Northern General -- Chapter 9

Oct 03, 2011 22:58

Chapter 9

Carlisle continued to give Edward the 101 course on vampires as the boy became obsessed with learning all the information he could about the subject, and, therefore, him. As he questioned Carlisle on everything from Dracula to Vampire Lestat to the Volturi, Carlisle became more comfortable with the progression of the relationship. They met for dinner at restaurants and sometimes for intimate meals at Carlisle’s condo. He tried to avoid Edward’s apartment and, therefore, Jasper as much as possible.

It finally got to the point where Carlisle decided to have another frank discussion with Edward. They were in his condo one evening sitting by the fireplace in which lit candles were placed. Soft jazz played on the intercom through the dimmed light. Carlisle was sipping red wine as Edward had a glass of Evian. They had a nice meal that Carlisle had learned to prepare, of steak and roasted vegetables. The vampire even ate a small amount of the rare meat he had cooked for himself.

"Edward, did I mention how possessive vampires can be when it comes to their mates?"

"Yes, several times. I thought it was cute, but only the first three times. Again, you have nothing to worry about, and I am not moving out of the apartment with Jasper."

"Edward, you and Jasper were a couple at one point, and it appeared that you were quite enamored of him. Is that a correct assumption, and, if so, what changed?"

Edward had been leaning with his back against Carlisle’s chest as he sat on the floor between his knees. He tilted his head to look at the older man.

"You’re right, Carlisle. I did have feelings for Jasper. I was drawn to his magnetic personality and his bad boy looks. I enjoyed being with him. He made me feel special; and, for once, I was cool if only by association. When I was with him, I didn’t think about responsibilities. He’s always so relaxed, laid back, not a care in the world. I envied that. But my feelings for Jasper then and now are nothing compared to how I feel about you. I felt something for you the first moment I met you on that train. I tried to ignore it. You were so handsome… beautiful, but also, older. I was afraid that I might have been repeating my infatuation with Peter. When Jasper came along, I thought he was the one to help me pass my Lolita complex." Edward smirked. "But I came to realize I was attracted to him, but not in love. That became clear once you kissed me."

"So you and he are only good friends now, roommates? Because I don’t believe Jasper is clear on that concept."

"Jasper understands our relationship. He’s not a problem, Carlisle. He won’t try anything. He’s a good friend to me, and besides, as long as I live with him it throws the suspicion off you."

"Don’t tell me," Carlisle said raising one eyebrow suspiciously. "Jasper thought of that."

Edward smiled and gave Carlisle a chaste kiss as an answer to his question.

He took Edward home that night ready to receive the scrutinizing looks he often got from Jasper upon arriving at the boy’s door. Kissing his love goodnight was reserved for the inside of his condo -- away from the public. He needed a kiss to hold him until next time and practically fell upon Edward as he opened the door. Unfortunately it was not Jasper, but his father awaiting him.

"Father, what are you doing here?"

"What is he doing here?" Edward senior said, indicating Carlisle and dismissing his question.

"Hello, Mr. Masen. It’s good to see you again." Carlisle said. I was just bringing Edward home from the hospital. I was tutoring him on a difficult case he was working on."

Edward’s face was bright red, belittling the cover up Carlisle had provided.

"Where’s Jasper?" the boy croaked out, trying to change the subject. As if on cue, Jasper walked through the door with a bag in his hand. He casually walked past them to the kitchen.

"I got that scotch you asked for, Mr. Masen. I’m sorry we don’t keep any spirits in the house. Edward doesn’t allow it."

"Father, you’re not supposed to be drinking. What about your condition?"

"You didn’t answer me, Edward. What are you doing consorting with this maniac who attacked me? I knew I should have pressed charges."

Carlisle knew that was an empty threat. There were bruises around the man’s neck at the time but there was also one on Edward’s face. Edward had threatened to tell the truth and Edward’s Sr.’s career and reputation would have been on the line. Needless to say the matter was dropped. Like father, like son, Edward refused to answer his father’s question.

"Carlisle, thanks for helping me today. You should go," Edward looked pointedly at him, but Carlisle was reluctant to leave Edward with his father in his agitated state, and did not bulge from the position beside his mate.

After taking the drink Jasper prepared, Edward Sr. continued his verbal attack. "So it’s Carlisle, is it? I see you have gone back to your old habits, Edward. You always did like them older." He paused as if to emphasize the point. "That makes it even more perverse." He took a gulp of his drink before continuing. "Edward, you have to come home. I can get you some help before it is too late."

Edward gave him a harsh laugh. "I need help? You can’t go a day without liquor in your hands, yet you come to my home and drink as you belittle me and my lifestyle? I don’t want you here, father. I will visit you anywhere but here. I won’t have you insulting me in my own home."

"This is not your home! This is not your lifestyle!" He grabbed the bottle off the counter and poured himself another drink. Jasper had the decently to look sheepish before he slinked off to stand in the corner of the kitchen. "It’s my fault; I should have paid more attention to you while you were growing up. I’m trying to correct my mistakes, Edward. No matter what you think of me, I am still your father. I can’t sit by and watch you ruin your life. It’s obvious that you have been whoring yourself to first this one," he said shaking his head at Jasper," and now your instructor. You need to come home, Edward, and I will do everything in my power to make it so."

Edward stood in front of his father, appearing helpless as he blinked several times as if fighting back tears. Carlisle fought to stop himself from pulling the boy into his arms and away from the vitriol spitting human in front of him.

"Please leave, father. You’re drunk."

"I’m not half as drunk as I should be with all you’re been putting me through. I’m going, Edward, but this isn’t over." He put the empty glass on the counter before he walked toward the door, pausing in front of Carlisle.

"And you, Dr. Carlisle Cullen, stay away from my boy if you know what’s good for you!"

"I’m sorry, Edward." Jasper stated once the menace had gone. "He came demanding to see you. I told him you would be out late, but he persisted and said he would stay as long as necessary. I know the scotch was wrong, but I used it as an excuse to get away from him. He started interrogating me about our sexuality and our relationship. If I was a criminal, I would take a plea rather than go to court with that man as the prosecutor." He visibly shivered. "Your father gives me the creeps."

"That’s alright, Jasper. I know how difficult he can be."

"Edward, are you alright?" Carlisle asked as he wrapped his arms around the boy.

"I will be. This is not the first time, but what about you, Carlisle? What if my father makes trouble?"

"I don’t believe he would, and it would not matter if he did. I would weather any storm for you."

"Maybe you two should give it a rest, Cullen. Can’t you see how much of a strain this is putting on Edward? His father seems as persistent as a bee at honey. He’s not going to let this go."

"He’s right, Carlisle. My fa…"

"No," Carlisle interrupted. "That is not an option. I can’t be separated from you. Your father was making empty threats. I’m sure of it."

"Carlisle, you don’t know my father."

"Edward, I can’t be separated from you. I won’t let your father come between us no matter what."

"You’re sounding a little scary there, Cullen. Maybe his father has a point."

"Maybe you need to stay out of this, Jasper. I think you have done enough interfering."

"Please, you two, this isn’t getting us anywhere. I can’t let my father disrupt or dictate my life for me. That’s one of the reasons why I moved out in the first place." He turned to Jasper. "Jasper can you give Carlisle and me some privacy for a moment?" It was not until Jasper begrudgingly left the room that Edward began to speak.

"I am afraid, Carlisle, but I don’t know if I can stop seeing you."

"We will be more cautious, Edward. School is almost over. I won’t be your instructor much longer." Carlisle rubbed the boy’s arms. "Don’t worry, my Edward. Everything will work out." He kissed Edward’s eyes before trailing more down his nose to kiss his lips, receiving the desired smile, playfully kissing the teen’s troubles away.

"‘My Edward’?"

"Yes, I’ll think I’ll call you that from now on. I wouldn’t want to get you and your father confused."

With the shadow of Masen Sr. gone, they separated, agreeing to meet the next day after school but to be more cautious in public.

Chapter 10

carlisle/edward, slash, vbb, author: sandraj60, northern general

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