(Fic) Another Piece of the Puzzle

Mar 31, 2013 22:04

Series: Samurai Warriors 3
Title: Another Piece of the Puzzle
Pairing(s): Kanetsugu/Masamune if you squint
Genre: General/Angst
Rating: G
Warnings: Some discussion of religion. I'd probably term myself an agnostic, so discussion of religion between two characters written my someone with no connections to any religion? Also, very, very short.
Summary: Kanetsugu finds a cross among Masamune's things, but their discussion on the object leaves him with more questions than answers.

The jade was chartreuse in color. It was not a normal shade, and the pendant was intricately carved as well. It wasn't until he'd picked it up that Kanetsugu had noticed - or at least recognized - the shape. A cross.

There'd been whispers of Date's close ties with the foreigners. Rumors that he allowed missionaries to practice despite Tokugawa's dislike of them. Some had suggested the Oshu lord had converted, but he'd seen nothing to substantiate the suggestion.

As a follower of Benzaiten, he should have been more disturbed than he felt. But all he really felt was curiosity. When Masamune had spotted him studying the cross, though, he'd stormed over to snatch it away angrily.

"Is it honorable to rifle through someone's belongings?" He'd snapped.

"I was hardly rifling through anything." Kanetsugu had replied, not at all pleased with the tone he'd taken with him. "You left it out."

"Still doesn't give you a right to poke around and paw at it." Masamune had retorted. He'd placed the cross in a box, hiding it from plain view.

"There's been rumors. Are you a convert?"

"You think I'd tell you if I was?"

"Why not? It would be one more thing I was wrong about."

The words seemed to make Masamune uncomfortable. "Why do you people always insist there is only one "right"? Did it ever occur to you there might be more than one "right"? That it's possible to respect, but not believe?"

Kanetsugu pondered the words. "Who gave it to you?"

"None of your damn business."

"A foreigner?"

"Kanetsugu..." His tone held a warning. But he'd never bothered with worrying about his warnings before.

"Someone important to you?"

Masamune glowered, then strode to the tent flap. He paused there. "Yes." He replied before exiting.

Kanetsugu felt no more enlightened from the encounter. But he had a feeling the chartreuse cross was an important piece of the puzzle of Masamune Date.


I don't know why Kanetsugu would be in Masamune's tent. Or why Masamune would leave him there instead of insisting he leave. XD This was a prompt fic from nearly three years ago. The prompt was actually "chartreuse". I cannot explain how this fic came of it. Or why Masamune always inspires me to write about religion - a subject I usually avoid like the plague! XD

I almost forgot my historical notes. As I mentioned in Oh Christmas Tree (My other Masamune fic.), Date was known to have a lot of contact with foreigners (and thus missionaries, who were commonly who traveled to other countries at that time). It was suspected that at least one of his retainers, and one of his daughters, were converts. Of Date himself there was speculation, but the general opinion seems to be that he wasn't. What he did want was to open trade routes with other countries. He was even allowed to send his retainers on trips to attempt to do so. First by Hideyoshi, and in one final attempt under Tokugawa - before the borders were closed and both foreigners and Christianity outlawed.

This story would taking place after Sekigahara, but before the close of the borders.

Edit: I just found out that, historically, Kanetsugu was a follower of Benzaiten, not Bishamonten. Now corrected. However, this knowledge has only added fuel to my Kanetsugu/Masamune fire. Seeing as according to the site I read, Benzaiten's husband is apparently an evil dragon she reformed. Stop me now...

kanetsuguxmasamune, masamune, samurai warriors

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