A Deal's a Deal: Part VIII

Nov 30, 2012 21:46

Title: A Deal’s a Deal Part VIII
Author: sajaal
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Casey Hughes, Henry Coleman, Noah Mayer, Katie Snyder mentioning of other ATWT characters and some others that I’ve added for the fun of it.
Rating: Pg 13-R,
Disclaimers: Not mine I mean no harm.  All mistakes are mine and I apologize for my editing skillsJ

Summary:  Luke has made a deal with Reid to stay away from him at the hospital, but it’s not working and they end up spending more time together.

A/N:  I’ve decided to continue with this one, the next parts have a lot of history but I’m adding a few new characters and changing some of the events (for the better LOL), I hope you enjoy my take on the beginning of LUREJ  A big shout out to lemondrop for helping me with my focus…I now know where it’s going to end so enjoy the journey.


“Hey, you’re not going to wear that, where’s your suit and tie?” Luke asked as Reid stood with a patients chart in his hand in a blue scrub top and jeans.

“Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Snyder I stopped wearing a suit and tie in the operating room awhile ago,” Reid told him snidely turning, his eyes widening as he saw Luke in a blue dress shirt, dark jacket and khakis, “Wow,” he thought.

“You forgot about our meeting with the architect didn’t you?” Luke asked him pointedly.

“Oh yeah, just give me a minute and we can go,” Reid shook himself out of his lustful moment of hot Mr. Snyder.

“Why can’t you allow some room for patient’s family’s,” Luke asked as they walked towards the elevators at the Lakeview.

“I don’t need to treat the family, I need to treat the patient,” Reid said in exasperation.

Luke had been going on and on, during the drive over lobbying for an area for the patient’s family.

“Have you ever waited for someone in the hospital Dr. Oliver there’s nothing to do the chairs are cold and hard and you have to sit and wait not knowing how your loved one is doing, you feel helpless,” Luke tried again drawing on all the times he had spent in a hospital waiting room.

“Well you are helpless,” Reid replied sarcastically, “That doesn’t mean they need video games and popcorn machines, Mr. Snyder, the patient is the most important, not the family,” Reid argued back watching Luke moving into full outrage mode.

Luke drew a big calming breath, “Dr. Oliver the family is the support system for the patient and need to be taken care of as well,” Luke continued to argue as they stepped onto the elevator.

Suddenly the elevator stopped with a jerk, “What’s wrong?” Reid asked his voice ending in a squeak.

“Oh, don’t worry Dr. Oliver this happens all the time, its landmarked,” Luke explained calmly.

“Landmarked, the elevator is landmarked?” Reid asked in disbelief feeling a little sweaty and tugging at his tie, which suddenly felt too tight.

“No, the whole building is landmarked, don’t worry they’ll have us out in just a little while,” Luke reassured Reid.

Reid looked at Luke like he was crazy, and started pounding on the door yelling, “Hey, we’re stuck in here!!!”

“Dr. Oliver it’s not going to help, just relax,” Luke told him noticing Reid was sweating, “Are you okay Dr. Oliver?  Are you claustrophobic?”

“I just don’t like tight spaces,” Reid admitted wiping his upper lip his voice wavering.

“Ah, c’mon the great Dr. Oliver is afraid of something, don’t worry the walls aren’t closing in and we won’t crash down see,” Luke started jumping up and down, trying to prove that they wouldn’t plunge to their death.

“Are you nuts, stop that!” Reid yelled and grabbed Luke’s arm to stop him.

Luke looked closer seeing the sweat and hearing the panting breath of someone in a panic attack.

“Yeah, this will be great fodder for the water cooler chat’s, genius doctor cracks up in broken elevator,” he managed to get out between gasps.

“Okay, Dr. Oliver, let’s try and relax, think of someplace you like, it will help calm you down,” Luke told him in a quieter, softer voice.

“What is this Mr. Snyder some pop psychology you read in a magazine in your dentists office?” Reid replied sarcastically.

“If it works then okay,” Luke told him moving closer.

Reid’s eyes were closed and he was tapping his head with his finger, “Okay I got it, I found a place.”

“Okay, where is it?” Luke asked Reid could feel Luke’s body close beside him.

“The brain,” he replied, Luke chuckled at his response, “If I told you I was in a beautiful meadow with tadpoles and dancing cows you’d know I’d be lying,” Reid answered truthfully.

“So what’s so special about the brain?  What does it look like?” Luke asked, noting the slower breathing and less agitation of Reid.

“They’re all different it looks like a mass of grey spaghetti, but it can make us walk, talk, fall in love, it’s responsible for the Sistine Chapel, chocolate, Godfathers I and II, not so sure about three though,” Reid told Luke his eyes closed, his voice soft but firm.

He finally opened his eyes startled to see a pair of brown amused eyes staring back at him, a smile lit up Luke’s face, “It’s working,” he said quietly, his fingers reaching up and touching Reid’s forehead and along his jaw, “You’re not sweating and your breathing is close to normal.”

“Luke,” Reid said his breath catching as he looked into the beautiful brown eyes.

Luke’s eyes widened and his mouth opened leaning in and capturing Reid’s mouth in a soft hesitant kiss.  The sudden beeping of the pager made them jump apart.

“Shit it’s a 911 page, neuro trauma, I need to get out of here,” Reid swore, the kiss, the elevator, Luke it was almost too much and he could feel the panic starting again but then the elevator moved and the doors popped open.

“Are you okay?” a service man asked.

“Yes, yes we are,” Luke, answered breathlessly unable to comprehend what he had just done and why.

“Luke,” Reid said again, “I have to go, thank-you,” he murmured with a small smile and they headed to the car.

They were silent on the way to the hospital each man deep in their own thoughts.   Luke dropped Reid off at the ER doors, Reid taking one last look at him cupped the side of Luke’s face.

“Go,” Luke said and Reid nodded with a tiny smile.

Carly and Janet were waiting outside the room and Janet went over to Reid asking him to take care of Dusty and how he was a great man.

“Oh, okay, he could be a serial killer and I’d still operate an him,” Reid said looking at the chart and heading to the OR.

“Some bedside manner,” Carly said with a frown.

Luke came up behind them and reassured Carly and Janet that Reid was the best and Dusty was in good hands.  Luke was wandering the halls not sure why he was waiting for Reid but he felt they had some unfinished business.  He found Noah sitting outside in the waiting area for Reid’s patients.

“Hey Luke is that you?” Noah asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, Noah, it’s me are you waiting for Re.. I mean Dr. Oliver?” Luke corrected himself.

“Yeah, I have an appointment with him why are you here?” he questioned, he thought he heard Luke start to call Dr. Oliver Reid but that didn’t make any sense.

“Uhm, I was with Dr. Oliver when he was paged for an emergency neuro-trauma, he’s going to miss your appointment,” Luke explained rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness.

“Oh, okay, uhm, why were you with Dr. Oliver?” he asked quietly wondering why Luke was acting so strange.

“Well, actually I need to tell you something, I’m donating money from the foundation to build the new neurowing and Dr. Oliver and I are working on it together,” Luke explained to Noah, happy to let him know about his generosity, “Okay, Noah, say it, I’m interfering and you’d wish I’d stop.”

“Oh Luke, that’s great news, you’re donation will be able to help so many people,” Noah gushed and Luke stood in shock that Noah was so okay with it, “I’m not sure how you’re going to be able to work with Dr. Oliver though, that may prove to cause some problems.”

“Ah, well we’re grown men we’ll try to get along,” Luke replied his insides churning with how he was feeling for Reid, who appeared a few minutes later.

He smiled over at Luke, “Quick and dirty, just like I like it.”

Luke blushed another image popping into his brain and he shook it away, “So Dusty’s going to be okay?” he asked.

“Oh, is that his name, yep, he’ll be fine and have a nice scar on the back of his head,” Reid smiled as he spoke to Luke, he was feeling energized and having Luke to brag to made him feel even better, he was about to grab Luke’s hand when Noah came up and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Wow, Dr. Oliver, you saved Dusty Donovan, you’re amazing,” he said with a chuckle.

“Yes, yes I am ” Reid replied honestly.

“And modest, let’s not forget modest,” Luke added with a smile.

“Why, I’m good at what I do and now Mr. Donovan will live to see another day,” Reid bragged unapologetically.

“Well thank-you Dr. Oliver, I’m going to reschedule my appointment,” Noah said and turned away.

“Hey, thanks for earlier,” Reid told Luke again.

“Oh, forget it, it was nothing,” Luke shrugged tugging on his ear self-consciously.

“Oh, I intend to forget it, just not all of it, Luke,” he replied quietly looking into Luke’s eyes before turning to check in on his patient.

Then a man stepped up to him in the hall and asked, “Are you Dr. Oliver?”

“Who wants to know?” Reid replied in his usual way.

“You’re being served, sir,” and he handed Reid a packet of papers and left.

dr. reid oliver, atwt, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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