Dozen Cupcakes
Title: Dozen Cupcakes
Author: Sagaluthien Saga Chriztine
Fandom, Characters: SPN, Dean (fat!Dean)
Rating, warning: PG-13, indulging
Beta: Random_spn_fic
Disclaimer: I just borrowed them for a little, with no intention to intimate or degrade. There has not been any profit to this.
Author's Note: Taken from one of the wishes from
chubwinchesters and their Drabble-a-thon.
Found here.Is set in my fat!Dean verse
Here is links to all of the stories in the verse.Wished prompt: Dean/cupcakes. Simple as that.
Summary: Dean thinks cupcakes is one of the best things.
Dean loved that he had so many women coming over with home baked cookies, cakes and other food. There were two things that satisfied him; he loved the attention and he loved that he still had the attraction. He could flirt with them, even if he preferred Sam in bed. The other thing he loved was, of course, all the food they came with.
He had no problem talking with them, letting them see the joy of eating what they made for him. He also allowed those that dared to touch him. Some of them seemed to really like his size and rubbing his belly. When they rubbed it they did seem to be in heaven. One part of it was also the convenience to not need to buy all the food he craved.
Now he was sitting watching Oprah and eating the rest of the cupcakes Jane had left him. He had eaten at least five or six of them when she had come over for a little chat. The ones he ate now were the rest of the dozen she came with, all filled with different fillings of berries, vanilla custard and chocolate cream. After each one he ate he licked his fingers to get even the smallest crunch eaten.
One part of him felt little bad, that he would have eaten them all and not have saved any for Sam. He tried to persuade himself that next time he would be able to save some for his brother, now, however, he just let them satisfy him.
~*~*~ The End ~*~*~