So, I've been wondering... what makes fanart "good"?

Mar 31, 2011 13:34

I would not consider myself anywhere near being a "good" fanartist... but you know there's those times when you look at someone's work and think: "Why is this popular?" (no, I won't provide examples, that's mean and everyone's views are different)

Then you look at others and maybe you like it but it seems other people don't?

So I'm wondering... can a piece of fanart be "good" simply because of its concept more than how well it was drawn?

What kind of criteria do you have for "judging" fanart?

Good concept/ideas?
Good or great drawing? (but then again, what do you deem "good" close to anime/manga style or is good meaning: better than you could do?) Or does it just have to be canon/correct in coloring etc?
Do you prefer digital or things that are cel-like? Manga or anime style?

I know I have a lot of questions but maybe these will help you to determine your viewpoint: (You don't have to answer all my questions in your post, just your thoughts are important)

Have you ever seen a piece you thought wasn't that great, but liked it anyway because you really liked the idea (or even just the pairing?)

Are you really picky? Do you care if other people do/don't like it/does that change your opinion at all?

I mean, this could go to cosplay as well: have you ever "liked" a cosplay more because it was your favotrie character or because (if you actually met the person) they portrayed the character well? EVEN if their costume was poorly done?

I guess part of what I'm asking is: Is it more worth it to you if the artist seemed to have tried and had a good concept/idea even if their work wasn't the best, or do you prefer the whole thing to be done well.
Let's face it, some of us are much better at some things than others, I'm just wondering what other people think makes good fanart "good"

I'm hoping there won't be some sort of huge argument here, so let's try not to give "examples" of good or bad work since it can be insulting...
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