[OPEN] And we'll gooo...

Sep 24, 2010 18:18

Who: Momomiya Ichigo and OPEN
What: Ichigo needs some new clothes. She only has 100 monies. It's time for penny-pinching.
Where: On the way to/at What to Wear (whichever you choose)
When: Friday, late afternoon
Warnings: None as of yet.

~*~SHOPPING!!~*~ )

seccom masada, kisshu, open, ken ichijouji, momomiya ichigo, kagome

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suspicious_guy September 25 2010, 17:17:36 UTC
Cold. Yeah, it was definitly getting colder.
Kisshu wouldn't have cared, if he hadn't experienced that sickness they call the "flu" before.
And he really didn't want to make this experience ever again.

As much as he had disliked wearing human clothes at first, he now got used to it. Even if he still preffered his usual clothes. Right now, they were waiting to dry from being washed, so Kisshu was dressed in human clothes that he had bought before. Plain brown shorts and a dark-green T-shirt.
Not exactly the perfect choice for winter-clothes.

So now Kisshu was standing in "What to wear", looking at the boy's clothes skeptically.

He didn't look up as Ichigo entered, so he didn't even notice her.
Accidental meetings with Ichigo were rare and Kisshu didn't expect them at all.


sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 18:36:31 UTC
Ichigo stepped into the store, cursing the fact that it was air-conditioned. Knowing how stores tended to work, she took her time weaving through the Woman's section, making her way to the Juniors section. While looking around, she found all sorts of prices on clothes from affordable to outright ridiculous. Some of the cheaper ones actually looked nice, too. Ichigo hoped that there was a wide selection like this in the Junior department; were she Zakuro-san's age, she would've bought the cheaper clothes in an instant!

She made it to the Junior Girls section and was instantly impressed with the selection. There were so many things available, even within her price range! And there were a few things that were in her preferred style, which made her happy enough. As she was looking at a nice jacket that was only about 17 monies, she spotted a familiar patch of dark-green hair in the Junior Boy's section.

She took a double-take. Then she blinked. And she blinked again... was that Kisshu? In human clothing? "...Kisshu?"


suspicious_guy September 25 2010, 18:45:27 UTC
That voice was enough to make Kisshu stop doing... almost everything.
He turned around very, very fast, face lighting up immediatly.

It felt so good to say this name. Still so good.
Quickly he ran over to her, the familiar grin on his face.
What a weird, weird situation this was... It felt like High School all over again. For a moment he remember the afternoon with Kagome and Ed at the mall, but then he pushed it aside.
He still was angry at Kagome and really didn't want to think about her.
Also he didn't want to think about the world in which he didn't... know Ichigo. Didn't love her. That seemed just so wrong.

"What a nice surprise to meet you here!", he said cheerfully.
And that it was. Really.


sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 19:25:47 UTC
Well... that answered her question. She backed up a step when Kisshu started running towards her. Even after they came to terms with each other, she still felt a little apprehensive around him and kept her guard up. She still felt that he would do a heel face turn and try to attack her when she least expected it.

"Y-yeah, it is!" She was actually rather surprised to see Kisshu here, in a clothing store of all places! The only thing she ever saw him in was the usual green-and-brown ensemble and seeing him in different clothing - human clothing, at that - was certainly a shocker. Well, autumn has rolled around and she supposed that Kisshu needed warmer clothes, so it made sense.

She still couldn't help but ask: "When did you start wearing human clothing?"


suspicious_guy September 25 2010, 19:33:17 UTC
Well, yes... Kisshu sighed.
"Even I have to wash my things sometimes! Besides it's getting colder. I'm not used to it being cold at all."
Why did Ichigo even ask that out of all possible questions?
"I still try to avoid it, but it", his voice got a little more quiet here, "feels kind of normal now after so many months and even being human once."
But the smile.. that smile never leaves his face.


sutoro_bell September 25 2010, 19:59:26 UTC
"Oh... yeah. I guess that's true." Well that answered her question of how Kisshu's clothes always seemed to clean and repair themselves every time she met with him in the past. He apparently knew how to take care of himself, which won him a couple of respect points from Ichigo.

Just a couple.

She fiddled with the jacket still in her arms, looking up when she heard Kisshu say that last part (once again, she had to thank her sensitive hearing). She remembered Atem-san saying that certain events happened that made people think they were someone else altogether, but this... "You were a human?"


suspicious_guy September 26 2010, 16:42:01 UTC
"Ah, yes. But only for about a week. We were at highschool and it was prom night and that stuff."
Kisshu chuckled.
"It was fun, exept for when Tamaki died."
Why did loosing someone hurt so much more as a human?
"But really ... How do you deal with that much... homework all the time? There was no time for it at all, with soccer and karate practice!"
Big heavy sigh. And then Jun and Kagome both yelled at him for wanting to copy it. Girls...


sutoro_bell September 26 2010, 20:29:35 UTC
Ichigo was surprised. She heard from Ken that he acted like a different person during a high school event, but for him to be a person? For him to actually live out a human teenager's life as a human teenager? Ichigo wondered how Kisshu would've looked like as a human, with a healthy skintone, smaller ears, and normal eyes.

She shuddered at the mention of homework. "Ugh, I hated doing homework so much! I was barely able to finish ANY of it before, especially summer homework! I had to copy some stuff from Miwa and Moe sometimes because I was too busy to finish it."

She gave Kisshu a small glare/pout. "You didn't make any easier, either."


suspicious_guy September 27 2010, 16:32:35 UTC
At least Ichigo had someone to copy it from! But Kisshu is not saying this. Appearing too human didn't seem like a very good idea.
Sometimes Kisshu wondered if Katsunuma Kisshu still existed... in some other world, continueing his life.
Kisshu didn't know if he should wish for it or not.

At Ichigo's last comment he laughed.
"Sooooo sorry, but I didn't even know what homework was back when this all started."
Wild Kisshu uses perverted grin. It's super effective.
"And I'm more important than homework anyway, don't you think?"


sutoro_bell September 27 2010, 17:11:43 UTC
Ichigo's eye twitched at his "apology," getting the feeling that he wasn't serious. Yeah, he didn't know what homework was at the time, but she was sure that he was yanking her chain. At least he now knew what kind of torture she had to go through-- oh he did not just make that kind of comment.

"Yeah, you were definitely more important..."

She's blushing a little, since she knows what direction you're going in this conversation, but she's still giving you that glare.

"But only because people would've died if I didn't do anything!"


suspicious_guy September 27 2010, 17:26:15 UTC
Kisshu shrugged, the grin staying on.

"Important is important, whatever the reasons may be."

This kind of conversation felt more familar than the stuff they had been going through in the last time. Kisshu liked it that way.
Teasing Ichigo was better than any other hobby people could ever come up with.


sutoro_bell September 27 2010, 21:59:27 UTC
God, she hated it when Kisshu was like this! Always in a playful mood, messing with her and treating her like his toy. Granted he wasn't doing it to such an extreme like he did before, but it still was annoying.

Remember your promise to Kagome-san, Ichigo. That was running through her mind while she was thinking of a response back. She finally sighed and brushed passed Kisshu to look through the selection of boy clothing. She never looked for clothes for a guy before, so it felt a little awkward.

It still didn't help get rid of the popped vein that's so obviously on her forehead. "Anyways, what kind of clothes are you looking for?"


suspicious_guy September 28 2010, 16:23:55 UTC

Kisshu just stared for a moment.
Of all reactions he could think of... this was... Oh. Wow.
He was that surprised, that he forgot to stay teasing.
It would not take him too long to start it again, though...

"Uhm... something to keep me warm?"


sutoro_bell September 28 2010, 16:41:51 UTC
"Well, obviously!" She started looking through the clothes, specifically any ones that were green and brown. She was seeing a pattern in his clothes and noticed that his favorite colors to wear were earthly colors so she made sure to pick out those for him. She went through two racks of shirts and pants before speaking again.

"I'm talking about kinds of longsleeve shirts, sweaters, jackets. Any specific colors, styles, and sizes?" She turned to him, arms already full of clothes.

"How much money do you have, anyways?"


suspicious_guy September 28 2010, 16:51:24 UTC
"I hunted a lot of monsters", and barely ever bought anything, "So it should be a lot?"
Kisshu shrugged helplessly.

Then he grinned... again.

"What would you recommend, Koneko-chan?"

Well, if she cared what kind of clothes he was wearing, he was too curious to see the results.


sutoro_bell September 28 2010, 17:16:02 UTC
Hunting... why was she not surprised? Ichigo could honestly not see Kisshu working a civilized job if he was forced to get money somehow, especially here... Speaking of jobs, Ichigo should start looking around for one after she's done shopping.

"You said you're not used to the cold, right? So I guess you should get a few longsleeve shirts and a couple of jackets. Also a couple of shirts that you can wear over another one, if you can't find some thick ones..." She looked at Kisshu, observing his... choice of clothes for the day.

"You should definitely get some more pants too, unless you don't want to feel your legs after a while. Shorts are a bad idea during fall and winter."


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