Fic: 'For Love is Strong as Death', 5/?

Apr 05, 2011 00:11

Title: For Love is Strong as Death

Characters/Pairings: TFW. Sam/Gabe, eventual Dean/Cas slash.

Summary: Four months after the apocalypse that wasn’t, Sam, Castiel and Gabriel are brought back to life at the same time and place, leaving Sam to deal with two suddenly human angels and the fact that he can never see his brother again...


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supernatural, bobby/crowley, sam/gabriel, team free will, slash, fic, dean/castiel, strong as death verse

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Comments 39

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sakuri69 April 5 2011, 19:33:00 UTC
Thank you! ^^ And not to worry, while the next chapter will probably be the last in the actual story, I will be posting a set of 'Extra Scenes' a few days later, so look out for them! xD


ebilchickens April 5 2011, 19:48:28 UTC
Ooooooh. So very addicting. Cliff hanger ending too. Look forward to the next update.


sakuri69 April 5 2011, 20:25:59 UTC
Yay, glad you're enjoying it ^^ Thank you!


vulgar_snail April 5 2011, 19:53:41 UTC
I was just thinking about this story and then I see its updated! And what a chapter! So much pull and push and Im just so thrilled with how this story is shaping up. Loved it!


sakuri69 April 5 2011, 20:27:20 UTC
Lol, it was a fight getting this updated actually, with the LJ problems atm. But glad it's appreciated! =P Thank you ^^


mangacrack April 5 2011, 19:57:44 UTC
Oh hell, there's this funny feeling in my stomache. Appeared after the expected, yet still dreatful shift between Sam and Gabriel and got a lot of worse after I read the last line. Can only be cured by a happy end. Still awesome work, especially since the chapter was done so perfectly. Love these emotions, the slight bitterness within the depth of them just makes it better.


sakuri69 April 5 2011, 20:29:31 UTC
I know the angst got a little heavy this chapter, sorry about that =P It seems to have turned into something of a comedy of errors haha. But of course there'll be a happy ending, don't worry! xD Glad you enjoyed anyway, thank you ^^


mangacrack April 5 2011, 21:28:12 UTC
No need to be sorry! I love drama, angst, dark ... happy endings are a nice addition (and good for my poor heart), but not a strictly necessary. Though Gabriel and Sam deserve a chance to find happiness.


cousinmary April 5 2011, 19:58:55 UTC
I utterly adore this story!!! :-D


sakuri69 April 5 2011, 20:27:54 UTC
Yay!! xD Thank you!


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