Doc Chicago: Chapter #13

Dec 22, 2013 18:10

Title: Doc Chicago
Author: sajaal
Rating: G to R (just in case)
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Holden Snyder, Aaron Snyder, Dr. Bob Hughes, Katie Snyder and a myriad of atwt and original characters
Disclaimer: Not mine, and I really mean no harm and all mistakes are mine.

A/N:  This is partly AU and partly not.  I have to thank zzzfreckles for asking me to consider writing a Luke and Reid version of the movie Doc Hollywood starring Michael J. Fox.   I’ve been pondering the idea for quite a few months and it slowly formed in my head.  A fun-fic-Friday prompt lead me to the Prequel and I’ve changed a few things to fit my storyline…enjoy everyone!!!

A/N:  Well everyone here's your early Christmas Gift another chapter...I'm taking a Doc Chicago hiatus for a bit as I participate in the LURE Yule Challenge so I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up:-))
So everyone have a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a Wonderful Holiday!!!
Chapter #13

Reid was still reeling from the conversation he’d had with Luke Snyder three days later.  The night he’d seen a very naked and lean Luke Snyder on a dock by a small pond had just got stranger and stranger.  Reid watched Luke Snyder with Orderly Hughes, the two of them acting more like boyfriends then best friends or that’s how Reid saw it.  He never thought about how he looked with David, David liked to touch and invade Reid’s personal space but that’s the way he was.  Seeing Orderly Hughes do it to Luke made Reid feel inexplicably jealous and envious.  He wanted to be the one to make Luke Snyder smile, be able to put his hand on the small of his back and whisper in his ear as he tried to take a shot playing pool.

That’s how Reid felt until Luke Snyder came up to talk to him.  He’d stood back a little rolling back and forth on his heels with his hands buried as far as they could go in his tight fitting jeans.  The first thought Reid had was that Luke looked thin, he’d missed how easily you could see his hip bones earlier being distracted by the wide shoulders and light haired chest that tapered down to a nest of curls and a beautiful cock.

“Uhm, Dr. Oliver could I speak with you for a few minutes?” Luke asked hesitantly, and Reid looked over and noticed a flicker of fear and then a look of discomfort settle in those warm brown eyes.

“What can I do for you Mr. Snyder?” Reid asked quietly taking another sip of his drink and looking askance at Luke.

“I know we haven’t talked much since you’ve been here and I uhm, understand if you’re still angry with me,” Luke blurted out pulling a hand up and rubbing the back of his neck, “I just want to apologize for my actions all those months ago and hope you can forgive me,” he stopped looking into Reid’s blue eyes steadily.

Reid took a deep breath and returned Luke’s steady gaze, “I don’t appreciate being harassed and berated to perform surgery for someone Mr. Snyder,” and Reid put his hand up to stop Luke who had just opened his mouth, “Everyone is important to someone Mr. Snyder and your Mr. Mayer was no more deserving than the other patients who were waiting there turn, just like I asked you a Mr. Mayer to do Mr. Snyder.”

“I know Dr. Oliver, I had the belief that if Noah could see again then we would be okay,” Luke said softly and Reid watched the deflated posture.

“I thought he’d had the operation in L.A. and a colleague of mine Dr. Collins performed the surgery,” Reid told Luke not understanding Luke’s demeanor, something wasn’t adding up.

“Yeah, we did go to L.A. and Noah had the surgery six weeks ago,” Luke explained and then hesitated before continuing, “It went well but he still can’t see clearly and he’s frustrated.”

Reid watched the emotions flash across Luke’s face anger, sadness and finally defeat, “The surgery was considered a success right?” Reid asked trying to figure out what Luke wanted.

“Yeah Dr. Collins said everything looks good but it will take time for the nerves and muscles to repair and get back to normal,” Luke told Reid, hating to ask what he needed to ask since they were finally talking to each other like real people.

“So what’s the problem Mr. Snyder?” Reid asked quietly wondering if he was right with what Mr. Snyder wanted.

“Uhm, well since you’re here in Oakdale, Noah was wondering if you might consider assessing him,” Luke finally managed to get out and Reid’s eyes widened in surprise and glanced over at Casey and Aaron who were in another heated discussion.

Everything fell into place for Reid, Casey Hughes didn’t want Luke asking for Reid’s help with Noah and that’s why he’d been so angry, “You said that Mr. Mayer wanted you to ask me, how come you didn’t ask me earlier, you were very adamant about wanting to help the man you loved Mr. Snyder.  I seem to remember you saying on all of your many messages that you’d do anything to get me to come to Oakdale,” Reid said coolly waiting to hear what Luke had to say.

Luke finally pulled himself up to his full height and looked squarely into Reid’s eyes, “Noah and I are no longer together Dr. Oliver, but as a friend when he requested that I ask one more time, I couldn’t refuse,” Luke explained and then broke eye contact and looked away, “I owe him that much for screwing up with you the first time.”

Reid snorted in disbelief and although part of him wanted to put the young, silver spooned brat in his place, another part of him wanted to pull him in his arms and tell him everything was okay and rid him of the haunted look in those beautiful brown eyes.  The latter won out and Reid couldn’t help the words that tumbled out of his mouth, “I don’t think that it would be a good idea for me to assess Mr. Mayer with our history Mr. Snyder.  I usually don’t help people who try to blackmail me,” he added coldly and saw Luke wince at his hurtful words and then nod and turn away and head back to Casey and Aaron.

Reid watched as Casey put an arm around Luke’s shoulder and spoke into his ear.  Luke shook his head and Casey looked over at Reid and glared.  Aaron stood with them a few minutes and Reid could see Luke talking to him shaking his head and putting his hands up in surrender.  Luke looked once more over at Reid and then headed towards the open doors with Casey on his heels.

Bill quirked an eye at Reid and was about to say something when Aaron came up to the bar, “Dr. Oliver,” Aaron said in a greeting less friendly than his usual manner.

“Mr. Snyder,” Reid replied still looking down at his drink, and then looked up into Aaron’s challenging brown eyes as he sat next to Reid.

“Aaron, Dr. Oliver, call me Aaron,” he told Reid and then gestured to Bill for a refill of his beer, “I’d hoped that you’d ease up on Luke a bit,” he began to say.

“Look Aaron, I don’t want to cause any trouble between you and I, but I’m not a fan of your brother Luke,” Reid told him honestly he liked Aaron and he didn’t want to create an issue with him because of Luke, “Your brother is pushy and feels that he can get his own way by waving money in someone’s face or resorting to blackmail to get his own way.”

Aaron sighed knowing Luke would kill him for interfering, he checked to see if Casey and Luke had come back in but they were still on the back patio,” Look Dr. Oliver, Luke is not like that,” and Reid looked over at him the disbelief evident in his eyes, “Really he’s the sweetest, kindest man you’ll ever meet.  He did everything for Noah even before the accident that caused his blindness, which Noah of course blamed on Luke,” and Reid snorted in response, what a piece of work Mr. Mayer was, “Luke has put his life on hold trying to help Noah, he’s been living in L.A. running his foundation, his father’s shipping company and taking care of Noah.  He’s on the edge of a physical and emotional collapse.  The only good thing is that he’s finally left Noah and I hope that it’s for good this time.  But then Noah called tonight making Luke feel guilty and asking him to see if you would help him again and take a look at Noah,” Aaron explained to Reid and Reid sat quietly chewing on his ice, “So please Dr. Oliver don’t be so hard on Luke, he really is a good man and just trying to put his life back together,” Aaron finally finished and got up suddenly as Bill handed him his beer and Luke and Casey walked back in.

“I’ll think about what you said Aaron, and please call me Reid,” Reid said his head still down as Aaron headed back to the pool tables.

dr. reid oliver, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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