A Deal's a Deal: Part VII

Nov 28, 2012 21:53

Title: A Deal’s a Deal, Part VII 
Author: sajaal
Characters: Dr. Reid Oliver, Luke Snyder, Casey Hughes, Henry Coleman, Noah Mayer, Katie Snyder mentioning of other ATWT characters and some others that I’ve added for the fun of it.
Rating: Pg 13-R,
Disclaimers: Not mine I mean no harm.  All mistakes are mine and I apologize for my editing skillsJ

Summary:  Luke has made a deal with Reid to stay away from him at the hospital, but it’s not working and they end up spending more time together.

A/N:  I’ve decided to continue with this one, the next parts have a lot of history but I’m adding a few new characters and changing some of the events (for the better LOL), I hope you enjoy my take on the beginning of LUREJ  A big shout out to lemondrop for helping me with my focus…I now know where it’s going to end so enjoy the journey.

Part VII

Luke had changed his shirt three times before settling on a light blue dress shirt opened at the neck and narrow black slacks.  Jessy and Ken liked everyone to dress-up a little and Luke didn’t mind after his past few days he needed this, some good food and some good conversation.  He enjoyed spending time with Jessy and Ken, no pressure just a couple of friends to hang out and talk books and writing with, they were older but Luke liked that about them they were so down to earth and easy to be around.

Reid was buttoning his maroon dress shirt and tucking it in a pair of black jeans, when Katie walked in and gave him a look, “Where are you going?” she asked, admiring his wide shoulders, “Why are all the good looking ones gay?” she thought wistfully.

“I’ve actually been invited to a dinner party by the owner of the bookstore in Old Towne,” Reid told Katie proudly.

“Well, good for you, Ken and Jessy are great guys, Ken is a freelance columnist and teaches a few courses at Oakdale U, Jessy was in marketing and advertising before coming to Oakdale,” Katie explained to Reid an amused expression on her face.

“What?” Reid asked, trying to act natural.

“Uhm, you don’t usually socialize and meet people, why are you really going?” she asked her eyes narrowing at him.

Reid sighed and told her about the funding shortfall and the possibility that Luke might be there.  Katie arched a brow at him, “I heard about Metro, what exactly are your motives with Luke?” she asked cautiously.

“Metro was a mistake that I don’t intend to repeat,” Reid told Katie, “Unless he asks,” he thought to himself.

“Luke is not your everyday trust fund brat Reid, he’s been through a lot and now this break-up with Noah…” Katie trailed off not sure how much she should say.

“Hank gave me the Reader’s Digest version of Mr. Snyder, so I do know some of his background,” Reid explained, “Don’t worry I only want his money,” he told her kissing her cheek and grabbing his leather jacket and keys, “Don’t wait up,” he added as he went out the door.

Luke was in deep conversation with Ken in his study and didn’t see Reid come in and head to the food that was spread out buffet style.  Ken and Jessy wanted their guests to mingle and laid out a bunch of good food, which allowed people to graze.  Reid filled a plate and then stood to watch the people in the room.

“So who are you?” a petite blonde woman asked Reid.

“I’m Dr. Reid Oliver,” Reid responded politely smirking to himself, “See you can be nice if you want to be, Oliver,” he thought.

“Ah, yes Amy has told me about you,” Carrie replied giving him a look up and down, “Yep Amy was right, her gaydar was good.”

“Amy?” Reid inquired.

“Amy McIntosh, she’s a trauma nurse in the ER at Memorial and my girlfriend,” Carrie explained with a small smile, “I’m Carrie Fleming, I’m an accountant with World Wide,” she added holding her hand out to Reid.

Reid wiped his hand on his jeans and shook Carrie’s hand, “Nice to meet you Carrie, so is this the meeting place of all the gay and lesbians of Oakdale?” he asked sarcastically, he could only be polite and make small talk for so long before he broke.

Carrie laughed, taking no offense, “No actually Mitch and Lynn,” she pointed at a couple talking to another couple, “and Jen and Carl are hetero couples and they’re invited, Jessy and Ken just like to bring like minded people together.

“Hmmpf,” Reid responded, his mouth full, his gaze kept drifting to Luke who was sitting on the arm of a chair, his back to Reid.

“I see,” Jessy said coming up beside Reid.

Reid turned and quirked and eyebrow at the older man, “What do you see?” he inquired, removing his gaze from Luke’s direction.

“The real reason you came here tonight, when are you going to tell him?” Jessy asked with a smile.

“Tell who what?” Reid looked at the man beside him in confusion as Carrie wandered off a small smile on her lips as well.

“When are you going to tell Luke Snyder that you like him?” Jessy turned and looked directly at Reid.

Reid’s eyes widened and he retorted, “I don’t like Mr. Snyder, I just need his money.”

“Keep telling yourself that Dr. Oliver,” Jessy laughed as he walked a way.

Ken came out of the study but Luke was no, where to be seen.  Ken walked over to Reid, he was shorter than Reid about 5’9” with black curly hair and deep blue eyes, with a wide smile and he came over his hand outstretched.

“Welcome, Dr. Oliver, I’m Ken Chapal it was great of you to come tonight, I guess welcome to Oakdale as well,” Ken told Reid with chuckle.

Reid grabbed Ken’s hand absently and asked, “Where’s Mr. Snyder?”

Ken turned and gave Reid a speculative look, “He’s still upset about Noah and left,” Ken explained.

“Oh well, thanks for the food Ken, tell Jessy that as well, goodnight,” Reid told him putting his plate down and heading to the door, Ken gaping at him as he left.

Jessy came to his side and Ken looked over, “What was that all about?” he inquired.

“Not sure babe, but it could prove interesting,” Jessy said with a smile.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief he’d caught a glimpse of Reid in the dining room and was able to slip out when Ken went to talk to him. He’d had enough of Dr. Reid Oliver today and his emotional state was too fragile to deal with his snark again.

The next day Luke wasn’t as fortunate, he was sitting in Java minding his own business when Reid walked in.

“Oh you’re here, great, I missed you last night, I’m glad I found you today,” Reid babbled pleasantly.

Luke looked up in wonder and he opened his mouth gaping like a fish but he couldn’t formulate any words before Reid sat down.

“So how’s the boyfriend?” Reid asked completely freaking him out.

“Uhm, we broke up and you see him more than I do,” Luke told him in exasperation.

“Oh yeah, right, well he’s fine, Noah if you’re wondering,” Reid replied and smiled.

“What are you doing?” Luke asked shaking his head.

“I’m being nice,” Reid explained.

“Well stop you’re creeping me out and you don’t do nice, obviously you want something, so ask I’ll say no and we can go on as usual,” Luke offered trying to get past this strange version of Dr. Oliver.

“Okay, the neurowing is going to suck,” Reid finally blurted out.

“What do you mean, I thought you had designed a state of the art facility, your own personal playground,” Luke taunted Reid.

“Henry’s money can only cover so much and we need more to be able to create a facility with the level of expertise I was planning,” Reid explained with a sigh.

“So you want my money that’s all?” Luke asked shocked and amused at the same time.

“Yeah, and there’s no reason that we can’t get along,” Reid said trying to appease Luke.

“Richie Rich and the genius asshole doctor, I’m not sure that will work,” Luke replied giving Reid the, are you out of your mind look.

“Yeah, well you know I didn’t mean that stuff I said,” Reid shrugged in dismal.

“Yes you did, you never say anything you don’t mean Dr. Oliver,” Luke quipped in return.

Reid was about to reply when he was paged and had to go back to the hospital leaving Luke to mull over what he had said.  He called his foundation executor and told him of the project and went over to the office to finalize the documentation.  He didn’t want to think about his motivation to help Dr. Oliver, “It’s for Memorial and making sure that Noah gets his surgery,” Luke told himself.

“Hey Dr. Oliver,” Luke said as he found him at the hospital,” Well it’s happening.”

“Pardon?” Reid asked in surprise seeing Luke again.

“I’ve spoken with executor of my foundation and we will make up the shortfall and cover the costs of the neurowing, just send the budget over to my office,” Luke explained with a smile, “You’re welcome,” he added.

“Wow, thank-you,” Reid replied in shock.

“But I have a few conditions,” Luke continued, “Noah is not to know my foundation is involved and I want to be part of the decision making process.”

“I won’t tell Noah, but I don’t think it’s a good idea that we work together,” Reid told Luke honestly.

“These are non-negotiable conditions Dr. Oliver,” Luke replied with a smile, “Besides you told me we should try to get along better,” Luke paused and held out his hand, his brown eyes looking intently into Reid’s blue ones as Reid shook it.

Reid felt himself swallow hard and nod his head in affirmation, before turning away to help a patient.

dr. reid oliver, atwt, !author|artist: sajaal, luke snyder, fanfiction, lure

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