
Feb 12, 2012 22:33

Gulp. So, I seem to have written a fluffy, angsty romance novel!

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Comments 19

sjhw_tolerance February 12 2012, 22:41:45 UTC
Congrats, Sally! I'll have to check it out.


salr323 February 12 2012, 23:38:29 UTC
Thanks Sue! I hope you like it if you do. :)


outinthestorm February 13 2012, 01:04:04 UTC
Oooh, congratulations!


salr323 February 13 2012, 07:43:36 UTC
Thank you! I'm really excited. :)


geekmama February 13 2012, 01:37:57 UTC
Wow! How cool is that?!! Congrats, and good luck with it!


salr323 February 13 2012, 07:45:15 UTC
Thank you! I think I'll need all the luck I can get. :)


tuesday_suit February 13 2012, 02:56:36 UTC
No. WAY.

(some of you may recognise the title!)

Um, yes. That was a damn good story the first time around, too. ;-)

So sweet of you to offer a free download! I'll get one straight away on Tuesday - it sounds great!


salr323 February 13 2012, 07:48:43 UTC
Oh thank you. I really hope you enjoy it - you'll recognise some, but most of it is different. I can't wait to hear what you think! :)


whensheflies February 13 2012, 07:11:31 UTC
This is so exciting! Congratulations! I look forward to reading this.


salr323 February 13 2012, 07:50:09 UTC
Thank you - I really hope you enjoy it. I'd love to hear what you think. :)


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