Title: Evolution (The Rosebay Affair - Part V)
mayamaiaGenre: Slash
Characters/Pairing: Illya/Napoleon
Word count: ~10K
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: MFU is not mine and no money is being made.
Summary: Under the skies of Manhattan, the little plant develops.
Notes: A further continuation of a
story started years ago because of a flowery
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Comments 5
Oh lush! I'm dying to read, but RL is going to make me wait till later. But thank you already, because I know I'll love it!
Thank you for going back to read the earlier bits! I was trying for consistency of tone, but it seemed particularly challenging in a longer installment.
In a way, I wanted to do more on Rosebay. When the seedlings' first flowers opened and some of them were blue (so pleased you noticed that bit) was a scenario I had in mind [;-)] and a trip back to the island with Dr Sawada and the boys, but there wasn't time.
Speaking of time, I got the ACD story submitted a whole twenty minutes before the deadline! At some point in the next six weeks, all the ACD works will have been posted as well as the reveal and you may discover that you have indirectly been the godmother of another story.
Now to finish the spook-me story. There's a certain theme going on in there, too!
I'm always available to nag :D
20 minutes before deadline must be a new record for you! I'm not criticizing, you know how I am regarding deadlines... I'll keep my eyes open for the ACD story popping up then. I have the spook me master list bookmarked and will keep an eye out there too. I do want to see what you've come up with, you have a knack for the kind of off kilter stories that work for that challenge.
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