Who Double D and Shadow the Hedgehog
What A very frightened pre-teen runs in terror through the forest after learning this isnt a dream
Where Teh forest
When Backdated to when Double D first arrives
Warnings Paranoid?? Edd's not paranoid! NEVER
Oh dear, oh my! This was real, this was REAL! And furthermore, he could very well be in danger!! Monsters?? In the forest??? Double D ran, for lack of a better strategy. He had to find his way out of there and fast!!! He panted, tripping over a couple exposed roots... his short thin legs not doing much for him in terms of distance.
He could worry about his home later, he just had to make sure he wasnt going to get eaten by-...
And like that he had run into a rather large enigmatic shadow that he only imagined was the current object of his fear. Screaming loudly, he turned on his heel and started running the other direction. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH! RUN AWAY!!!" He yelped, worried that his running abilities wouldnt get him too far. He was dead! And he had so much to experience in life still!!! Oh the agony! The sorrow!! He hadnt even taught Ed the proper use of a spoon yet and there were so many more utensils to go after teaching the uses of the spoon!!! Oh no no no! This wasnt happening!!