Northern General -- Chapter 10

Oct 03, 2011 23:13

Chapter 10

Somehow each day with Edward was better than the previous one. Carlisle was happier than he had ever been in his life. Even being a vampire -- and all that it entailed -- did not put a damper on his mood. He put that fact of being undead on the back burner to bask in the moment, something he had never allowed himself to do before. He thought that perhaps he was learning something from Jasper after all.

He was in his office one day reminiscing over the previous evening he had spent with Edward. They had gone for another ride on his boat on Lake Michigan. He had watched the wind whip through the boy’s hair as he laughed, elated at being on the water. Edward was more than eager to learn how to man the boat. And later on that night, he was extremely eager to learn how to be a proper cabin boy. Carlisle was glad he was in his office so that no one could see the goofy smile that was surely on his face.

A knock on his door brought him out of his risqué thoughts.

"Come in, please."

A man and a woman wearing street clothes walked into his office. The man was broad shouldered with balding dark hair and the woman was an attractive statures’ brunette. Both looked grim. As Carlisle stood up, a terrible foreboding overtook him as the man began to speak.

"Dr. Carlisle Cullen?" he spoke with a contemptuous voice.

"I’m Detective Benston and this is Detective Stapler."

"You are under arrest for criminal code 720 ILCS 5/12-13."

"I’m sorry, what are you talking about?"

The woman stared stoically at him while speaking, "Statutory Rape, Dr. Cullen."

For the first time in his life, Carlisle was at a loss for words as the detectives walked around his desk with handcuffs. It was as they were leading him to his door that his vampire mind started into gear again.

"I don’t understand. Who has accused me of statutory rape and of whom?"

"Edward Masen Sr. has accused you of Criminal Sexual Assault of his son -- Edward Masen Jr."


As soon as he had the necessary documentation, Eleazar had become his council. Tanya had filled him in on Carlisle’s relationship with Edward. Eleazar was happy his friend had finally found someone, but it troubled him that it was with a young human. He could not help thinking that Carlisle would not have been in this predicament had he mated with another vampire. The vampire never did anything the easy way. It was bad enough he was a vegetarian as he had chosen to be himself, but to choose a human for a mate? Aro would not be pleased.

Carlisle had remained in jail until his arraignment. Luckily, it had only been three days, not enough time where blood lust would take over from lack of feeding as he had fed the night before his arrest. Eleazar stood at his side for moral support more so than as his attorney.

"The defendant is accused of having a sexual relationship with a minor - his student. The boy is only seventeen and believes he is in love with the defendant. His bail should be high to protect the victim who is likely to continue to try to seek his affections. The defendant is also very wealthy with means to flee the country to continue his depraved behavior."

"A large bail is unnecessary. He is not a flight risk. He is a highly respected physician with strong ties to the community with no prior record," Eleazar countered.

"How do you plea, Dr. Cullen?" the judge inquired.

"Not guilty, your Honor," Carlisle stated.

"Bail is set at 2 million."


The worst part of the whole imprisonment was no contact with Edward for three days. The entire time he sat in his cell, he worried about the boy and how he was affected by his arrest. It was also ironic for him to spend his time in prison for statutory rape, reminiscing about the feel of the boy’s warm, soft skin and the way it flushed in response to his touch. He had to see Edward, get word to him some way.

But when he walked out of the county jail, he was shocked to see his angel waiting for him.

"Edward?" He raced to the boy stopping only a few feet away, achingly keeping his hands at his side. "What are you doing here?" He noticed that his mate refused to meet his gaze.

"I’m sorry for causing all this trouble, Carlisle. My father promised to drop the charges." Edward turned his head to glance at the limousine parked illegally behind him.

A chill ran down Carlisle’s spine.

"How much of your soul did you have to sell for him to do that, Edward?"

"It’s for the best, Carlisle. It would have ruined your career."

"Edward. What have you done?"

"My father and I are leaving."

"What do you mean? What about school?"

"I’ll finish school later. My father said I’m still young. I have time. He said we needed to go away together… to get to know each other… to become a family again."

"And what about us, Edward?"

"I…I can’t see you anymore. It was one of the stipulations."

"So you can so easily give me up, Edward? Don’t I mean anything to you?"

Carlisle regretted his words as soon as he saw the anguish on the boy’s face.

"You mean everything to me, Carlisle," the boy said unable to stop the tears that started streaming down his face. One of the limousine windows slid down and Edward quickly tried to compose himself.

"Goodbye, Carlisle." Carlisle watched the boy turn around and enter through the door the driver had opened, waiting for him. He could see Edward Sr. sitting stiffly in the back, a smug expression on his face.


Eleazar caught Carlisle, putting his arms around him before he began to crouch and go after his prey. He had watched the subtle difference in his friend’s eyes and the tightening of his jaws and stance.

"It is bright daylight and you are in the public eye. Compose yourself. Come. We will go to your home and plan. This is not over," he whispered in his ear.

Along with Tanya, they silently drove back to Carlisle’s condo. No one knew what to say to ease their friend’s pain.

"It’s for the best," Carlisle finally said, his demeanor resigned. "I had a little time to think while in jail. I was selfish, only thinking about myself and what I wanted. I was going to take his life from him and turn him into a blood sucking monster just to satisfy my needs."

Eleazar wanted to throttle Carlisle at times. This was one of them. "Is that what you truly believe, Carlisle? That all of us are monsters? And that you are selfish in wanting happiness for yourself? We are creatures who live on blood, Carlisle. That is true. But we are sentient beings who make choices which determine whether or not we are monsters. Speaking of which, of what you have told me about your mate’s father, do you really think he is better off with him?" Eleazar was almost shouting by the end of his tirade.

Carlisle remained silent, whether Eleazar had gotten through to him, remained uncertain.

Once safely inside the condo, Tanya lit the fireplace and poured Carlisle’s favorite red wine. She steered her friend to his chair by the hearth, placed the glass in his hand, and encourage him to drink. She felt useless, having no clue or advice to give, and guilty about encouraging her friend to pursue Edward. Seeing how broken Carlisle was made her doubt all the advice she had previously given him. Eleazar started the conversation.

"It is a good thing the case will never go to trial Carlisle. If Aro had gotten wind of this there would have been terrible repercussions to both you and Edward. The boy has saved more than just your career."

Carlisle stared into the fireplace as Eleazar continued to speak. Tanya kneeled on the floor at his side with her hand on his knee in consolation.

"We have to look at our options. You can sit around and wait until Edward is of legal age. He is no longer your student now, which would also make things easier. The only problem is his attachment to his father," Eleazar advised.

"How about we kill the father and then the two of you could run off somewhere? We can make it look like an accident. It’s been done before."

"NO!" Both Carlisle and Eleazar yelled at Tanya simultaneously.

"You two are making things harder than they should be. Carlisle, had you listened to me and snuck into his bedroom one night, any thoughts of his father wouldn’t even cross his mind and you could now be on your extended honeymoon instead of pining away while he plays the dutiful son."

"Tanya, I could never have taken advantage of him and Edward would never forgive me if I hurt his father."

"Does it matter? Once you become Edward’s sire he would have to submit to you anyway."

"Right, Tanya. I can see it now, Edward in snit for an eternity. I would be better off going to Aro right now and ending it all."

Both Eleazar and Tanya gaped at each other in fear.

"Oh, calm down, you two. I’m not that depressed… yet."

Placing his hands in his pockets, Carlisle walked to the window, looking out over the city. Watching the teeming life below him only reminded him of how apart he was from the rest of humanity. Emptiness engulfed him as he realized that he had only been an observer all this time, watching life go by but never really participating on a personal level. He had never belonged. With Edward, he had felt alive again. For once he had mattered to someone, had someone to call his own to watch over and care for, someone to love and to be loved in return.

It took two days to get Carlisle to leave the apartment to hunt. True to his word, all charges were dropped. Even though the hospital administrator personally called Carlisle to offer his job back, Carlisle decided to take a leave of absence. The administrator was very understanding. She expressed how sorry she was about the accusations against him, then told him to take as long as he needed. Carlisle wondered where she was when he was charged with the allegations. There was no one who had come to his defense.

The buzzer sounded, startling him out of his thoughts.

He walked over to the intercom, puzzled and a little hopeful -- praying Edward had changed his mind.

"Who is it?"

"It’s Jasper."

Disappointed, Carlisle, nevertheless, pushed the buzzer to allow the young Texan up to his home.

Eleazar was slightly put off that Carlisle would receive company in the middle of an important discussion. He was thinking that the vampire had already started to become unhinged since losing his mate.

"Shouldn't we be going?"

"No, Eleazar. Jasper was Edward’s roommate. Maybe he can help tell us where Edward has gone."

Standing by the door, Carlisle anxiously opened it before Jasper could knock.

"Please come in, Jasper. I would like for you to meet Eleazar, my attorney and friend, and you already know Tanya."

Jasper nodded his head in acknowledgement. He had raced into the apartment, clearly anxious to speak.

"You have to stop him, Cullen. He wouldn’t listen to me."

"Jasper, I don’t where his father has taken him. He wasn’t allowed to tell me."

"Maybe he couldn’t tell you, but he told me. They left for Ireland."

"But what can I do. He’s not allowed to see me."

"I don't trust his father, Cullen. I don't believe it is safe for Edward to be around him. If you love him as you say you do, you’ll find a way. You can’t leave him with that man. He’ll destroy Edward. He’ll never be the same innocent kid I fell in love with. Please, Cullen. I would do it myself but he won’t listen to me. I’m not the one he’s in love with. I didn’t understand the depth of his feelings for you until now. This was tearing him apart, Cullen. It was bad enough he had to give up school but his father also took him away from the man he loves. If you really care about him, you will get him away from that sorry excuse for a father and bring him home."

"Jasper, even if I get him away from his father, I can’t promise that I can bring him back."

"I understand. I just need to know that he’s alright. I haven't heard from him since he left."

"Do you happen to know the flight information and the exact destination in Ireland?

"No, I only know that they will be staying in a cottage there but I don’t know exactly where. Edward did say that the cottage belonged to the family."

"Good. That’s a start."

"What are you going to do about his father? He’s not going to let Edward go that easily."

"We will figure that out when we get there. Suffice it to say, that I will be having a very puissant talk with Edward Sr. I think it’s time we had a confrontation about Edward. I won’t allow his father to manipulate him any longer."

"Yeah, well remember the last talk you had with Ed Sr. landed him in the hospital. I’m going with you. I have to be there for him in case he needs me."

"Jasper, it is not going to be a walk in the park. This could even get dangerous," Eleazar said.

"Look people, I’m on to you. I don’t know what you all are but my instincts tell me that it’s something more than human. I’ve seen Carlisle’s eyes change color on more than one occasion. Edward wouldn’t tell me anything, but I’m no dummy. Now frankly, I don’t care if you all are actually fairies or little green men, but I care about Edward as much as you do, Carlisle. And I’m going with you whether you like it or not."

The vampires all looked at each other, conveying without words their uncertainty about how to proceed with the accusation.

Carlisle spoke, knowing that Jasper had been suspicious for some time and seeing no need for any further subterfuge. Jasper loved Edward; he would not want him in danger of disclosure.

"And you think it'd be better for him to be around me? You now know that I am different, that I’m not like you. Yet you think it will be better for him to be around someone who's not quite human?"

"Doc, from what I know of you, you're a lot more human the most and I don't think Edward would have fallen in love with you if you weren’t. Even if you could twist your head 180°, you would still be more human than his father. I say the hell with all this and let’s rustle up a posse and go after him. We need to get him away from his father."

Tanya smiled, "Jasper, I like the way you think. I say the cowboy is right. I think we need to put Operation Save Edward into effect."

"And suppose Edward does not want to be saved?" Carlisle countered.

"Then we will not give him the option," Eleazar answered. “It is not an easy decision but there is no going back now Carlisle. How much longer do you think you're going to be able stay away from him? You could probably survive but you would not be living. And as Jasper has said, what would become of Edward?"

Carlisle stood silent in contemplation. He stood to lose Edward in one form or the other. But he had to think foremost of Edward. What would be best for him? No matter what angle he assessed the dilemma from, somehow Edward’s relationship with his father would still be compromised.

It was difficult, but they finally convinced Jasper to stay behind to finish school. The semester was almost over. Carlisle promised to get word to him as soon as possible. He, Eleazar, and Tanya, left for the next flight out of O'Hare to Ireland. Carlisle relied on his computer skills to track down information on property owned by the Masens in Ireland. It was in a remote countryside near Dublin by the Irish Sea.

It was decided that it would be best if Carlisle went to the home alone, so Tanya and Eleazar stayed behind in the hotel. Carlisle parked the rental car in front of the stately manor. It was a large three-story gray stone building embraced by entwining foliage; it gave the appearance of being a natural part of the scenery. The whole ambiance of the place was serene and idyllic. It seemed to be a dwelling where one could relax and regroup. He was hesitant. Perhaps this was where Edward needed to be with his father. He could be disrupting the bonding that Edward had always wished for. The boy loved his father dearly despite the hardships his father put him through. Looking at the bucolic scenery around the home, Carlisle doubted himself. It felt wrong, like he was an interloper, but he had come this far. He would confront the two of them and relate his sincerest wishes. He just needed to see that Edward would be all right. He only wanted him happy.

He walked up to the door with dread. He knew he would not be welcomed with open arms and wondered if  Edward would even be allowed to see him. He knocked on the door and was greeted by a middle-aged woman.

"Excuse me ma'am, I am looking for Edward Mason. Does he reside here?" He sniffed the air but only caught a faint's scent of Edward’s.

"No one is home, Sir."

"I'm sorry, my name is Dr. Carlisle Cullen. I'm a friend of the family. I came a long way to see Edward and his son. Could you please tell me where I can find them or when do you think they might be home?"

"I don't know when they will return, but you can find them at the hospital."

A chill ran down Carlisle spine." Can you please tell me what happened? Is Edward Jr. all right?"

"I'm not sure, Sir. The two of them were barely settled here when it happened. Only saw them for a few moments. I had gone to fix some tea. When I came out of the kitchen with the tray, they were gone. Less than an hour later a man knocked on the door and told me to call an ambulance and send them down to the sea shore. There must've been some terrible tragedy because I have not heard from Mr. Masen since that time."

"Thank you, Ms…."

"Just call me, Mary. When you see the Masons at the hospital, please let them know that they are in my prayers."

After getting directions, Carlisle drove to the hospital, breaking every speed limit. He walked into the building, determined that nothing would hold him back from finding Edward. He smiled, dazzling the receptionist, and gave his credentials as a doctor in America. It took no time at all in getting the information that he needed.

Walking the corridors as fast as humanly possible, he reached the private room; there sat Edward Sr. He was holding the hand of his son who lay still and silent, only the sound of the respirator and the monitors could be heard. He did not look up from his vigil. His shoulders were slumped, his demeanor defeated.

Carlisle walked to the other side of the bed, his mind in a daze. He stared down at the once vibrant young man who lay comatose. For a short time he was convinced that he was mistaken, that it could not be his Edward. This boy had pale, translucent, mottled, purple-tinged skin. His hair was lackluster, plastered on his forehead. There was no spark from this boy. This boy was dying.

He felt he was being punished for praying it had been Edward Sr. who had the need of medical attention -- that perhaps he’d another heart attack. But he knew. He had felt it before he reached the hospital. The ache, as much as he tried to ignore it, was worse than when he had separated from him that last day.

"What happened?" He asked hoarsely, never taking his focus from the boy, his Edward.

Edward senior begin speaking, his voice seemly disembodied." I only wanted to help him. He's my son. He’s all I have. He was supposed to carry on our name."

"What the hell did you do to him?" Carlisle said with contempt, barely able to control his anger. The only thing keeping the man alive was the knowledge that he knew, no matter what, Edward would want no to harm to come to his father.

"I hired some men to help him. They were recommended by some friends. I was told these men would provide therapy that could turn him normal for me. I had to do something. It was my fault he was the way he was. I wasn't there for him the way I should have been. I remember when he begged me to take him to a Sox game. I was always too busy." He looked up at Carlisle as if asking for forgiveness. And even though he looked weak and vulnerable, the vampire felt no pity for him. He glared at him, indicating for him to continue.

"They arrived at the house soon after we did -- just as planned. I allowed them to take him out of the home. It was not long before I heard commotion and looked out the window. Edward had gotten away from them. He looked as if he was running blindly. I don’t think he knew where he was headed. I raced out of the house to follow. We all chased him. I begged him to stop. I didn't know he could run so fast. Once he got to a small cliff at the edge of the sea, he turned around and stared at me. The wind was blowing strongly around him, causing his hair to partially obscure his face, but I could still clearly see his expression. He looked so hurt…devastated. Then, as I watched in shock and horror, he turned toward the sea and jumped. By the time we got down to the seashore to pull him out of the water, it was too late... he had been under too long." He gazed at his son again, stroking his hand. "I just can't let him go."

"He’s brain dead." Carlisle said as a statement of fact. His medical experience told him all he needed to know.

"You have to help him, Dr. Cullen. I know you can. I think he’s been waiting for you."

"How do you expect me to help him?" Carlisle snarled at him. "You killed him. He’s brain dead," he reiterated.

"It doesn’t matter. You can save him. You can do what no one else can. I’m sure of it," he pleaded.

Carlisle looked at the man who essentially had taken any happiness he could have had away from him. The man’s tearful expression showed contrition. It was also one of perception.

He knew.

Carlisle spoke softly, his voice tremulous with fear. "I have no way of knowing if the change can cure him."


carlisle/edward, slash, vbb, author: sandraj60, northern general

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