[fic] The Same as Always

Apr 02, 2013 22:35

Series: Samurai Warriors
Title: The Same As Always
Pairing(s): Yukimura/Kunoichi
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: T for adult situations
Warnings: Short. Not the usual naive Yukimura everyone usually writes?
Summary: De-anon from musoudex

Kunoichi danced upon the battlefield. A blurring vision of beauty and death. Yukimura didn't need to look to know so. He was so used to her presence, it was as if it was a part of his own. He swung his spear in a fatal arch that flung their opponents away. Some managed to stagger to their feet. Others would never rise again. A wind blew by, and they fell before they could raise their weapons to attack or defend. Kunoichi knelt between them, her blades clutched in a tight grip, a small smile curving her mouth.

She didn't enjoy the chaos, but a part of her enjoyed the victory. Deadly though the victory was. He didn't smile, never could upon the field. Afterwards perhaps he'd revel in the feeling that they'd taken out another foe. But on the field he could only allow his battle instinct to rule his senses.

When Shingen had first introduced the ninja girl to him and requested they battle together, his response had been to nod in respect to his lord's wishes.

Kunoichi had looked him up and down, a straggly youth of maybe ten at that time, and looked at their lord like he was crazy. "Are you serious?" Considering she was little more than a skinny youth herself, he'd felt rather insulted.

The rocky beginning had given way to grudging respect at first, and trusted companionship as time passed. He'd been a boy and she a girl. Children still. When adulthood began to change them both, he'd found himself horribly distracted by the burgeoning of her body. His own first tastes of desire had been from staring at her. It didn't help that she seemed to feel no more need to cover herself than she had in childhood. At that point her fighting alongside him had led to more lost fights on the practice field than he'd probably ever suffered before or after.

Soldiers had attacked her while she was bathing. He'd been out in the forest trying to practice without the constant distraction he'd been feeling around her. She'd taken down about half when the fighting had drawn him. Trying to concentrate on a battle with her naked beside him was a multiple sided battle. Fighting his own desire to stare at her, his body's reaction to glimpses he did catch, and fend off blow after blow of enemy weapons. No enemy survived the attack. She'd grinned at him, not the least bit embarrassed for the lack of attire, and he'd been surprised to find himself only nodding back.

Somehow after that things seemed to return to normal. Trusted companions. Seeing her on the battlefield was no longer a distraction. Not because his body didn't react, but because he'd learned how to ignore it. He'd be lying if he said he didn't want more. But he'd always worried about it ruining what they had. Both on and off the field.

The battle was over. She was smiling. In his head a monologue seemed to be running. That too was nothing new. You were amazing. I'm glad you're beside me. Your smile makes my burdens easier to bear. I want to hold you in my arms. Just once. No, for always. "You did great out there."

Kunoichi smiled brightly up at him. "Thank-you, my lord."

The same as always. It was the only battle he'd ever run from.


I first liked Yukimura/Kunoichi in the original SW. Yukimura was less naive then, and more driven and potentially suicidal. Kunoichi was less cute and less in love, and more flirtatious and psychotic. I worried from the way everyone portrayed them in fics after SW2 & SW3 came out that they'd truly been revamped. But, after playing SW2, and watching some SW3 gameplay, I find my opinion hasn't really changed. I still feel Yukimura is less naive and more driven and potentially suicidal, and Kunoichi, while slightly more sane and less flirtatious, is still pretty psychotic. More so in Game play than cut scenes, but definitely still there.

The bit about Kunoichi bathing and fighting naked comes from the original SW opening. I borrowed it here as something that happened when they were younger, though, rather than current.

Personally, I don't feel like Yukimura is quite so clueless to Kunoichi's affections as most make him. In fact, in most of the cutscenes, it feels to me more like Kuno is the one blocking their relationship with her whole - I'm a ninja, I'm your shadow, you're my lord - than Yuki. And, the fact is, he has a half-naked ninja girl running around the battlefield with him. Unless he is gay, that has to effect him. So I just really wanted to write something about that too.

samurai warriors

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