Back To A Normal Life
Title: Back To A Normal Life
Prequel/Sequel/snap-shot: Of
When Things Turned Out Differently 'VerseAuthor
missnegreenwood aka
sagaluthienFandom, Character(s)/Pairing: SPN, Sam Winchester,
Rating & Warning: PG-13, au, blind!Sam
Theme/table: Angst-Fest
Table for 2011 nano challenge.
Prompt(s): # 4 Alone
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, not any of it's characters and make no profit from this work.
Author's Notes: If this seem familiar it been posted unbetad around the time I did write it. This is another snap-shot in blind!Sam!verse. Some is done 2010 and you got a
Masterpost at the missnegreenwood journal, for all and eventually reading order. Or you can go to the When Things Turned Out Differently verse post.
Summary: Sam tries to learn the times he actually is alone.
There weren't many times he was left alone so when it happened he cherished the moments. It had taken some time for him to figure out when they dared to leave him. He didn't like that they didn't trust him to manage things.
He'd grown up learning how to do things. He knew of course then he hadn't been blind. There were things he needed to learn how to handle without his sight, but he didn't think he would learn faster with them trying to make it easier for him all of the time.
The times they would leave him was when he took a nap or went to bed, so he used that as an excuse, pretending to lie down to rest. When they came back they usually knocked so he heard when they were back.
When he had his time alone he work on managing to do things. One day he wanted to live a normal life as possible. One he could live by himself.