Science Show Ω 03

Dec 18, 2009 17:35

Who: Szayel, Suzaku, Lelouch, and Ichigo (also posting order)
What: Szayel calls Suzaku over to discuss his discoveries. Unfortunately...
When: Afternoon, after people start reappearing.
Where: The Book Bin, since there... doesn't seem to be a library? :o
Warnings: The usual Szayel warnings; potential maiming, abuse, and otherwise nastiness.

The next act begins... )

suzaku kururugi, szayel aporro granz, kurosaki ichigo, lelouch vi britannia

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not_so_hollow December 19 2009, 03:18:10 UTC
"He's an Espada, he's one of the guys the Island has been warned about! I can''s took long to explain now, but there is no way in HELL he's got good intentions! Just trust me on this, alright?!" Ichigo exclaimed, narrowing those dark eyes at Szayel. There was a long pause as Ichigo considered Suzaku and Lelouch's words before he spoke again ( ... )


not_so_hollow December 21 2009, 05:36:57 UTC
Ichigo was confused when Szayel reversed direction and started up, but there wasn't time for him to consider why. So naturally he followed, returning the sneers with heavy glares and tightening his grip on Zangetsu.

"You gonna quit runnin' or fight me?! You're just makin' yourself look even MORE suspicious!"


omnomspecimens December 21 2009, 05:41:32 UTC
Szayel did not stop until he was certain they were over the book shop, finally turning and facing Kurosaki. He placed his hand on his zanpakutō, though he did not draw it yet. Instead, he merely adjusted his glasses, a confident smirk on his face.

"I really must thank you for your performance so far, Kurosaki Ichigo," Szayel finally began. "You played up to my expectations."


not_so_hollow December 21 2009, 05:47:12 UTC
Ichigo skid to a stop himself only a few feet away from Szayel, and he could feel a sinking chill hit his spine as the Espada spoke. Something wasn't right...

That grip on Zangetsu tightened and Ichigo shot another heavy glare at Szayel.

"Tch! So you HAVE been up to somethin'! Were you the one takin' all those people?!"


omnomspecimens December 21 2009, 05:52:53 UTC
"Now why ever would I waste my time with mere humans, unless it was for food?" Szayel replied casually, still not moving to draw his weapon. "This was merely a grand performance, Kurosaki; and you've played exactly as I would have expected of a brash shinigami."

He let the hand that had adjusted his glasses trail down, slipping under the collar of his sweater and grasping the trigger switch. Ah yes, this would be glorious.

"Now, before we begin the next act... I believe a change of costume is in order," he sneered, the expression on his face becoming rather murderous. "That bankai of yours... say good bye to it."

And with that, he flicked the switch, activating the machines below.


not_so_hollow December 21 2009, 05:56:39 UTC
Ichigo's eyes widened in almost horrified awe when he watched Szayel flick a switch. The statement about his bankai was a little unnerving, but it was too late now. He had to try to take Szayel out before whatever he had down there started working.

The orange haired teen sprung back into action, using his shunpo to get right in front of him, once again slashing down from overhead.


omnomspecimens December 21 2009, 06:02:33 UTC
Szayel knew the machines were working below -- and why wouldn't they? He had made them after all -- but he was concerned that the effect was not immediate. Perhaps because Kurosaki's reiatsu was so ridiculously immense that the machines were having trouble compensating. No matter; he would just have to factor that into his equations at another time.

For now, Szayel finally drew his sword, raising it to block the sudden assault. This time, however, he was prepared for the boy's strength, successfully holding his ground.


not_so_hollow December 21 2009, 06:09:12 UTC
"Tch, it's about damn time you drew your sword!" Ichigo snarled at him, drawing his arms back to swing again, increasing the amount of reiatsu he was putting into the attack. He still had a LOT more where that came from, he hadn't even really increased it since the beginning of the fight.

Inwardly he wondered what those machines would do, and exactly how much time he had before whatever they WERE going to do went into effect.


omnomspecimens December 21 2009, 06:13:09 UTC
Szayel calmly swiveled his wrist around to block his next attack, that one drawing a small grunt of effort from him as he did so. It was ridiculous the amount of power he had... far greater than most of the Espada, to be certain. Perhaps he would need to break the performance and skip ahead much sooner than he anticipated...


not_so_hollow December 21 2009, 06:18:15 UTC
Ichigo disappeared to reappear a few feet away, a determined look in his eyes. Once again drawing back his arms, Ichigo drew forth more of that reiatsu to put into his next attack.

"Getsuga Tensho!" He exclaimed, bringing the sword down to send a large blast of black and red concentrated reiatsu at the Espada.


omnomspecimens December 21 2009, 06:23:26 UTC
Szayel had been expecting that eventually, but right in his face? No; he flung his sword and his arms up at the bare last minute, letting them take the brunt of the attack as he skidded back along the roof. Shit, shit, SHIT! Why had those machines not worked yet?!

The attack died away, and Szayel was left gasping for breath, the sleeves of his sweater torn and the flesh underneath bleeding. He hunched over, blood dripping down his arms as he gasped for breath.


not_so_hollow December 21 2009, 06:38:05 UTC
Almost as if on cue with Szayel's thoughts, Ichigo moved to swing the smaller sword but in a blink of an eye it had changed--and Ichigo could feel the amount of power decreasing as he tried to compensate for the weight of his now extremely large sword. It left a heavy divot in the ground and Ichigo drew it back up, that look of shock once again on his face.

What had happened? Those machines must have kicked in, and Ichigo was recalling the words Szayel had said earlier. Something about saying goodbye to his bankai...

Ichigo was really pissed now, but out of fear that his bankai wouldn't ever come back at all.

"W-what the hell did you do?!" Ichigo shouted, flash stepping to once again clear the distance and swinging down from overhead with the now larger sword.


1/2 omnomspecimens December 21 2009, 06:52:05 UTC
Szayel ducked out of the way thanks to sonído, an amused smirk coming to his face as the massive nodachi clunked loudly against the roof. He traveled away a safe distance before he stopped, tapping his sword against the roof.

"I truly detest repeating myself," he murmured. "I told you, your bankai is gone. You won't be able to use it again during this fight."

His expression quickly darkened into a sneer as he raised his sword... "You've managed to irritate me more than that uncouth captain had. Even if my machines are destroyed, you won't ever see your bankai again."

He lifted the blade up high, so that the tip of the blade was in his mouth. His tongue slipped out, playing with the edge, an action that spoke volumes as to what kind of creature he really was; especially as he nicked his tongue on the blade, letting out a small groan of pleasure.

"Sip, Fornicarás."With that, he rammed the blade straight down his throat. Before Kurosaki could even react, Szayel's body suddenly expanded to ridiculous proportions, bright bolts ( ... )


2/2 omnomspecimens December 21 2009, 06:58:28 UTC
As the light and the mist slowly died, Kurosaki could probably hear the writhing of many tentacles as Szayel let out a pleased groan, his body settling into its released form. His wings shuddered, his elongated fingers flexed; his movements like he had just come off the best high of his life. After a moment, his feet emerged from the nest of tentacles his lower half had become, resting against the ground with a clack as the mass retreated, a long white skirt settling over them.

Szayel smirked, raising his hands dramatically. "Now, it is time for the beginning of the end, Kurosaki Ichigo."


honored_knight December 21 2009, 09:20:40 UTC
Meanwhile, the two human boys were left below in the mall. Suzaku had saw the faintest of blurs upon an awning but had otherwise no idea where the two had gone off to. Though he himself was a very fast individual, he had never seen such speed in his life.

There was soon the sound of yelling and fighting from above and it did not take a genius to realize where Ichigo and Szyael had disappeared to.

"Shit," Suzaku swore softly and then started running down towards the awning he had seen.


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