Oct 31, 2007 22:26
There are three coordinated newcomers in the Nexus. Coordinated in the sense that their attire matches--less so in their relation to one another. In point of fact, they seem to be arguing.
"--doesn't even look like the Internet!" "Well, how would you know? Have you ever gone on the internet before?" "Doublestuff's got a point." "Still, I was expecting something out of Tron, not... this." "Dude, have you played World of Warcraft? This is the true face of the internet." "Ugh, fine! If this is your vaunted advice community, then the Monarch shall use it!"
Turning to address the masses, the Monarch (for who else could it be?) raises his nasal voice in a bid for attention. "Puny sages, the mighty Monarch demands your attention! I come to you with the dilemma of a happily married man: my former obsession--to wit, annihilating one bumbling ass named Dr. Venture for having the stones to cross me in my youth--is no longer an option. It was a solemn oath. Now that the honeymoon is over, how am I going to fill my time, without an archenemy to vanquish?"
((The Monarch has gone off to rant and rave somewhere else for a while, but rest assured, he shall return! ...and answer all tags then.))