Title: Ohno in Wonderland: The Hatter and the Cheshire
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jun/Aiba
Disclaimer: I guess Johnny’s technically owns Arashi, huh? Not me.
Summary: Aiba recovers after Ohno goes home.
Note: Not betaed. This is for
alexxasick, who donated to the
fundraising for Japan drive on
arashi_on. Thank you and sorry for the wait!
Also, this is part of the Ohno
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Comments 20
When I read Ohno in Wonderland, Aiba and Jun felt like really close friends, but I wondered if maybe they could be more than that. Especially, since Ohno went back to his Jun. So, I'm really glad you wrote this!
Thanks for sharing! :D
Yep, they've always been close friends (although in my head Jun didn't have any other friends besides Aiba, Nino and Touma XD But that never came out since he liked Ohno so much... but anyway, that's beside the point) and I always like to write a little flirting with everyone, so it worked out even though I didn't intend it to initially.
Thanks for reading and letting me know what you think!
I love it!!! it was perfect :D a lot more than I had in mind!! I read it b4 going to work but couldn't comment 'till now thanks again ^.^
Aaah, I always tell you the same but I really really love your smut full of meaning and feelings and carefully created atmosphere and I LOVE your Aiba-Jun to pieces <3
Thanks for sharing and thanks to the person that requested it!
Thanks for reading and you lovely comment! Yours is coming up so please be patient! ^__^
I have it in my kindle xD but my mother has commandeered it I love it so much xD and it's not that I don't love kokoro shinobu and kokoro ishi because I do o.o but I miss you writing this kind of stories too xD
I know how you feel I haven't been writing much either -_-' I've got a second job and my first job is demanding too much time from me! O_O I spend every of my free moments studying cuz I'm taking the JLPT N5 in December and I want to write, I miss writing and even have a story I've been toying with for a while but I just cannot find the time!
Well good news for your then because I'm 90% done with the sequel to "After School" which is over the top smut. >__>; Although who knows how long it'll take to post. I think the end product is satisfactory, but it took a lot more effort to write it than usual.
I have been a little pressed for time recently, but it's more due to the fact that I don't feel like writing, or even reading much for that matter. I'm not sure why, or how to fix it. :\ I suppose I'm just burn out again, although it's been a few months now since I've written anything substantial.
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