Antichristmas 2010: Comment!Fic Extravaganza!!!

May 02, 2010 20:04

Happy Sammy's Birthday, oh loyal faithful! (And thank you so much for being patient with me). Here it is, the unveiling of the Antichristmas 2010 Comment!Fic Extravaganza! (Don't forget to go sign up for the Fic and Art exchange as well, if you're inclined to do both. ^_^)">">

(Copy and paste the above to pimp)

Here's the rules!

(1) Comment to this post with your prompt and desired characters/pairings. Prompts must be in keeping with sammessiah's themes (e.g. demon!Jesus Sam, antichrist!Sam, ruler-of-hell Sam, powers and destiny Sam, unholy consort!Dean... you get the picture).

(2) Please include pairing(s) and warnings in your subject line if applicable - this will allow people who aren't into certain pairings or themes to more easily avoid them.

(3) You can leave multiple prompts, but stick to one prompt per comment. If you've got more than one, comment separately with each.

(4) Fictional characters only.

(5) No anonymous comments.

(6) No spoilers for unaired episodes, and please warn if your request has spoilers for the most recent couple episodes (since not everyone can get their hands on them right away).

(7) If you find a request that sings to you, jump right in and fill it! Art, fic, haiku... everything is fair game!

(8) Also, more than one response to a prompt is totally acceptable. If it's already been filled but you feel compelled to write or draw something? Go for it!

(9) When replying to post your fic/art/etc., put "FILLED" in the subject line (and then any other information you want to include). Titles, for example, are strongly encouraged (they'll make the list a lot easier to compile and navigate). No big crisis if you forget this step, but it might fall through the cracks if you don't include this information.

(10) Meme will not be formally closed at the 'end' (people can keep playing here if they want), but on June 20th I'll be rounding up links from here and the exchange to make a single, consolidated Antichristmas Master Post. Fanworks added after that date are welcome, but won't be added to the list.

The List:
[ Gravamen] by dreamlittleyo (gen, boyking!Sam & advisor!Dean)
[ In Your Eyes I See (A Fire That Burns)] by mercuryblue144 (AU Boy King Sam/Demon Dean)
[ Untitled Haiku] by mercuryblue144
[ The Joke's on You] by rivers_bend (Sam/Dean, crack/humor)
[ For You] by immortal_jedi (gen, Boy King Sam)
[ Healthy, Happy and His] by kaimore (Sam/Dean non/dub con)
[ Forked as a Lightning Strike] by mercuryblue144 (gen)
[ Before the Devil Even Knows] by azinazelle (Lucifer!Sam/Dean)
[ "Brothers?"] by immortal_jedi (gen)
[Two Untitled Haikus] by ofdisbelief
[ Better to be the King's Consort than Heaven's Bitch] by azinazelle (Crackiness and mild implied future Wincest)
[ We Need A King In Hell, Sam] by pathsforme (gen)
[ Gethsemene] by smallcaps (gen, angst)
[ We Need A King In Hell, Sam] by pathsforme (gen)
[ Change of Plans] by maryaminx (gen)
[ The Demon Going Marching One by One Hurrah! Hurrah!] by pathsforme (gen)
[ Hell In My Eyes, Death In My Veins] by mercuryblue144 (poem)
[ Whoops!] by immortal_jedi (gen)
[ Crossroads Not Sealed With a Kiss] by maryaminx (Sam/Jess)
[ Anger Management:: Hell's Style] by maryaminx (gen, crack)
[ Never Stop Looking for You in the Night] by page_r (Sam/Dean)
[ Instinct] by delanach (Sam/Dean)

antichristmas, announcements

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