Got poor sleep again. Will switch off early and go and read The No-Cry Sleep Solution in hopes and prayers some solution may be found for BB's refusal to sleep at night. It is doing awful things to our bonding and not so great things to our health as well
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Comments 11
As for DD being slapped...sheesh. That's no good at all. I've been smacked before by my parents, but when my grandparents spanked me, they heard about it from my folks. And that was family. *hugs* Good luck getting it sorted.
as for DD - as long as she is ok that's good and the Dad needs a talking to, calmly if possible.
Hugs about BB - and let me know if you are still up for company tomorrow evening what ime suits you.
Sorry BB is being a pain. Somehow it's so much more exhausting when they are little bit older.
Agreed totally about Grey. No significant difference in his acting before or after he was frozen.
As for BB last night went a good deal better. Still not best though. Silly boy!
I *did* happen to watch Touchwood(TM), but was missing so much in the way of context as to spend 45 minutes going "uh" and "oo" at semi-random, so I'll skip the detailed analysis until I've watched from the start of the first series, in what one might call "Kate Mode" (LJs ibid). The "in a hole for 2000 years" bit did strike me as teetering on the brink of Marvin territory, though. "Millennia of premature burial, and I have a stabbing pain in my epaulettes all down one siiiiide. Oh well."
What's the right-on postmodern-corconian-tapas place, then?
Kid #1 getting whacked by some random stranger Oh if it was only that. That would a matter for the Gardai and I could go at it all gloves off, crazed Momma with no repercussions upon her. Sadly said adult was her best friend's Dad and a man we really rather liked up until now. They are neighbours too and we share a lot of child dropping/collecting duties and alternate sleepovers and playdates. So if I balls this up repercussions could be very bad for DD but at the same time I am not about to just leave it am I?
Love the Marvin ref. too btw.!
Oh, I see. That would indeed complicate matters, and modulate one's "grrrrr" (even as a sentiment, setting aside the matter of tactics). But no, I imagine you certainly wouldn't want to leave it at that, for the sake of all concerned. I'd reckon that "concerned and puzzled enquiry" would be a reasonable place to start one's opening bid, and see how things go from there. Fortunately (for me, at least), it's an area I'm profoundly non-qualified in...
Bridge Steet, OK. thanks. Heh, that's one place you'd think I'd actually notice such things! Especially now the Nights Are Fair Drawin' Oot(TM). I must give it a try.
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