
Feb 12, 2012 22:33

Gulp. So, I seem to have written a fluffy, angsty romance novel!

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Comments 19

amenirdis February 13 2012, 15:16:42 UTC
YAY! Go you! I will definitely buy it!


salr323 February 13 2012, 22:13:47 UTC
Oh thank you! :) I really hope you like it - any pointers would be welcome... ebooks can always be edited! :)


kassandra_w February 13 2012, 17:13:39 UTC
Congrats on your new book!


salr323 February 13 2012, 22:14:10 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


kassandra_w February 14 2012, 06:27:54 UTC
You're welcome!


anr February 14 2012, 09:44:33 UTC
congrats, hon. That's AWESOME!!


salr323 February 14 2012, 21:16:29 UTC
Thank you! :) And thanks for the glass heart too. :)


spitfiresparrow May 21 2012, 05:59:27 UTC
So I return to Livejournal after about two years only to find that my favourite author (couldn't get enough of the PotC fanfic at the time) has gone and wrote her own novel!! This is AMAZING. Well done, Sally. You should be really proud of yourself, as I'm sure you are. I look forward to hearing of more from you and in the meantime I will do my best to clear my busy schedule long enough to once again delve into your amazingly written world's.


OMG!! orionredstar January 21 2015, 20:57:27 UTC
Sally, I remember this story a LONG time ago when you wrote a Sparrabeth tale by this name...as a matter of fact I was looking to read it and found THIS!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! you got published????? WTF!! That is awesome girl! Way to go!

Have no clue where you have been...but miss ya! Actually, I hope you see this! LOL!


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