Title: The Lost Letters of Legolas
Under title: Muin Aragorn, (Dear Aragorn)
Chapter/part: 3/30, each one will be a letter done for
10_lettersRating: PG-13
Fandom: LOTR
Character: Legolas and to who ever he written to
Prompt: # 3 Black , 30 a general
http://sagaluthien.livejournal.com/249869.htmlAuthor's Notes: Set after film/books
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Muin Aragorn,
I do not know who I would turn to. One part of me does not want to bother you either, knowing that you are troubled by your own worries. But I also know you probably would understand me best as we did share the horror of the war together.
To get any rest I felt that I had to write of my angst. I know I might be able to have turned to one of my elven friends here, especially one of those that I was raised with, but that is not the same. I feel they can not comprehend the things I have gone through. I met creatures I never could have dreamt of meeting. Add to that all that went into fight even if there as not much hope to survive and then not live to see the victory.
The thing is that I seem to be plagued by nightmares. Most of them include things from Moria, Helms Deep, the Path of the Dead and that we where so close to death in front of the Black Gates. You do play a great part in them, and again and again I am losing you. I do have learned that as a man you will not live forever and I have to accept that one day you are not with us any more.
I do not want you to die. I have lost too many already that have come to mean so much for me. I just wish it to stop. I believe the fear I feel have make my dreams increase, as well that I know the time is closer to running out for you. If I could change anything I would granted you immortality. You are worthy more than ten times that. Knowing you, you would deny it, but that is a part of you.
Among the troubles I experience is also the loneliness. I have come to understand that comes from that I have not found anyone to share my life with. I do not want to believe that I am not capable of love. There is a few that has past in my life, it is just the right one have not come. If I had found my hearts desire, maybe I would not feel so lonely. There are things friends can not fill. Even if you are surrounded by men and elves you somehow get reminded all the time there is something missing in your life.
Maybe you think this would not affect me, though that I can ensure is some of the misconceptions there are about elves. We are not totally without of emotions of things that happen, though you know that. We have our down moments too. For me it just seems to have stayed so much longer. I think it will in the end make me to not be the one that can lead the elves here.
I have not either forgotten what Galadriel said when we were in Lorien. I think I hear the seagulls more for everyday and it is so hard to resist... Have you any suggestion to how I should handle the things?
I laiss e-guil lîn av-firitha, Legolas
(Muin = dear
I laiss e-guil lîn av-firitha= May the leaves of your life never die)