(no subject)

Oct 25, 2015 21:39

Title: A P-Town Reunion
Author: sajaal
Disclaimers: Not mine wish they were
Rating: G - R; (language and “sexy-times”)

A/N: As the warm weather finally reaches P-Town after the coldest and snowiest winters in recent years Luke and Reid are busy with work, family and their new relationship.  Family and friends are arriving to visit and spend time on the Cape and everyone is looking forward to Scott and Bridget’s wedding.

Chapter #2

Harrison Moore sighed as he made his way through the slow line at customs.  He just wanted to forget about the past few months and move on with his life and enjoy his summer in Cape Cod.  The emotional roller coaster he’d been on with Courtney had been heart wrenching.  The two of them had been together since their second semester at Cambridge University.  They had made plans or so Harrison thought to move in together once they were finished their undergrad.  Courtney would finish her teaching degree and Harrison his Masters in Public Relations.

That was before Harrison had applied for a Master’s position at Boston University with the encouragement of his mom and his Great Uncle Patrick.  After the break-up in February Harrison’s grandmother told Patrick about it and Patrick had called Harrison’s mom Pamela.  The next thing Harrison knew he was invited to work in his Great Uncle Patrick’s nephew’s boyfriend’s bookstore in Provincetown.  Yeah, that was a mouthful, and Harrison who’d been going through the past few months on autopilot, finishing his classes and packing let his mom help him through his broken heart and helping him start a new life.

Harrison had met Reid Oliver years ago when his family went to visit with his Great Uncle Patrick and his partner Angus Oliver.  Well now husband since same-sex marriage was allowed in Massachusetts’s.  Harrison had jumped at the opportunity to leave the UK behind and his memories of Courtney and the future he’d apparently been planning without consulting her.

Enough was enough he thought as his student Visa was stamped and his luggage checked thoroughly.  Harrison figured he must of gave the custom officers good answers to the questions they had asked as he made his way towards the arrival area.  He spotted Reid Oliver immediately his looks very similar to his Uncle Angus.  The young blonde man he was speaking to must be Luke Snyder his boyfriend and the bookstore owner that Harrison would be working for.

Harrison had no problem working for a gay man or woman for that matter.  Although his Great Uncle Patrick left the UK because Harrison’s great grandparents disapproval of Patrick’s so called lifestyle choice Harrison’s grandmother Eileen was not of the same belief.  She taught Harrison’s mother Pamela about tolerance and acceptance and Pamela taught Harrison and his brother and sister the same.  Harrison’s mother Pamela adored her uncle Patrick and was more than happy to have Harrison go the US and spend time with Angus Oliver’s nephew Reid.

“Reid?” Harrison questioned as he came up to Luke and Reid who had turned towards him.  Harrison noticed a slight flush on Luke Snyder’s cheeks and wondered what Reid had been saying to him as his expression transformed suddenly into a wide smile and a warm welcome when he saw Harrison.

“Harrison, it’s nice to meet you,” Luke greeted him with genuine enthusiasm, “Welcome to the US,” he added and Reid rolled his eyes at his boyfriend’s charm as he extended his hand to Harrison.

“Nice to see you again Harrison, you’ve grown quite a bit since I saw you last,” Reid told him honestly looking at the young man who was only four years younger than Luke.

Harrison had grown into a fine young man with dark blonde hair and startling green eyes.  He was a few inches shorter than Luke and Reid with a lean and solid frame much like his Great Uncle Patrick.

“Thank you for inviting me to come and work for you Mr. Snyder.  It will allow me to make some money before I go back to school this fall,” Harrison told Luke politely and Luke smiled again.

“No problem Harrison and please call me Luke, we’re happy to have your help.  Reid and I are planning to move into the beach house that used to be your Great Uncle Patrick’s and he’ll be too busy at his work to help me,” Luke explained to Harrison, as he gave Reid a fond look.  After the past months together, Luke had realized what an amazing doctor Reid was and how dedicated he was to his patients and he never wanted to interfere in that part of Reid’s life.

“Also, Luke has started writing and will want to spend more time doing that after we’re moved in,” Reid added his gaze lingering affectionately on Luke and Harrison had to look twice at this Reid Oliver.

This was not the same man he’d met over ten years ago that man was more pre-occupied with work then anything else.  Harrison remembered overhearing conservations with his mom, Patrick and Angus about Reid.  He was a brilliant med-student and spent most of his time studying or working and was not very social or sociable.  Reid was a cold and gruff young man this man was much different as he was constantly touching his boyfriend and giving him covert glances and soft smiles.  Harrison’s mother had told him that Reid had changed once he became the guardian of his niece and Luke Snyder entered his life and Harrison could see it in the man’s demeanor, he was happy and content.

“Don’t worry about getting to know everything at the store right away,” Luke was telling Harrison as they headed to the car in the warm May sunshine, “My sister Faith is coming next week and will help you she’s worked in the store already and will be able to show you the ropes,” Luke explained as they headed out of Boston towards Cape Cod.

Reid and Harrison chatted as Luke drove Harrison asking questions about his great uncles, the house and Reid’s work.

“Your Great Uncle Patrick and my Uncle Angus will be coming to the Cape in June for my brother Scott’s wedding,” Reid was telling Harrison, “And Luke and I are excited to show them their renovated house,” Reid then explained to Harrison about his move back to Cape Cod with Holly and his work at the hospital in Hyannis.

“I’m actually enjoying it more than I expected,” Reid told Harrison when Harrison asked him about going from a big city hospital to the one in Hyannis, “ And I still consult on some of the more difficult cases at my former hospital in Boston.  The hospital in Hyannis is a slower pace but then it allows me to spend more time with Holly and Luke.”

Once again Harrison saw the look Reid gave Luke and the calm happiness that surrounded the once distant and cold man.  “How long have you been writing Luke?” Harrison asked Luke and Luke shrugged when he answered.

“”Uhm, I’ve been writing on and off since my teens and I had started a degree in English literature and Creative Writing but well, I never finished,” Luke explained and Harrison could tell that here was more to the story, “Now that things are more settled in my life I’m finding that my muse has returned and I’ve started to write again,” Luke said with a smile directed at Reid and Harrison saw Luke grip Reid’s hand in his and squeeze.

They stopped at the bookstore to drop Luke off before Harrison and Reid headed to Reid’s house.  Mary greeted them as the bell tinkled above the door as they walked into the store.

“Hey guys did you have a good weekend?” she asked and even after all this time Luke felt the heat climb up his neck.

“Uh yeah it was a good one,” Luke replied his voice wavering a bit.

“Good, good, well everything was fine here this weekend, quiet but I’m sure it’ll pick up as the weather warms up,” Mary reassured Luke.

“I’m not worried Mary, I’m not expecting high sales yet, especially since I’ve only been open for over six months,” Luke told her realizing that the bookstore should technically be in the red but Luke had more than enough money to keep the bookstore in the black.

“Uncle Reid! Luke!” a voice called from the doorway and a small body with a riot of red-blonde curls threw herself at the two men.

“Holly!” Reid and Luke chorused as Reid leaned down to pick her up, “How are you munchkin?” Reid asked kissing her nose.

“Really good Uncle Reid, Aunt Bridget and I spent some time in the attic going through my mommy’s things,” Holly told them smiling at the two men that she would be living with soon.

“Sounds like you had fun with Aunt Bridget,” Luke smiled as Holly reached over to Luke her thin arms wrapping around his neck as Reid let go of her and passed her over to Luke.

Reid’s face was a little tense he hadn’t been fond of the idea of Holly going through Ginny’s stuff, he didn’t want her to go back to where she was last year.  A quiet little girl who had stopped speaking after her mom died.  With Luke and Holly’s therapist’s reassurance and support Reid had reluctantly agreed.  Reid was relieved to see that Holly was happy and excited babbling about what she had found and not showing any anxiety over seeing all of her mom’s things.

“Oh Holly, meet Harrison Moore he’s going to be helping out at the bookstore while we move into the beach house,” Reid told her as Harrison walked over, enchanted by the lovely little girl with sky blue eyes and bouncing curls.

“It’s nice to meet you Holly,” Harrison said politely holding out his hand and Holly shook it firmly.

“Are you going to help with the summer break reading programs?” she asked knowing that Luke wouldn’t have the time to devote to the program over the busy month’s ahead.

“Uhm, I don’t know,” Harrison stammered with the unexpected question, “Do you want me too?” he asked tentatively.

“Oh yes please,” Holly nodded, “We can do all sorts of run reading about the summer.  We could do a beach week, a shell week, a picnic week,” she added and Harrison knew he couldn’t say no as Holly’s charm shined through.

“Careful, she’ll have you wrapped around her finger in no time,” Luke warned Harrison with a knowing grin.

“Too late,” Harrison replied with a chuckle and turned to see two more men and another little boy and girl along with a white and tan English bulldog walk into the bookstore.

The bulldog snorted and ran to Luke her whole body wriggled in excitement at his feet, “Hey Violet how are you sweetheart?” Luke bent down and Holly scrambled to the floor to pet the little dog.

“We had a great weekend Luke, Violet was sleeping in my bed and I can’t wait until she can every night,” Holly chattered on and Harrison watched the interchange in amusement.

“Hey Harrison do you remember me?” Alex asked as he came over to Harrison.

Harrison looked at the young man remembering the ever studious but pleasant Alex Oliver.  Alex had spent time with a young Harrison on the beach and in the tidal pools showing Harrison all of the creatures that lived on the shore.

“Yes, yes I do Alex right,” Harrison said shaking Alex’s outstretched hand.

“That’s right, and this is my boyfriend Jeff and his children Carter and Ava,” Alex introduced them gesturing towards Carter and Ava as Jeff nodded a greeting and shook Alex’s hand.

“Nice to meet you Harrison,” Jeff told him and then called over to Mary, “Hey ma Alex and I need to go see Barrett about the house we offered on,” Jeff told her and Mary shook her head in disapproval.

“Oh honey, you know that you and Alex and the kids are welcome to stay with me as long as you like,” she huffed not happy with Jeff and Alex’s decision to move out of her house and into one of their own.

“Ma come on we’ve been through this, the drive form your house is too long for Alex and after last winter I don’t think I can live through it again,” Jeff shuddered remembering the evenings waiting for Alex to get back from Wood’s Hole and not wanting to call and distract him while he was driving in some of those terrible snowstorms they had had, “You’ll still see the kids everyday and pick them up after school,” Jeff reminded her.

Jeff did feel bad for his mom she had been wonderful when Jeff’s husband left him and the kids and invited Jeff to move in with her so she could help with the Ava and Carter.   Tyler Renfrew had decided that the life he had with Jeff and their kids was not for him anymore.  Jeff had known that Ty was unhappy but he wasn’t expecting to come home one day to a packed Tyler.  Ty had secured a position in a company in San Francisco and was leaving.

Carter was stunned as was Jeff and Ava just cried missing her other dad as he gave her a quick kiss and told her goodbye.  Ty had called and sent gifts to the kids on birthdays and at Christmas the past two years at least.  Then out of the blue he called asking to see the kids for Easter break.  Jeff had reluctantly agreed after Ty came to P-Town and begged to spend time with the kids.  Any ideas of reconciliation with Jeff were dashed when Ty saw that Jeff was going out with Alex Oliver.  Ty knew that Alex had a crush on Jeff when they were younger and that Jeff always looked longingly at the shy, nerdish teenager.

Jeff walked over to his mom pulling her into a hug, “I love you ma, and I will never forget what you did for me and the kids.  But now I need to be on my own with Alex and start our life as a family.”

Mary sighed hugging her son tightly, “I know sweetheart and I’m so happy for you but with Bridget soon leaving and now you I’ll be all alone.”

“Don’t worry grandma, we’ll keep you company, promise,” Carter told her in a firm voice and everyone turned to smile at the very grown up little boy.

“Alright, let’s get Harrison back to the house, he must be exhausted,” Reid said and leaned over to give Luke a quick kiss, “I’ll talk to you later,” Reid told him and Luke nodded.

“Yeah, I’ll talk to you after you get everyone settled,” Luke told him, his brown eyes filled with warmth for his man.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, livejournal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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