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Comments 19

szarabasjka January 19 2012, 21:47:41 UTC
WHAT? WAIT? HUH?? come again please?
this is so interesting, I should be reading something else.... but I just can't quit


sandymg January 20 2012, 02:08:03 UTC
Hee. This was my second favorite chapter ending. Glad you liked it.


stinchcomb2093 March 4 2012, 02:54:08 UTC
Do. What?! I'm fairly certain where this is going, but with you I kinda never know:) Great last line.
Basic stuff that was easy to carry. Fruits. Bread. Yogurt. Bottled water and juice boxes. Socks. So little. But so much.-Oh, Jared, poor guy.
"Hurts without you." - We think we can choose who we love don't we? It never really occurred to me, personally, to ever fight it. The heart wants what the heart wants. Still hurts.


sandymg March 4 2012, 03:12:58 UTC
The degree to which I adore these chapter comments can't really be stated. It's just fantastic. Like being able to lean over a reader's shoulders and just for reactions. Best possible kind of feedback. I'm curious if you do guess where it's going. I think not because the ride is curvy. But much is guessable. Well, if you've seen the film. Kinda. Sorta.


stinchcomb2093 March 4 2012, 11:24:43 UTC
Like watching your favorite movie with a friend who hasn't seen it and watching their face throughout to see their reactions, right? :) After I find out who Jensen is and reading through the rest of the story, I did guess 1 or 2 things correctly. The rest? Surprise! Like your own personal sandymg signature, I could just see it on the screen after reading a pivotal part....like, haha gotcha!


akira17 June 13 2012, 01:34:20 UTC
dunununununnununu-na TALL GUY!!!


sandymg June 13 2012, 02:43:29 UTC
This was my cliffhanger chapter. Well, there's one more. I hope you keep liking this tale! :)


darlingluv31199 July 26 2020, 23:48:39 UTC


sandymg July 27 2020, 20:41:23 UTC
Glad the story is surprising you!


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