Greetings, lovelies! It's that time of year again. Poll tallies are in, and the results are indisputable. Antichristmas 2013 is go!
ETA: Signups are closed! You will have your assignment by April 7th. Thanks guys!
(copy & paste this code to spread the word)">"/> A couple house keeping things before we get into the nitty gritty of signups. First, as in last year's exchange, gifts will consist of fiction, fan art or graphics, depending on what you are comfortable providing. Signups will remain open until March 31st, at which point I will sort things out and mail everyone their assignments. Then, you may post your finished gift anytime between May 2nd and May 12th. I'll put together the roundup post once everyone has received their gifts.
Here is a brief overview of the exchange timeline:
+ TODAY (March 15th) - Signups open
+ March 31st - Signups close
+ April 7th - Assignments go out
+ May 2nd through May 12th - POST THOSE GIFTS!
Okay! On to the fun stuff!
Here's how this works
(1) Leave a comment on this post by Sunday, March 31st with how you would like to participate (see the neat little box in number three for all the information I'll need from you). The comments to this post are screened, so only I can see them. Please understand that by leaving a comment, you are agreeing to do this exchange. If you decide not to do it, someone will be left sad and giftless while we find a pinch-hitter. Please keep this in mind when signing up.
(2) This is done in the glorious name of our Demon Jesus, so all prompts should somehow involve his Unholiness. In other words, this is not the place to request PWP of Sam/Jess or Dean/Uriel just because you want PWP of Sam/Jess or Dean/Uriel. But anything at all, as long as it ties in to the community's themes (antichrist!Sam, boyking!Sam, Sam the Demon Jesus, Sam's demonic powers and/or destiny, Dean the Unholy Consort...) is right up our alley.
(3) In your comment, include this information:
LJ Username:E-mail Address: What are you willing to do: Write a fanfic or create some type of graphic or fanart? (please specify het/gen/slash). If you’re willing to do either/or, please indicate so:What characters/pairings do you prefer to write or create art/graphics for? (EX: Sam and Dean, Sam/Dean, Sam/Ruby, Sam/Castiel, Sam and his hell hounds…) Please list as many couples/people as you want:Is there any genre/situation you'd prefer to write or create art for? (EX: You'll write gen but prefer to write slash, you really enjoy writing hard core smut or darkfic, etc.):Is there any situation/character/pairing you won't write or create art for? (EX: threesome, death fic, fics involving Ruby, etc)If asked to write/draw romance, what ratings are you comfortable with (using the G to NC-17 scale)? What variety of gift would you like to receive: Fanfic or art/graphic(s)? If you are willing to receive either, please indicate so:Would you prefer to receive gen, het or slash? (specify as many as you would like):What character(s) would you like in your fic/graphic? (EX: Sam and Dean, Sam/Castiel, Meg, etc) List as many couples/people as you want:Please give three or so prompts you would like for your fanfic/graphic (EX: Sam and Dean taking on a legion of giraffes that escaped from Hell's zoo): List any specific kinks you would like to see, or anything else you'd like included in the gift: List any kinks/themes/etc. that you DON'T want. Please be as specific as you feel is necessary: If you've requested romance of some type, what ratings are you comfortable receiving (using the G to NC-17 scale)?: Are you willing to volunteer your services as a beta?If yes, what will you beta? Any other concerns you have? (4) Writing/Drawing/Posting your gift: I'll have your assignment to you no later than April 7th, and then you can get started. Your work must be posted at
sammessiah between May 2nd and May 12th. Go ahead and crosspost your gift wherever you like, but be sure you remember to post to
sammessiah as well. (It's also fine if you want to post elsewhere and simply provide a link, just make sure you put something up at Sammessiah so we can find your gift.)
(5) Regarding Betas: If you find yourself in a pinch and needing a beta, get in touch with me (via PM or comment, however you're comfortable). I'll have a list of people who indicated at signup that they would be willing to beta, and I can put you in touch. Make sure you tell me genre/pairings/warnings when you contact me.
(6) Other rules:
-If you're writing fic, the work must be over 500 words. Obviously art and graphics will be more subjective in terms of quantity, but please try and stick with the spirit of giving and deliver something you think your giftee will be excited for.
-Thank the person who created something for you.
So, in review:
Sign up by March 31st. You'll have your assignment by April 7th. Post the fanwork you create between May 2nd and May 12th.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please leave a comment here, send me (
dreamlittleyo) a private message, or email sammessiah (at) gmail (dot) com. Comments to this post are screened.