[fic] The Price for Loving You (13/?)

Apr 02, 2013 22:12

Series: Gravitation
Title: The Price for Loving You
Main Pairings: ?/Tatsuha; Hiro/Ayaka; RyuichixTatsuha
Minor Pairings: Eiri/Shuichi; Tohma/Mika
Genre: Angst; Romance
Rating: T for language and adult concepts.
Warnings: Yaoi/Slash, Angst, Abusive Relationship
Summary: When Fame is involved, Love can come with a price.

The squeal of tires filled the parking lot as a sports car shot down an isle and whirled to a stop that took up three parking spaces. Ignoring complaints by security, the blonde driver opened the door, stepped out, and slammed it pointedly behind him. Removing his sunglasses, he shot a glare at the man, who seemed to freeze up at the deadly look in his eyes. "If you have any complaints, send them to Tohma Seguchi." Eiri Yuki hissed, before heading into the hospital at a pace that was just shy of a run.

If anyone tried to speak to him, he didn't even hear - walking right past the staff to the elevator, already knowing his destination. As the doors slid shut, revealing his reflection, Yuki glanced at the serious gaze on his face before looking away, clenching one fist. The doors let off a loud ding before opening, and he shoved past a man waiting to get on to enter the waiting area outside ICU.

"Yuki-san." Dressed in a hospital gown and wrapped in a blanket, Suguru looked smaller and less in control than normal. Neither prevented Yuki from fixing the young keyboardist with a glare. Suguru lowered his gaze for a moment, than glanced over. Yuki followed his eyes to where Shuuichi was curled up in one of the chairs. Though he was dressed in a hospital gown, his hair still looked damp, and both a towel and a blanket had obviously been tossed away from him and now lay on the floor. "He refused to let the staff look at him..." Suguru offered.

Yuki strode forward, grabbing up the towel as he went, and tossed it over Shuichi's head before the other looked up. With a shout of complaint, Shuichi yanked it off - hand raised to toss it aside again. His face was covered in the tears that were still swimming in his eyes, but the glare he intended to give to his intruder faded into a wide eyed look upon seeing who it was. "Yu...Yuki?" He choked out.

"Idiot. Do you think getting sick will do that dumb friend of yours any good? Think it's what he'd want?"


Grabbing the blanket up that Shuichi had discarded earlier, Yuki kneeled on the floor and wrapped it around his lover's shaking frame. "Getting sick yourself won't change anything."

Sobbing, Shuichi threw himself forward into Yuki's arms. "The sound was so loud...the way the ice cracked. Hiro...he pushed Suguru and I forward away from the center. That's why...why he didn't have his balance so..."

"I got it...he's an idiot too..." Despite his words, Yuki wrapped his arms around him, holding him close. "And I owe him one."

Suguru glanced away from the scene, wrapping the blanket tighter around himself. The elevator gave another ding, and a moment later a presence at his side alerted him to the fact he wasn't alone. "Where's K and Sakano?"

"Business." Tohma replied, he took in the scene of Yuki and Shuichi's embrace before turning to his cousin. "The hotel rooms were already booked for tonight. You three always crash in the same room?"

"It's a tradition."

And it had become one, somewhere along the line. The first time it had been a slip up by the hotel. They'd ended up staying up all night playing video games, watching bad movies, and eating equally bad take out. If not for the accident, they'd probably be in the hotel room right now, eating lousy sushi and making snide comments at whatever Shuichi had put on the tv. Hiro would probably have his guitar, and he'd have his laptop and somewhere during the night they'd fall asleep on various pieces of furniture, only occasionally the actual room beds. And Hiro would find the time to put a pillow under Shuichi's head so his neck wouldn't get a kink, and rescue his lap top before he dropped it off his lap and broke it into a dozen pieces before falling asleep himself.

The thought of going to the hotel room alone wasn't appealing at all.

"I sent someone to buy some clothes for you both. You can be released at any time, but Shuichi needs to be checked before they'll release him."

"They aren't coming, are they?"


"Of course. Because their only son falling into a frozen river certainly isn't a good enough reason to interrupt business."

If Tohma were anyone else, he would have winced at the derisive tone. Instead he set his hand down on the younger man's shoulder. "I'm here."

"We work for you." The response sounded purposefully distant.

"That's not why I'm here."

Some of Suguru's tension eased away, and he paused a moment before replying, "Thank-you."

"You still with me, Princess?" Tatsuha asked Ayaka as they rode the elevator up to where they`d been directed.

"I`d rather be anywhere else, but I`m here. I`d rather he be anywhere else...and that`s why I`m not...that probably didn`t make sense." Ayaka spoke softly.

"It made perfect sense to me." Tatsuha`s tone was subdued. "Ayaka...whatever will be will be. But...have faith in him. Do you understand?"

Ayaka glanced at him, then focused her eyes on the doors. "I forget sometimes, this is what you do, isn`t it?"

"It`s part of it."

"I`ll be strong for him, because it`s what he`d do for me."

"It`s good to be strong, but don`t deny yourself the right to be weak either."

Ayaka turned to him, blinking to force back tears, and leaned up to press a kiss to his forehead. "Tatsuha...You need to take your own advice." Tatsuha stared, shaken, then looked away. Any reply was cut off when the doors opened and shouting reached their ears.

Exchanging a confused glance, Ayaka and Tatsuha followed the shouting to the ICU. Hiroshi`s parents had arrived, and his father seemed to be in an argument with the doctor and nurse in charge. Tatsuha watched Ayaka`s eyes narrow and took a step back, the edges of his mouth quirking sightly. This would be a show worth watching.

At first nobody seemed to pay the petite girl any mind as she moved forward to stand beside the group in question. When neither party made note of her silent request for attention, she walked over to the nurses` station. A vase with flowers sat in generic cheerful glory on the counter. The sound it made when it smashed against the wall instantly silenced the room. Walking back over to the group, Ayaka bowed politely. "Please forgive me. My hand slipped. I will, of course, pay for a replacement." The doctor and nurse gaped at her, and she pushed on. "I am Usami Ayaka and I am here to see Nakano Hiroshi."

"As I was just explaining, Nakano is stabilized, but under watch. It`s against our policy to let anyone in-"

"I`ll tell you what to do with your policy, you-" Mr Nakano began.

"Sir, I will call security if you insist on being volatile-"

"Volatile? If you want volatile, I`ll-"

The second vase, Tatsuha noted, made a different sound when breaking than the first.

"Usami-san?" Mrs Nakano`s eyes were wide with shock at the young girl`s actions.

"Please forgive my clumsiness." Ayaka remained calm. "When will we be able to see him?"

"In a few hours, provided he remains stable."

"Nakano-san, Nakano-san. Perhaps you would join me for dinner?" Ayaka turned to Hiroshi`s parents. "I came here straight from Kyoto, and you probably haven't eaten either, correct?"

"Yes, but-" Mr Nakano began.

"In the meantime," She overrode his protest, turning to the doctor, "I`m certain we`d all be most grateful if you talked to your supervisor about getting around your policy this once. Wouldn`t we, Shindo-san? Seguchi-san?"

The doctor glanced nervously between Ayaka and the two in question. "I suppose I could call him."

"That would be splendid. If I could leave you my number." It was phrased as a question, but it wasn't a request. The nurse took the number without complaint.

A second commotion erupted before Ayaka's plans got any farther, however, when Shuichi family entered the ICU. "Shuichi!" Mrs Shindo was in tears as she embraced her son. Shuichi did his best to calm her while Maiko hastily wiped her own tear-streaked face to hide her previous worry.

Feeling slightly out of place, Tatsuha slipped to the side, but paused as the reunion was interrupted by them noticing Hiroshi's parents. "Is there news?" Mr Shindo asked the two.

"Hiroshi is under watch." Mr Nakano said slowly. The tension in the room seemed to return, even stronger than there'd previously been.

"I'm terribly sorry. But perhaps-" Mr Shindo began.

"Your son is the reason he's in there." Mr Nakano cut him off.

Shuichi took a step back, eyes widened in hurt. Yuki, who'd stepped back upon his family's entrance, took a step forward - hands taking ahold of Shuichi's shoulders.

"That's out of line!" Mrs Shindo broke into the conversation.

"Hiro would never have been in this stupid band if not for him!" Mrs Nakano snapped back.

"Hiro made his own choice!" Maiko stepped in front of her mother.

"Did he?"

"If Hiro hadn't made that choice, we'd never have met." Ayaka put in.

Mrs Nakano turned to her suddenly. "Are you on their side now?"

"There is no sides here." Ayaka told her firmly. "This was an accident. There's no need to make something more of it."

"Nakano-san." Tohma stepped forward. "Please listen to Usami-san. This was a terrible accident. Throwing around blame won't help anyone."

"And what about your blame?" Mr Nakano snapped. "Your company was neglectful."

"I've spoken to my staff. All necessary precautions were taken before-"

"Your necessary precautions weren't enough, though. Were they?"

"I cannot deny that seems to be the truth. But we never intentionally put any of the band members in danger. Not Shindo. Not your son. And not my cousin."

"Nakano-san. We're all upset right now. Let's not do anything we might regret." Mr Shindo spoke up again.

"If Hiroshi doesn't make it, I'll make sure there's plenty to regret." Mr Nakano threatened. Turning on his heel, he stormed out, followed by his wife.

In the silence that followed their departure, nobody seemed to know what to say.

"Maybe it is my fault." Shuichi spoke up unexpectedly.

"Don't be an idiot!" Suguru snapped out. "Nobody forced Hiro to do anything. Not join the band, or come back to it either."

At his words, Ayaka's hands caught each other, fingers twisting together. "I can understand what Shindo-san means. I certainly can't claim to be innocent when it comes to influencing Hiro's decision to stay in the band."

"We're all influenced for and against things, but at the end of the day that decision is ours." Suguru fixed her with a frown, before turning it on Shuichi. "We all stepped out on that ice of our own free will." His lips quirked slightly before he added, "K didn't even have his gun out."

There was a pause before Shuichi began to laugh, joined by both Suguru and Ayaka. It was slightly hysterical in wake of the tension, but the release of emotions was a welcome relief.

Feeling out of place again, Tatsuha slipped out of the room. He hadn't gotten far when a voice pulled him up short. "Uesugi-san?"

Turning to the doctor who'd addressed him, Tatsuha tensed slightly, before it drained away into resignation. "Kaede-san. Is everything okay?"

"I wasn't certain it was you, since you were dressed, well..."

A small smile turned up Tatsuha's mouth, "Like a college student?" He suggested.

"You look very different in your robes." Kaeda admitted.

"So I've been told. But you didn't answer my question, Kaede-san."

The young doctor sighed. "I wouldn't want to intrude. Are you here for a friend?"

"I brought a friend to see someone they're close to who's in ICU at the moment."

"Is it very serious?"

"We don't know yet."

"I'm so sorry, were you staying with them?"

"She's with others now, I was thinking of heading back. Did you need me?"

Kaede lowered his eyes. "I'm sorry, Uesugi-san. I hate to be a bother."

"It's them again, isn't it?"

"They've yet to arrive, and at this point..." He didn't finish the sentence.

"Well, it must be your lucky night, Kaede. I brought my supplies just in case they were needed. It will only take me a couple minutes to change."

"Thank-you, Uesugi-san. I'm so sorry to be a bother."

"It's not a bother, Kaede. It's what I do."

Ayaka had found time to get out of the ICU, though it was only as far as the hospital cafeteria. A cup of coffee was set down, and she looked up to find Naomi standing over her with a cup of her own. "I forgot to call you." She realized.

"I was informed the same time you were." Naomi gestured to the seat across from her. "May I?"

"Please, do." Her bodyguard sat down, sipping from the coffee cup. Ayaka stared into her own, but didn't move to drink from it. "I didn't see you following Tatsuha and I."

"You're not supposed to see me at times like that. Inconspicuous, remember?"

"Sometimes you seem almost invisible."

"Comes with the job."

"Is there an extra charge for the coffee?" Ayaka teased.

"I'll just add it to my tab." Naomi offered a small smile. "But you might want to taste it before you thank me for it."

"That bad?"

"Probably worse. I have a lot of experience in hospital food."

"Is someone in your family a doctor?"

"No, my family's pretty average. Nothing too prestigious. I spent almost a year recovering from some very serious injuries."

"I'm sorry." Ayaka looked back at the coffee. "I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."

"Actually, they're pretty good memories, strange as that may sound."

"It's hard to imagine being in the hospital being good memories."

"Well, the injuries certainly weren't good, but what came of it was. My idol became my friend, and a stranger became my hero. Care to hear the story?"

"If you'd like to share it."

"When I was younger, I was a huge fan of a famous idol. My family wasn't very well off, so I didn't get to go to any of his concerts. I was usually the last one to own his records even, but I fancied myself quite the fan. Then I got a one time chance to go to a concert of his. In another country, even. You can imagine how exciting it was for me."

Ayaka nodded, and the other continued her tale.

"I've...the doctor's say it's not surprising I don't remember the actual incident too well. The crowd got out of control. I was knocked down. Stepped on, and kicked - not exactly on purpose, just by nature of the crowd getting out of control. I could have been killed. But, this guy - a guy I didn't even know, he just happened to work for the idol - he jumped into the crowd and got me out."

"Did he get injured?"

"If he did, I was never told. I lost consciousness somewhere between the rescue and the ambulance. The injuries were bad. Multiple breaks and fractures. Internal bleeding. The doctor's said I was lucky because nothing was ruptured, and there was no serious permanent damage."

"...a friend said to me - fans can be cruel. After what happened to my apartment...I'm so sorry, Isei-san."

"The idol felt horrible too. He visited me regularly through my recovery. We became friends. The guy who worked for him, he only came a couple times. I don't think he remembers me."

"I'm sure he does." Ayaka disagreed. "I don't think you'd forget something like that."

"I hope so. Because, even after all these years, he's still my hero. The reason I learned to fight, and chose this profession. I guess I want to return the favor the best way I know how."

They were both silent for a time, then Ayaka spoke up. "This idol is the same one that sent you to my bodyguard interview. Isn't it? Will I ever get to know his name?"

"I'm afraid that's his choice." Naomi told her. "Maybe one day."

Ayaka had a feeling she already knew it, but she nodded all the same.

Tohma's texts were polite, informative, and short. Ryuichi knew him too well to be fooled. A few strings pulled later, he found himself at the hospital. Visiting hours were probably officially over, but between Tohma, Yuki, and Shuichi there was more than enough power to have the hospital make an exception. That wasn't even taking into account K's guns. But what he came across was not what he set out to find.

He didn't recognize Tatsuha right away, despite not being unfamiliar to the sight of him in his robes. His mind was elsewhere, and he was only being polite by not sliding around the two men as they moved up the hallway.

"It will be a hard time for my brother." The man was saying. "They even grew up together. Being without her, I don't know if he can make it."

"Amitabha. This world is only a resting-place. Only by reason of having died does one enter into life." The monk spoke gently.

"...do you think, in the future, they'll meet again?"

"I've never known anyone who could tell the future, though I've known a few with accurate guesses. But they say even the touching of sleeves in passing is caused by some relation in a former life. So it would not surprise me."

"Perhaps such a thought will help him. Thank-you, again. I wish I had something to give you in return."

"There is no need."

"You guided her in her passing, that was...it gives me hope." The man's eyes were trusting. A longing for comfort.

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without."

"Of course...Thank-you, though. Just thank-you." The man didn't seem to fully listen to those final words, only bowing low, and heading off.

The monk sighed, and began to turn, when someone spoke from a side hallway. "Ever the great spiritualist, Uesugi-san. So noble. Such great repeat of doctrine to help save the lesser soul."

Tatsuha whipped to face the speaker, and Ryuichi took a step back to hide behind the nearest thing he could find, which happened to be a water dispenser. The speaker was another young monk. His mouth was quirked in a derogatory fashion. Tatsuha's own mouth curled into a sneer. "Akio. How nice of you to finally get here."

"I had something important to do. Thanks for filling in."

"What was it? Some last minute blessing of private business for some cold hard cash?" It was impossible to miss the anger in the young man's voice.

"Money shines even more brightly than Amida." Akio's tone was smug in face of the other's fury.

"You disgust me."

"Oh, watch it there. That didn't sound so spiritual and loving. Someone might see you out of character."

"This isn't a charade. This is part of who I am."

"Right...the part that doesn't hop clubs and bed partners every other night."

"One has nothing to do with the other!"

"Hey, I'm not dissing it. All I'm saying is that you're just as much as a hypocrite as I am." Akio strode out into the main hallway, and Tatsuha stepped forward as well. Ryuichi could practically see him bristle at the other's words.

"I didn't abandon a man who's wife was dying because another job offered me more cash. You had an obligation to be here."

"Get over it. We aren't really saving souls here. It's work like any other work. I follow where the money goes."

"And skim off the top before giving the donations to your temple." Tatsuha spat out.

"You think everyone should work for nothing like you do? Get with the program, Uesugi. That pathetic little shack of yours isn't going to upkeep itself on donations of chickens and goat's milk."

"We do just fine."

"So many temples in Kyoto. No one would care if there was one less, you know. Probably better that way."

"Keep wishing for it, Akio. Keep wishing."

The other monk circled Tatsuha slowly, his smirk deepening. "Don't worry, Uesugi. If it does come to that, I'll put in a good word for you at my place. You can water the stones." With a laugh, he headed up the hallway, leaving Tatsuha to stew silently over his words.

Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply, ignoring the laughter that echoed back at him. "Amitabha." He murmured the words to himself. "Cause-and-effect is like a wheel...Goodness is the return for goodness; evil is the return for evil...When it's time to pay the piper, Akio. I don't envy you." Before he could turn to leave again, another voice interrupted.


Taking another deep breath, Tatsuha turned to Kaede. "Kaede-san."

"I'm sorry to ask this but we just had an emergency case come in."

"I just saw Akio - isn't it his business?"

"It would be, but he is with someone right now."

"Really. Are they rich?" Tatsuha obviously couldn't resist the jab. When Kaede winced, he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Kaede-san. I shouldn't take it out on you."

"I'm sorry, Uesugi-san. I could see if someone else can make it in time..."

"It's alright, I'm here. Lead the way."

The young doctor nodded, and led the way down a side hallway. Left unnoticed, Ryuichi stepped out of his hiding place, and watched the two, glancing at the sign that pointed the way they'd gone, he noted the Emergency Room was in that direction.

To Be Continued...

Notes: Yuuji will not be forgotten. Don't worry. He'll be in the coming chapters as well. :) Wow, the hospital scene exploded on me. I didn't expect that anymore than you did, audience. I just realized I should bring the families in, and then realized that - realistically - this would sort of explode new and old tensions like this. I think the end result was awesome, even though I now have to make sure it's resolved. The things my muse throws at me sometimes.

For anyone who's read Cold Breakfast and Hot Green Tea, this chapter may help shed some light on the fight Ryuichi and Tatsuha had in it. Akio is essentially to Tatusha what Taki was to Shuichi. I admitted before that I didn't like Taki, and my creation of Akio is a glimpse into why. To me, Taki's interest in being a singer was less for the singing, and more into the money and power he got out of it. Essentially, he was a sample of the corruption and greed that came along with that world. But, since you'll find these things regardless of what work you do, Akio is me assigning those same wrongs to Tatsuha's world. But, like my brief moment spent with Ayaka's parents, it won't be a major plot. I use it to give Ryuichi a taste of Tatsuha's world, and - in future chapters - to draw them closer.

We'll be spending some time around the hospital the next few chapters. Tatsuha and Ryuichi will interact some more, Ayaka gets to hang out with random characters, Tatsuha and Tohma will finally talk things out, Taki will return, and we'll even get some more tidbits of Yuki/Shuichi and Bad Luck broship.

Amitabha - Just think of it as a mini prayer in the face of...well, life. Um, I'm showing my geekdom for another fandom of mine, sorry. There was this show, and the one monk tended to say this when essentially the situation was so bad or serious there was little else to say. I borrowed it for Tatsuha.

Watering the Stones - Pretty much one of the lowest duties you can get.

hiroxayaka, gravitation, fic series - the price for loving you, ryuichixtatsuha

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