[doctor who fic] how to snuggle with your time lady in five easy steps (3/6), pg

Feb 29, 2012 17:47

how to snuggle with your time lady in 5 easy steps
- doctor who
- river/doctor
- pg
- 1950
- for my hippie aunt; smile, bb! ilu ♥
- aka, five times river and the doctor cuddle, and one time they don't.
- i really wish this title weren't my fault. but it is. forgive me.

part one | part two

glowering: 'You know, i think after 1200 years i'd know by now how to fix my tardis.' )

character: dw - eleven, character: dw - doctor (all), genre: fluff, length: with companion, character: dw - river song, pairing: dw - river/doctor, genre: good times, fic: doctor who

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Comments 22

youve_got_wings March 1 2012, 02:38:15 UTC
So cute :D And this is the first thing I'm reading this morning so you're putting a smile on my face for the rest of the day :)


hihoplastic March 2 2012, 21:15:52 UTC
YAY! I'm so glad I could start your day off with a grin! *hugs* I hope you had a wonderful day! Thank you for reading!


betawho March 1 2012, 03:57:50 UTC
I love how the fish and the swimming pool turned out to be connector shapes on the Tardis, and how even though the Tardis is the "better pilot" she still knows less about herself than the Doctor because he's so extensively modified her over time.

And I love the pink goggles. I can just see River glowering in pink goggles.

And how the whole problem was started because he got distracted with "with- with- your hair and your- your face and- and- and other parts!"

Naughty Doctor! No nookie on the console! LOL!!

But I sort of love the image of the two of them floating in a half flooded Tardis on a cramped sofa cushion, just floating around. That's brilliant.

I've really been enjoying this series.


hihoplastic March 2 2012, 21:19:30 UTC
NGL, that was a bit of an accident - I was trying to think of something outrageously silly for the Doctor to say, and that popped into my head and, well. Then this fic happened, lol.

I love the connection between the TARDIS and River so much, and I hope they expand more on that in the next season; but as much as the TARDIS and River can communicate, I find it important to remind myself, mostly, that the Doctor has 900 years of experience in the TARDIS, and despite River's connection, he really does know the TARDIS better than anyone. (I am horribly River biased, lol, so I need to take a step back every once in a while and not make her right all the time, lol)

IKR? I would love a scene in canon with the two of them working on the TARDIS together. SO MUCH CUTE.

Heheee I couldn't resist that. River IS very distracting, so. It's not really his fault. ;)

Thank you so so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying it all! ♥


gidget_zb March 1 2012, 05:47:39 UTC
kjashkajshakjshdakjsdhas oh god their banter is PITCH PERFECT. I LOVE IT.


hihoplastic March 2 2012, 21:20:00 UTC


(The comment has been removed)

hihoplastic March 2 2012, 21:20:19 UTC
Mine too. They are so adorbs. :D


vickysg1 March 1 2012, 10:41:42 UTC
That was a fantastic fic! And he flooded the Tardis! *giggles* He's lucky River loves him and she didn't try to drown him!

"Oh, so when she misbehaves she's my ship, but when she does what you want--"
This is so them to argue like that! And River's actually right. Usually, the Doctor is the one responsible for the Tardis' misbehaviour!


hihoplastic March 2 2012, 21:22:08 UTC
Hee, thank you bb!! Well, in his defense, they both kind of flooded the TARDIS. And it's not like the TARDIS helped them out much, lmao. She probably wanted them to cuddle. *nods*

Hee, they are so married it is ridiculous. I LOVE IT. (Also, that is something my parents say all the time, lmao. "When she's being immature, she's YOUR daughter" etc etc lolol)


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