Title: Older Ghosts
Author: Kubaru Suki
Prompt: #7, Ghosts
Time: 16:16
Author's Note: Yeah. I don't know what's up with it either. In my own defense, I've been writing JE boyband fic while I've been gone. I think that counts for something.
Older Ghosts )
Comments 6
I like the first one too... the jagged rhythm of it seems very appropriate. "Walking on eggshells." (Heh, Hakkai comes pre-ghostified; that's convenient ^__~)
I wouldn't have guessed the author of these was braindead. Makes me want to see you at the top of your game, heheh ♥
The whole concept of the second one is so great.
First Squadron, Gojyo discovers, is thrilled to meet Hakkai.
Yes, I bet they are! I'd love to see this story idea developed into something longer too, because it's so fascinating.
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