Who Double D and Shadow the Hedgehog
What A very frightened pre-teen runs in terror through the forest after learning this isnt a dream
Where Teh forest
When Backdated to when Double D first arrives
Warnings Paranoid?? Edd's not paranoid! NEVER
Not good not good!!!! )
Comments 17
One of his ears twitched as he heard someone screaming, and he looked down at the ground. "... That kid." Shadow was just going to ignore it, until he saw a monster following the kid. He watched it go by, and then decided to help the pathetic child. With an eyeroll, Shadow jumped down and landed in front of the monster.
"Chaos Spear!" Shadow used his simplest attack on the beast, knowing that it was most likely enough to either kill the thing, or at least deter it. With a small smirk, the monster disappeared, leaving a useless item, and some of the currency of this island. Shadow quickly scooped up his "winnings" and then turned in the direction of the kid.
The idea that people that people found him to be an anomaly simply because he could walk on two legs and that he could talk was still very new to Shadow. It was so common where he was from, so he never really thought that some might be a little 'freaked out'. Not that Shadow cared what others thought of him. But he did get sick of answering the same damn question.
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