This pot is in it's Full Flower of Teahood!

May 18, 2009 00:05

Title: The Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Summary: Love at first sight is a vaunted Seeker tradition. They're still a bit young for it though...
Timeline: Parts by chronological action.


(In which Thundercracker meets Skywarp.)

The Flight Instructor led the Seeker youngling down the hall, long time habits keeping his fast stride short enough to allow the youngling to keep pace without offending prickly adolescent pride by being obvious about slowing down for the youngling.

“This is your dorm.” The adult Seeker keyed open one of many identical doors in the largely featureless corridor, “And this is your room. I’m sure you know how to code a door? Yes? Good. Code it as soon as I leave. Classes start in a megacycle, so you have plenty of time to get settled in.”

“Yes sir.” The youngling said quietly, obviously a bit daunted by all the new situations being at the Flight Academy would bring him to face.

“Hi!” The youngling turned around, seeing another youngling in his age bracket stick his head out of the room next to his, “Are you gonna be in my class?”

“Uh, yeah. Guess so.” The first youngling said, feeling strange as he looked at the other youngling. Something inside had started to fizz and sparkle at the sight of the other young Seeker, and he had to know, “What’s your name?”

“Me? I’m Skywarp!” The other youngling answered, grinning as he looked at his blue counterpart, maniac cheer unleashed in bouncing, fluttering wings, “What’s yours?”

“Skywarp…” The first youngling could not keep the joyful trill from his voice, the name fixing something inside him - filling a gap he had not known was empty until he heard Skywarp’s voice - as he reached out through the windbond to connect with that missing piece of his very self, “I’m Thundercracker.”

“Thundercracker.” Skywarp turned the blue youngling’s designation into a song - Thundercracker had never known his name could sound like that - obviously just as affected by the strage sense of rightness as Thundercracker.

Completely forgotten about, the Flight Instructor looked on in amusement as the obviously smitten younglings stared at each other. A lucky start, to find one another so young, the teacher mused as he moved away. They would do well in life if that luck held.

And the Destiny of Vos was set in motion.

(Word Count: 354)


Murr... short, simple and sweet. I'm far too sore to post anything longer tonight. I spent 7 hours at the ranch today, 4 of which were in the saddle. I have blisters on my hands and feet, and my thighs ache in places I didn't know could ache. Plus, I am aware of the back of my pelvic bone in a whole new way. Walking is an experience in pain.

I'm also going back out tomorrow. XP

I really appreciate the clicks for my dragons, those who clicked. Some of the eggs have hatched and some new eggs have been laid/stolen. Please click again so they can grow up big and strong!

transformers fanfic, fanfiction, transformers, series: nine rings of vos, dragons

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