Ball Belly Baby 1/1

Jun 18, 2012 11:34

Ball Belly Baby

Titel: Ball Belly Baby
Author: Sagaluthien Saga Chriztine
Fandom, Characters: RPS, Jensen/Jared
Rating, warning: NC-17, au, mpreg
Beta: Jane Doe
Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for a little, with no intention to intimate or degrade. There has not been any profit to this.
Author's Note: First, is this written for chubwinchesters and their Drabble-a-thon. Found here.
Wished prompt: Jensen or Dean is already heavy and overweight when he's knocked up with Jared or Sam's baby(s).

Summary: Jensen has increased in weight and is happy as Jared is supporting. Even if they concerned by the last months extra gaining.

Life was good. That was what Jensen thought and many would say so about him as well according to his look. There was no question that Jensen loved food. Anyone would say he was obese, or as he and Jared rather said, heavy overweight.

Jensen was lucky that Jared didn't complain or get bothered of what other people said about Jensen. He couldn't have had a better boyfriend. No matter what seemed to happen, Jared was at Jensen's side and supportive.

Maybe that was more than luck when Jensen, after a few day's of sickness, seemed to come into a ravenous period where all he seemed to do was eat. Jared teased him about his need to gain what he lost. Jensen didn't listen, which he seldom did. If he had he probably wouldn't have looked like he did.

When the ravenous period seemed to stay for a long time, Jensen gained weight and a lot of his loose clothes started to look small.

A few months later when Jensen had complained he had heartburn which he had never had a problem with before, and at the same time his back seemed to be in pain, Jared managed to get him to a doctor.

The doctor examined Jensen carefully and tried to nicely say that he would probably feel better if he could lose some weight. When he came to palpate his stomach, which stood up quite well when Jensen laid on his back and did not feel totally soft, the doctor got hesitant. He felt little more and then excused himself to get some more equipment.

The doctor asked a few more question as he smeared some gel on Jensen's stomach. Jensen tried to answer as best as he could, even if the questions seemed weird. The doctor took his time. When Jensen started to move more constantly he stopped and asked if he could leave a urine sample and after that he would talk to them.

Jensen had no problem with leaving a sample. He had always joked with Jared that any liquid ran straight through him. Now more than ever. Both were nervous to hear what the doctor would come back with.

Sitting waiting Jensen took hold of Jared's hand and with the other stroked his round stomach. He felt some heartburn and he thought his stomach was acting up. Jared tried to get him relaxed and said everything would work out.

It was hard to tell what the doctor had to tell them when he came back. Jensen squished Jared's hand. When the doctor said what he had seen and felt both were speechless. They had never thought it would be possible for them to become parents without adopting. They had known with Jensen's weight there would not have been a big chance.

Coming home they had to celebrate and Jensen felt more calm knowing the reason behind how he was feeling. It was a relief it wasn't anything life treating.

Laying in bed Jared stroke Jensen's belly and said; "So that's what your ball belly is!"

~*~*~ The End ~*~*~

paring:jared/jensen, rating:nc-17, kink:mpreg, community:chubwinchesters, fandom:real people, type:au, challenge:drabble-a-thon, character:jared padalecki, character:jensen ackles

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