Fic: 'For Love is Strong as Death', 5/?

Apr 05, 2011 00:11

Title: For Love is Strong as Death

Characters/Pairings: TFW. Sam/Gabe, eventual Dean/Cas slash.

Summary: Four months after the apocalypse that wasn’t, Sam, Castiel and Gabriel are brought back to life at the same time and place, leaving Sam to deal with two suddenly human angels and the fact that he can never see his brother again...


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supernatural, bobby/crowley, sam/gabriel, team free will, slash, fic, dean/castiel, strong as death verse

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Comments 39

retrophysics April 5 2011, 23:42:16 UTC
I've been following this at and I really just cannot wait for the next chapter. Poor, stupid Sam. Being all emotionally-constipated at the wrong time and then left alone by Gabriel. For the record, I love this story. Hopefully there will be a happy ending for these two in the future.


sakuri69 April 6 2011, 14:44:20 UTC
Haha all Winchesters are emotionally constipated =P It's in the blood or something. Lol thank you for such a lovely comment ^^ Glad you're enjoying!


misachan April 6 2011, 00:12:29 UTC
Dean being so pleased about Cas coming out to him was adorable. Oh, boys.

And Bobby's "We lived in hope" killed me.

Looking forward to how it all ends!


sakuri69 April 6 2011, 14:45:19 UTC
Yay, thank you! xD


mulder200 April 6 2011, 01:24:18 UTC
LOL! Poor guys. Talk about miscommunication.

I love how Crowley helped out in his unique fashin.

And Wow! I was not expecting that although I have to wonder "WHy now?"

“Woah. Guess I gotta start getting used to that again...” He hesitated, unsure exactly what the appropriate reaction was here. Looking across at Sam, his brother shrugged helplessly, equally at a loss. Realising he had to say something, Dean braced himself, plastered on a grin, and slapped the angel’s shoulder in congratulations. It hurt his hand. “See! Didn’t I tell you you’d be fine?”

Castiel frowned at him. “Actually, I believe you told me I’d be stuck as a human.”

“...You seriously never let anything go, do you?”


Poor Sam though!

I can't wait for the next chapter.


sakuri69 April 6 2011, 16:01:05 UTC
Lol miscommunication = understatement xD The whole thing has ended up resembling a comedy of errors =P Anyway, glad you're still enjoying! ^^


jinx24 April 6 2011, 01:52:02 UTC
I clicked the link so fast when I realized it was an update to this story. I don't know if i told you this but I love your characterizations! I think they're spot on. Your writing is absolutely awesome as well.


sakuri69 April 6 2011, 16:25:41 UTC
Yay, I'm SO glad the characterisations are accurate, that's one of the things I'm a real stickler about =P Thank you! ^^


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sakuri69 April 6 2011, 16:26:21 UTC
Yay, thank you! ^^


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