Title: Only Love
Rating: PGish
Pairing: Aiba/Ohno
Disclaimer: I guess Johnny’s technically owns Arashi, huh? Not me.
Summary: Aiba was in love before Arashi even existed.
Note: Not betaed. This is for
deelovesryo, who donated to the
fundraising for Japan drive on
arashi_on. Thank you! More not quite drabbles. Also, I don't pretend to know everything that happened
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Comments 20
and i had too read the 2nd one again, cause i got a little confused XDD
It's different when you read it the second time, right?
Thanks for reading and commenting!
The second was hilarious. :)
As for the second one, I had to read this part...
"In fact, he knew everything about Aiba, to a point where it would have been creepy had he not been his computer.
Well, technically, laptop-the luckiest laptop in the world,..."
...over again! XD
I was like wait a minute~ 0.o
Haha! That's the best! XD
Thanks for sharing! <3
I'm glad my surprise worked. ^__^ When you read it again it goes from "Aw, cute Ohba!" to "Oh, Aiba's just a pervert." Haha.
Thanks for reading and your comment!
the first one is really cute xD
I liked that line too, if only because it's the only actual sexual part seen in the whole thing, haha. When I first heard Sho talking about this scene, I immediately knew that they worked each other up and that's why they ended up crying, and I thought it was so cute, so when you mentioned it I knew I had to include it.
For the second one, I knew it would be a little off, because there is very little interaction between them, but I wondered how it would be read. I hope it didn't just end up being confusing... =A=
Anyway, thanks for your donation and your feedback!! <3
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