let's play a game.

May 10, 2009 00:43

storytime )

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Comments 25

01. lilmatchgirl007 matchynishi May 18 2009, 05:19:22 UTC
words: 624
spreading to: darkgloomJin’s eyes snap open and he sits up with a jolt, throat raw and stuck in a garbled scream. He stares unseeing at the walls for a long moment, his mind racing, continuing to play back the last few scenes from his dream. The queit stillness of the night is broken only by his harsh, panting breaths, and he shakes his head, trying to calm himself, calm his breathing. But he cannot stop shivering, and a full body shudder escapes him when he fails to will the disturbing images away. He gasps out a shaky exhalation and collapses on the bed, sweat making the thin t-shirt stick uncomfortably close to his body ( ... )


darkgloom May 24 2009, 07:38:27 UTC
words: 670
spreading to: soundczechBy morning, Jin’s eyes are dry and itchy, his mind feels heavy, like it’s full of fog. His head hurts, a low-level thrum that echoes inside his skull and pounds at this temples. He had been trying to fall back asleep for hours and hours, turning on his back, on his side, on his front; but nothing worked ( ... )


soundczech June 1 2009, 10:37:02 UTC
words: 502
spreading to: acchikocchi ( ... )


acchikocchi June 7 2009, 22:47:44 UTC
words: 729
spreading to: spuriousIt takes Jin a moment to start the car, because his hand is shaking ( ... )


spurious June 15 2009, 01:01:12 UTC
words: 792
spreading to: yamapeaJin's never paid this much attention to his surroundings in the car before. Usually when he's in the car this early in the morning, he's dozing in the back of a car that's taking him to some filming location, trying simultaneously to nap and drink a cup of coffee. Now, though, he's taking in every detail of the buildings he passes. Closer to the center of the city they're mostly the same, all multi-story with signs that would surely be lit up neon in the night, but in the early morning light just look uniformly beige and boring. At each intersection, he tries to picture the places around him as they would be in the dark, seen through the blurry windshield of a car during a rainstorm ( ... )


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