[OPEN] And we'll gooo...

Sep 24, 2010 18:18

Who: Momomiya Ichigo and OPEN
What: Ichigo needs some new clothes. She only has 100 monies. It's time for penny-pinching.
Where: On the way to/at What to Wear (whichever you choose)
When: Friday, late afternoon
Warnings: None as of yet.

~*~SHOPPING!!~*~ )

seccom masada, kisshu, open, ken ichijouji, momomiya ichigo, kagome

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Comments 83

On the way there, y/n? ( ゚ヮ゚)--b masaderp September 25 2010, 00:14:47 UTC
It took Masada no small amount of courage (or inward fretting) to step outside entirely on his own. This place was all new, completely different from Tokyo. While he did like this place better than Tokyo for a multitude of reasons, the prospect of having to face so many new people was more than just a little scary. And since Masada had only ever had one true friend… Well, he was pretty afraid of horribly messing up the whole friendship thing. And the politeness thing. And all those other things (unwritten and unspoken rules in particular) that common sense and courtesy probably involved ( ... )


yyyyyy d=(゚∀゚ ) sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 00:56:08 UTC
Of course, Ichigo hadn't been paying attention either. She was so wrapped up in getting to What to Wear as soon as possible that she didn't notice the giant stick of black heading straight for her... until it was too late, of course. The sudden impact surprised Ichigo to the point where she was able to feel the familiar tug at her ears and tailbone, and so her hands instinctively removed themselves from her arms and flew up to cover her head ( ... )


(o゚▽゚)o masaderp September 25 2010, 02:01:57 UTC
" Ah... "

He quivered, wincing slightly and wringing his hands as he backed away. It must have been a ridiculous sight, him being so obviously intimidated by some little girl. But Masada couldn't help it. He'd always been so nervous. Her being so uncomfortable didn't exactly help him calm down either. Ah... He... Didn't like causing people to feel so uncomfortable with his mere presence.

While the way she was covering her head with her hands did strike him as somewhat odd, Masada chose to not comment on it, but it was more because of shyness rather than actual tact.

" A-are you... All right? "


sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 02:35:47 UTC
Well, it was quite obvious that while he was intimidating in size and appearance... that was all that he was. The guy was obviously really shy (even worse than when she first met Retasu, how is that possible) and probably really sorry for bumping into Ichigo. She actually started to feel bad when he backed away; she didn't mean for him to feel upset...

Well, there was obviously some fixing that needed to be done! If there was one thing that Ichigo didn't like when meeting someone new it was getting off on the wrong foot. So, after er ears and tail finally retreated, she straightened her pigtails inconspicuously (so that he wouldn't get too suspicious) and smiled sweetly at him, showing that she meant no harm.

"I'm fine, just a little surprised that's all. What about you, are you okay?"


mwah! i_am_kagome September 25 2010, 02:37:06 UTC
She was coming back into town when she saw Ichigo walk into a store. Running up behind her, she laughed as she got closer.



o/! sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 02:40:17 UTC
She had finally found What to Wear and was just about to enter the sliding doors when she heard someone call out her name. Instinctively, she began to look around until she saw the familiar black hair. She smiled instantly, detaching one of her arms so that she could wave at Kagome.

"Kagome-san, hi~!"


/hugs i_am_kagome September 25 2010, 02:57:06 UTC
Kagome walked up to her and hugged her. She knew that when she left without a word that it would probably worry the other girl.

"Hi I'm sorry Ichigo-san. I should have told you I was leaving...its just this whole thing with Kisshu is harder then..."


/hugback~ <3 sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 11:47:28 UTC
Ichigo liked hugs. Hugs were nice. She hugged Kagome back, glad to see that she's alright now. She was a bit worried when she had suddenly left and became a little lonely without the teen in the apartment. She especially started to worry when Kagome was injured. So it was nice to know that she was all better... kind of.

Plus she's warm. Ichigo likes warm too.

"It's okay, you just needed some time alone. It'll be better in a little while, don't worry," Ichigo said, pulling away so that she could smile at the other, "I'm just glad that you're okay after that attack!"


suspicious_guy September 25 2010, 17:17:36 UTC
Cold. Yeah, it was definitly getting colder.
Kisshu wouldn't have cared, if he hadn't experienced that sickness they call the "flu" before.
And he really didn't want to make this experience ever again.

As much as he had disliked wearing human clothes at first, he now got used to it. Even if he still preffered his usual clothes. Right now, they were waiting to dry from being washed, so Kisshu was dressed in human clothes that he had bought before. Plain brown shorts and a dark-green T-shirt.
Not exactly the perfect choice for winter-clothes.

So now Kisshu was standing in "What to wear", looking at the boy's clothes skeptically.

He didn't look up as Ichigo entered, so he didn't even notice her.
Accidental meetings with Ichigo were rare and Kisshu didn't expect them at all.


sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 18:36:31 UTC
Ichigo stepped into the store, cursing the fact that it was air-conditioned. Knowing how stores tended to work, she took her time weaving through the Woman's section, making her way to the Juniors section. While looking around, she found all sorts of prices on clothes from affordable to outright ridiculous. Some of the cheaper ones actually looked nice, too. Ichigo hoped that there was a wide selection like this in the Junior department; were she Zakuro-san's age, she would've bought the cheaper clothes in an instant!

She made it to the Junior Girls section and was instantly impressed with the selection. There were so many things available, even within her price range! And there were a few things that were in her preferred style, which made her happy enough. As she was looking at a nice jacket that was only about 17 monies, she spotted a familiar patch of dark-green hair in the Junior Boy's section.

She took a double-take. Then she blinked. And she blinked again... was that Kisshu? In human clothing? "...Kisshu?"


suspicious_guy September 25 2010, 18:45:27 UTC
That voice was enough to make Kisshu stop doing... almost everything.
He turned around very, very fast, face lighting up immediatly.

It felt so good to say this name. Still so good.
Quickly he ran over to her, the familiar grin on his face.
What a weird, weird situation this was... It felt like High School all over again. For a moment he remember the afternoon with Kagome and Ed at the mall, but then he pushed it aside.
He still was angry at Kagome and really didn't want to think about her.
Also he didn't want to think about the world in which he didn't... know Ichigo. Didn't love her. That seemed just so wrong.

"What a nice surprise to meet you here!", he said cheerfully.
And that it was. Really.


sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 19:25:47 UTC
Well... that answered her question. She backed up a step when Kisshu started running towards her. Even after they came to terms with each other, she still felt a little apprehensive around him and kept her guard up. She still felt that he would do a heel face turn and try to attack her when she least expected it.

"Y-yeah, it is!" She was actually rather surprised to see Kisshu here, in a clothing store of all places! The only thing she ever saw him in was the usual green-and-brown ensemble and seeing him in different clothing - human clothing, at that - was certainly a shocker. Well, autumn has rolled around and she supposed that Kisshu needed warmer clothes, so it made sense.

She still couldn't help but ask: "When did you start wearing human clothing?"


kaiser_in_rehab September 25 2010, 17:42:03 UTC
Ken would have been perfectly happy using the same sweater and scarf he had used last winter. Usually, that's what he would do. But with monies building up in his LP, and the discovery of a few threads pulled from his scarf this morning, he was finally forced into going shopping for new clothes. Of course, he was totally useless at it.

The boy just stared at the selection of fall and winter clothes, looking completely lost. "Just...a scarf.." he murmured to himself, hoping that at least that wouldn't be nearly as complicated to look through.


sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 18:52:26 UTC
Ichigo was really impressed with the selection in the store and had already found a comfy jacket, a really cute shirt, and a long skirt that were around 30 monies altogether. She wanted to look for some more clothes but thought that it might have been best if she found at least a scarf and gloves for when winter rolls around. So she decided to stop by the fall and winter selection.

When she got there, she noticed that she wasn't alone. A boy probably around her age was looking through the selection as well, and by the looks of things... was probably having a hard time. He looked familiar though... yes, that's right! She couldn't remember if they had talked to each other VIA video, but she did remember seeing his face in his LP's icons. She called out his name, just to make sure she wasn't wrong.



kaiser_in_rehab September 26 2010, 18:14:12 UTC
Ken started and whipped his head around, a little startled by the sudden call of his name.

"Ah?" he questioned, before catching sight of Ichigo. "Oh...Ichigo-san, right?" He quickly recovered. He didn't know many other people on this island with that color hair. It had stuck out so much on her icons after all.


sutoro_bell September 26 2010, 20:43:07 UTC
"Uh-huh!" Ichigo walked over to the boy, taking a brief glance over the selection. There were some nice things here! Hopefully she'd be able to buy some good gloves and a scarf. She looked back at Ken, smiling.

"What are you doing here?" Obvious question of the century, but she was curious. She couldn't help it.


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