Title: Sauternes Author: cherry_akira Pairing: Kageyama x Sasakura Ryu Rating: NC-17 Genre: Smut! Summary: Kageyama was trained as a butler to know how to care and to cook for his heiress...and most importantly how to choose the best wine for her. How did Kageyama improve on choosing the wine when he himself is a non-alcoholic drinker? Warning: Unbetaed! Readers
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Hi guys, this post won't be long actually but since I got the chance to post something I wanted to share a few pictures that simply made me think about Sakuraiba ^^
So let's start with two similar ones... but both triggered the same thoughts in me... which is: Why is Aiba leaning so much in these scenes and my conclusion: to see Sho and his *** ^^
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