament and Eye of the Storm. Anyone I choose as worthy of my attentions is beyond reproach. I will have no more of your hypocritical slander against my Claimant.”

“I beg thy forgiveness, My Lord.” Sunstorm’s vocalizer crackled with static under the pressure of Starscream’s grip, “Please brother, your pardon! I meant no offence!”

“Let this be a warning.” Starscream growled in distaste before releasing Sunstorm and stalking a few paces away. Staring up at the lighted murals of scenes taken directly from the Covenant of Primus, Starscream asked in a much milder tone, “Is it just that he is Outsider that you object to Soundwave so strenuously, younger brother? Or is it that he is Decepticon?”

“That only makes him a worse choice!” Sunstorm came up beside Starscream, looking beseechingly at the white Seeker, “Why could you not let things lie? Why not just take his codes and return, as so many of our brethren did? Why take the risk of bringing him here?”

“Peace younger brother.” Starscream turned to Sunstorm and took his hands, “I know from whence your hatred of the Decepticon’s springs. But the words you speak threaten to fly against the Code, and I cannot in good conscience allow such poison to fester in you. Did you forget so quickly? I too was Decepticon, for longer than you have been in creation. For more than a megavorn I served the Slagmaker.”

“Not truly!” Sunstorm protested immediately, “And not willingly! Not as the telepath did! Always your first loyalty lay with us, with Vos and her Seekers. As it should be!”

“But I still served.” Starscream said quietly, but intently, aiming to drill the words and his meaning into Sunstorm’s memory, “In many ways the Decepticon cause once echoed the Vosian Codex. Often and often, the line dividing deception and truth blurred for us during our servitude. So for my sake and for the peace of our family let go of your hatred of all outsiders. Hate Shockwave for performing the experiments. Hate Megatron for issuing the orders that made them possible. In that I could not fault you. In that hate you are justified. But do not give all that lie beyond the walls of Vos your hate, or you may as well curse Primus for giving you life, of myself for giving you form.”

“I could never!” Sunstorm blurted wings flaring. Then he stopped, blinked his optics, and slumped with a vented sigh, “I see where you go with this Brother. As always you speak words the wise do well to heed. I shall look to myself and give my hate only to those who have earned it rightly.”

“Good.” Starscream stepped back, satisfied and pleased, “You do our family proud, younger brother. Do not despair over this - that is an order! You are young yet still, and even I make mistakes on occasion. Though before you say anything more, I very much doubt that consorting with Soundwave is one of them!”

“Peace, Brother, I will question you no more. Except…” Sunstorm made a face familiar to any younger sibling who has caught their idolized elder sibling doing something icky, “He’s so boring.”

“Ah, but not in the ways that matter, brother dear.” Starscream laughed outright at Sunstorm’s disgusted shudder. After a moment of calm Starscream spoke again, optics unfocused and distant, “You know, at first I had planned to just… take what I needed from him and leave. But…”

“But what? What changed your mind about him?” Sunstorm looked at Starscream, and was struck by the strange emotion the elder Seeker showed, “Brother? Please tell me what troubles you, so that I may help you in turn.”

“Ha. At the beginning of this mess it was all a joke.” Starscream laughed without humour, “A grand scheme. I wanted to see the difference between Outsiders and Seeker for myself. I was going to dumb down the Cassettacon’s sensors to see what their threshold tolerance was. As an added benefit I would be saving the lives of the sparklings and have something to hold over Soundwave’s head.”

“What changed?” Sunstorm asked, looking at his brother critically, “You are utterly besotted with that telepath, and I have seen no sign of his offspring having dampened sensors. If anything they have exceptionally acute senses.”

“Many things changed.” Starscream smiled in remembrance, “We came to care enough to establish real family bonds with the Cassettacons. We saw Soundwave’s face and we touched his spark. And I made a few discoveries.”

“Discoveries?” Sunstorm echoed, “Of what sort?”

“I took a look at the Cassettacons' core programs when they took so easily to the Seeker shells. Buried in their core codes were fragments and partial strings of Seeker programming. It was piecemeal and rudimentary, but the Code was in their sparks.” Starscream grinned at the shocked sound that escaped Sunstorm, “I looked into it, and Soundwave was listed as the sole creator for all six of them.”

“But if that were true he could not have sparked skyborn!” Sunstorm interrupted, frowning thunderously as he considered the matter, “They would all be groundlings, and near clones. They are too varied for that claim to hold any truth. And for the Code to be present in his creations he would have needed the cooperation of a Seeker, or else…

“Exactly my thoughts.” Starscream nodded, forestalling any hysterics should Sunstorm carry the thought to its conclusion, “Soundwave had made no attempt to mask the Code. I assume because he did not know of its significance, or did not recognize it for what it was. However, once the Imprint bonds with my trine formed, the gaps in the Code were filled in.”

“Filled in? They have the Code in full?” Sunstorm squawked, snapping a look at Starscream, “So they are truly of Vos! Ah, forgive my indelicacy, but do you know who…?”

“No one.” Starscream shrugged, smirking with a grudgingly admiring look in his optics, “Or everyone. It depends upon your view of the matter. Soundwave stumbled across a Communion during a state visit prior to the beginning of the War, and took advantage of the ambient spark energies to spark his eldest. Once the War began in earnest, he took to lurking around the Wings when we gathered together. If things got rowdy, he took what he needed, and in that way everyone had a part in their creation. You know that there’s usually enough free floating spark energy released during the Communion of Wings that a psion of Soundwave’s calibre could easily gather enough to induce fission on his own.”

“And this is what you think was done?” Sunstorm looked sceptical but still open to the possibility.

“They all have the Codex in their sparks.” Starscream said firmly, sidestepping Sunstorm’s real question, “They live by our Code, even if they don’t recognize it for what it is. They are Seekers.”

“Very well.” Sunstorm smiled wryly, “At least he breeds well. I can find not fault in him on that front. His prowess is most impressive. So… I give your union my blessing, Brother. Fair winds and clear skies be your flight path.”

“Thank you.” Starscream said, equally solemn, and peace was restored as the two most dangerously temperamental Seekers in Vos called off their feud.

(Word Count: 1416)


Wah, I just got back from Anime North. I had a blast, then spent most of today sleeping. XP

Please click my dragons, some of them are close to death!

So other than that, please leave a comment or something if you liked this part. Sunstorm is... significantly calmer in this 'verse. I'll be giving some hints as to why that is in tomorrows post.

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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