[MOD] Fundraising for Japan

Mar 11, 2011 18:40

As many of you may know already, Japan was rocked by a massive 8.9 magnitude (some accounts claim 8.8 or 9.0) earthquake and tsunami, and will continue to suffer from aftershocks and further tsunami dangers even as they work hard to evacuate, rescue and eventually begin to rebuild. Hundreds are already reported to be dead, with still more missing and injured.

Since the previous fundraiser for Haiti was so successful, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in giving it another go this time with Japan? It's true that as fans scattered all over the world who have only gathered here out of a mutual love for Arashi, banding together to support the cause may seem difficult. But wouldn't it be great if we manage to succeed, and not only that, but also do it by continuing our contributions to fandom the way we already have?

For those unfamiliar with the previous fundraiser, it essentially works like a local bazaar or marketplace where fans can offer up or "sell" their services, such as graphics, translations, subs and more, for small amounts of money and others can "buy" them, with all the proceeds going into one account for donations. I will then donate all the money collected to one or two legitimate charity organizations, with Red Cross being one of them (if there is another organization you think is legitimate and would be a great cause to donate to, please let me know!).

I think the problem is, at least it is the case with me, while some of us want to donate, we don't always have much to donate with, and only chipping in with like $2 or $5 seems way too measly and almost embarrassing when the suggested minimums are usually $20 or more. This way people can donate without feeling like their contributions don't help, because if all goes well it'll add up to a pretty nice sum of money. And you'll get something "free" out of it!

This fundraiser is not limited to just Arashi fandom, but any Johnny's fans who are intersted too!

If you're interested, please click on the cut for further details!

Before I begin, thank you for expressing enough interest to keep reading. Any interest is better than no interest, even if you end up not helping up in any way, so thank you! Please read the following for details on how to sell and buy goods in the community:


Anyone who feels they have something to offer can pitch in.

Do you make icons for fun? Wallpapers? Do you write fics? Sub files, scan magazines, translate articles, draw chibi!Arashi in your free time? I'm serious when I say that anything and everything is welcome.

This is the form for people who are offering, broken down one by one with further explanation:

Name: (Put your nickname or username here.)
Email address: (If you're uncomfortable about putting your email address out in public, please put "PM me" instead, and make sure your privacy options are not enabled.)
My contributions to fandom are: (You can also list fandom journals/comms for things such as fics, graphics and translations here if applicable.)
I am willing to: (List here what sorts of things you are willing to do to donate to the cause.)
I am not willing to: (This is where you can mention pairing, rating or any other restrictions that are applicable.)
Other fandoms: (I strongly encourage listing any other fandoms you're into and are willing to write/make icons/etc. for!)
Other information (optional): (Anything else you think the buyer may need to know, for example, if you're only taking in orders from a maximum of five people so you won't overwhelm yourself.)
Pricing: (How much you're looking to get for what you're offering, which may vary depending on what you're doing. Try to ask within the range of $1~$10 USD though, because I do realize much of fandom are either young or broke.)
Timeframe: (About how long it's going to take you to complete what you're offering.)

For your convenience, you can copy and paste the following codes when you comment:

Email address:

My contributions to fandom are:

I am willing to:

I am not willing to:

Other fandoms:

Other information (optional):



When someone replies to your offer and sends their money to the email address set up for this very purpose, I will inform you in a new comment about it so you can start working. On the other hand, please do not feel hurt if no one comments to your offer! This is a fundraising effort, not a popularity contest, and there may not be enough money to go around. :)


All Arashi-related offers have now been moved here.

All offers pertaining to groups outside of Arashi have been added here.


If you're interested in buying, just browse through the above offers to see if anything catches your eye. Once you find something, leave a comment or email/PM them to express your interest along with any questions you may have. Please don't back out after commenting to buy something, as that can be frustrating for sellers! You can, however, discuss the rates with the sellers in private.

Whether this effort is going to be a flop or a success depends heavily on you, the members of this community. I don't think I can stress this enough. It won't work without anyone offering to donate their time and effort, and likewise, nothing will happen if no one donates any money. Again, this is all going towards a very good cause; I'm not going to take the money and run, and I will for sure obtain a receipt and scan it for the entire community to see when I've closed donations and sent them the money.

Anyway, I will be posting periodic reminders and updates to the community about this fundraiser. Like before, I'm going to keep our goals modest and aim for around $200 by the end of March, but of course it would be absolutely awesome if we can go over that.

Feel free to pimp this out on your flists, ask any questions or offer suggestions, and again, thank you for reading all this! I hope we can really band together and come up with something that would make Arashi proud again. ♥

If you have any questions at all regarding the fundraiser, please refer to the FAQ first to see if your question has been answered already!

This fundraiser will be ending on March 31st. Thank you for your generosity and interest, everyone!

!mod post, !fundraiser

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