Title: Evolution (The Rosebay Affair - Part V)
mayamaiaGenre: Slash
Characters/Pairing: Illya/Napoleon
Word count: ~10K
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: MFU is not mine and no money is being made.
Summary: Under the skies of Manhattan, the little plant develops.
Notes: A further continuation of a
story started years ago because of a flowery screencap (see icon) and continued from time to time as an Easter Egg over at
Dedication: Thank you to all the wonderful mods and their talented helpers for making the
MFU50 MiniBang possible and to
mayamaia for her lovely illustration.
“Immediately,” Napoleon affirmed and hung up the receiver.
Link to Fic on AO3:
Evolution (The Rosebay Affair - Part V) Link to Art on AO3: